I'd rate your list, but it would be a pretty boring "not my thing, not my thing, not my thing" kind of affair ;)
I will say though that I think both Dragonforce and Morbid Angel are fucking swell as.
Just to let everyone know that i'm not a complete nu-metal sympathiser, here is a list of what's been spinning on my virtual CD as of late (yeah, there's some xcorex in there, eat my piss). Nothing here is really fucking underground or what have you, I just try to enjoy music without getting caught up in the recently fashionable trend of being a fan of a band which has 7 listeners :)
-All Shall Perish
-Anal Bleeding
-Anal Cunt
-Anal Stench
-Anorexia Nervosa
-Bane Of Existence
-Behold!...The Arctopus
-Beneath The Massacre
-Blood Red Throne
-Bound And Gagged
-Cannibal Corpse
-Cephalic Carnage
-Cerebral Effusion
-Commit Suicide
-Decrepit Birth
-Dying Fetus
-Foreskin Fester
-Guttural Secrete
-Hate Eternal
-Human Mincer
-Infected Malignity
-Ingurgitating Oblivion
-Insidious Decrepancy
-Internal Bleeding
-Intestinal Strangulation
-Job For A Cowboy
-Last Days Of Humanity
-Malevolent Creation
-Meat Shits
-Misery Index
-Morbid Angel
-Napalm Death
-Pig Destroyer
-Pungent Stench
-Severe Torture
-Severed Saviour
-Sleep Terror
-Spawn Of Possession
-Suicide Silence
-Terminally Your Aborted Ghost
-The Day Everything Became Nothing
-The Dillinger Escape Plan
-The Red Chord
-To Separate The Flesh From The Bones
-Vaginal Carnage
-Vital Remains
-Waco Jesus
-Waking The Cadaver