At 5/1/06 05:31 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 5/1/06 05:25 PM, X_Imperium_X wrote:
I ordered Whoracle to complete my In Flames collection. I really just wanted it for continuity's sake, and I don't have very high hopes for it, but the price was right, so we'll see...
Whoracle is actually my favourite In Flames album. Why the low expectations?
Really? I heard it was balls from a couple of friends... Between myself and one of my better friends (who also loves metal) we have every major In Flames release besides Lunar Strain/Subterranian and the two turds between Clayman and Come Clarity. I got it to fill in the gap between Jester Race and Colony, but when I asked around a few kids said it sucked, I lowered my hopes for a decent cd, but it seems I'll have something to look forward to now...
BTW, I am still listening to "Under Thy Mighty Wings," which is really rare. Usually one song doesnt get stuck in my rotation (whole cds do, though), but I really like it, its grown on me quite a bit...
Atmosphere is important to me in music. If I dont feel anything from a cd, or if it has no integrity, I don't like it. Without atmosphere, music can't be more than simple instruments, and cant nearly be as fulfilling or enriching as it is when you submerge yourself in atmosphere.