At 2/9/06 07:06 PM, duffeknol wrote:
and this is the official mtvhell opinion about Finnland:
Don't get me started. Finland is the gayest country on the face of the Earth. That being said, I've been there twice Frown
1) their language is retarded. Don't like French? Suomi is 5783653876 times worse
I like hard languages. That's why I learned Japanese in high school.
2) yes, they call themselves Suomi
Japanese call themselves Nihonjin.
3) 99% of bands from Finland are the worst music can offer. I have only heard 2 good bands from Finnland, both of them were doom metal
Have you heard Beherit? They rock my socks. What about Kalmah? Wizzard? Children of Bodom? Impaled Nazarene? A shitload of bands too numerous to mention?
4) They live on a rock and paint their houses red. Thier land should just be given back to Russia so that we can test nuclear weapons there. Thats all their land is good for. No need to evacuate people either, the humanity won't suffer from the loss.
I live in a yellow bowl, and our houses are faded and broken down to the point that the original paint job is unrecognizeable. Personally, I know a few finns. Plus, Tuovila and ChainsawCharlie are finnish. Watch who you are talking about.
5) Finland is essentially a buffer between Sweden and Russia. They identify with Sweden so much that everyone has to learn Swedish in school. Are Swedes forced to learn suomi? No. Owned.
Well, that's because they were Swedish for about 5 centuries. Plus, EVERYONE has to learn english in this world. Who has to learn Dutch (or Flemish, or whatever language you speak)? Just the Dutch. By your logic, English>netherlands. However, that's not true.
6) Women are FUGLY there. And I mean, I haven't met a single finn chick that looked reasonably good. If you see a hot chick in Finland, make a million dollar bet she is Russian.
Women are butt ugly here in el sobrante, too. Just a bunch of fat smelly whores. In Richmond (right next door) they're ugly nigars missing several teeth, and in San Pablo (also next door) they're fat hispanic ladies, and in Pinole they're fat, wrinkled white ladies with one too many facelifts.
7) they don't have a kick ass mascot like a moose or a viking. I don't even know what they have. Trolls?
Trolls are fucking awesome. Ever heard of a band with "troll" in their name that sucked? No. Trolls are fucking awesome. And the netherlands doesn't have a cool mascot, either, just a bunch of dead people from when they opened the dikes.