About the earlier post on those giant concerts - Wacken sucks this year, and I'm not flying to Europe for such a bad ticket (out of all those bands, maybe 3 or 4 are really good, and 2 more more are "meh", the rest suck). The download festival looks really dumb, the only bands I would see there is Tool and Opeth, Tool because they're great prog rock and Opeth because its the ONLY decent metal band on the ticket (Lacuna Coil is bleh, and I'm not impressed by Arch Enemy any more). Alice in Chains is pretty cool, but out of all them bands, only four, maybe five are decent, and the fuckin All-American Dick Suckers are playing along with Kock (I mean...Korn). That is ultimate stupidity. And Mr. Fox, do refrain from speaking of Fred Durst in this club. Both the Download Festival and you belong in the nu-metal club.
Heavymetaler = nu-metal club. Only one metal band is not enough.
The only thing new I know about in metal is that some of my favorite bands a recording this year. I can't wait for it to come out. I'm enjoying my new Emperor cd very much.