At 5/13/06 08:34 PM, CptnJarrrrrydn wrote:
Iron Fist, I've been listening to metal for 7 or 8 years.
If listening to Despised Icon and other metalcore/goregrind bands makes me a n00b, then I don't care. I feel sorry for people like you who clinically over analyse music to the point where they can't enjoy anything.
Ghoul, I started out on bands like Korn back when I was 11. Then I got into stuff like Amorphis. Then started getting into CC/Deicide style death metal. I even progressed onto black metal for a while. And there was probably a 3 or 4 year gap in my life when I absolutely despised anything core or nu. But I'm over that now. If I like a certain type of music, I'm going to listen to it.
I hate it when people who don't know enough about a genre comment on how it's all the same, the same over-used riffs, the same vocals etc, because that is a pile of shit. I could say the exact same for black metal, but I don't, because I don't know enough about the genre, and it's not the music I listen to.
I don't "clinically overanalyze" music. I think you people just fail to realize that Despised Icon are boring and generic. That's not me over-analyzing the band. That's not me being an elitist. That's the truth. However, coming from a fan of br00tal s1ck na$ty pr0n0grafix g0re gryndk0re bullshit, I can see why you can't see that. I to know a fair bit about br00tal death metal and that entire dumbass scene, and it's full of idiot wiggers who listened to Slipknot last week and want to hear something more br00tal. Every single band sounds exactly the same, the riffs are dumb and the vocals are even worse. Again, that's the truth.
At 5/13/06 at some time, some guy wrote:
:Be quiet with your elitist bullshit Iron. It's like everytime you post that's all you're about, is how much a band sucks. I listen to the stuff you listen to, I'm not some emo, painted fingernail, eyeliner wearing mallcore kid. I know you're just stating your opinion, but the "It sucks because it's trendy" manner you present it in is quite an annoyance.
I'm not an elitist. I just don't listen to crap music. There's a difference. A big difference. In fact, I'm willing to bet that I'm by far more open-minded than any of you when it comes to music. I also never mentioned that you wear nail polish and eyeliner, you did. Got something you want to tell us?
Also, every time one of you calls me an elitist you prove that you don't know what the word elitist means. An elitist listens to bands that are only known by a few people (an "elite" few, if you will). My list of favourite bands:
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Hardly unknown, except maybe Rammer