At 1/25/06 08:07 AM, ChainsawCharlie wrote: Can join here?
Is there anybody who likes W.A.S.P?
Im here lol. Wots best wasp song?

At 1/25/06 08:07 AM, ChainsawCharlie wrote: Can join here?
Is there anybody who likes W.A.S.P?
Im here lol. Wots best wasp song?
At 1/25/06 08:25 AM, DiagonalLines wrote: Im here lol. Wots best wasp song?
hmm...i don't know. all are quite good...
At 1/25/06 08:33 AM, ChainsawCharlie wrote:At 1/25/06 08:25 AM, DiagonalLines wrote: Im here lol. Wots best wasp song?hmm...i don't know. all are quite good...
I like "Animal (Fuck like a beast)"
"L.O.V.E. Machine" is good too.
Blah dont really like wasp. Mediumly bearable, kinda boring....
Btw about shopping via amazon, yeah but you cant find HALF the shit you find in a nice local underground black metal shop (they are rare but they are treasure holes!)
I mean, to find that old split Kataxu did with I dont know how, you cant expect a search with amazon to be successful now can you???
Just barging in here to say I'm duffeknol
I got banned for the bazillionest time again -_-
BTW, anyone know horse the band? They play nintendocore, seriously some of the coolest music I've heard in a long time :)
Hey duff, why the fuck did you get banned... again..?
And no, never heard of them, nor of anything called nitentocore... I hope you are being sarcastic about the existance of such a genre, or I will have to find someone's shoulder to cry on...
Btw I was at the myspace page of operation winter mist... They rule so bad...
They are quite known but I dont know if all you guys have heard of them. If you havent you better check them out, they are worth.
At 1/25/06 02:51 PM, Lykaki wrote: Hey duff, why the fuck did you get banned... again..?
And no, never heard of them, nor of anything called nitentocore... I hope you are being sarcastic about the existance of such a genre, or I will have to find someone's shoulder to cry on...
I called music with deep lyrics a bit too 'emo' for me. I wasn't even serious. Poxpower doesn't understand sarcasm apperantly, and when I tried to point that out with my other account he got that one as well -_-
Oh and I wasn't kidding about nintendocore, you can totally cry out on my shoulder now :P
At 1/25/06 09:14 AM, Lykaki wrote: Blah dont really like wasp. Mediumly bearable, kinda boring....
Btw about shopping via amazon, yeah but you cant find HALF the shit you find in a nice local underground black metal shop (they are rare but they are treasure holes!)
I mean, to find that old split Kataxu did with I dont know how, you cant expect a search with amazon to be successful now can you???
Well, they had dawn of the black hearts, Dawn of Dreams, Tribute to the Black Emperor, Deteriorot, Sargeist, Tsjuder, Hordane's Land, Setherial, plus all my electronica. :)
Oh, and we don't have any "underground black metal" stores in Cali, so everything is off of the internet, mostly.
Pretty much all my friends have bad taste in Metal. All of them listen to Nu-Metal/Mallcore. Pretty muych everyone at my schoool like Nu-Metal. Anyway, can anyone reccomend some Black metal bands? I've heard a few Black Metal bands.
At 1/25/06 05:13 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Pretty much all my friends have bad taste in Metal. All of them listen to Nu-Metal/Mallcore. Pretty muych everyone at my schoool like Nu-Metal. Anyway, can anyone reccomend some Black metal bands? I've heard a few Black Metal bands.
Aborym, Antaeus, Arcturus, Averse Safira, Borknagar, Belphegor, Burzum, Craft, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Dawn, Dissection, Emperor, Enthroned, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Hecate Enthroned, Immortal, In Battle, Kvist, Krieg, Limbonic Art, Marduk, Mayhem, Nargaroth, Nordafrost, Nattefrost, O, Orphaned Child, Pervertum, Ragnarok, Rotting Christ, Sargeist, Setherial, Tsjuder, Ulver, Varathron, Xasthur
That's a pretty basic list.
Oh, and Cows is banned for 30 days, along with his alt. They discovered him posting with an alt.
At 1/25/06 05:22 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Aborym, Antaeus, Arcturus, Averse Safira, Borknagar, Belphegor, Burzum, Craft, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Dawn, Dissection, Emperor, Enthroned, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Hecate Enthroned, Immortal, In Battle, Kvist, Krieg, Limbonic Art, Marduk, Mayhem, Nargaroth, Nordafrost, Nattefrost, O, Orphaned Child, Pervertum, Ragnarok, Rotting Christ, Sargeist, Setherial, Tsjuder, Ulver, Varathron, Xasthur
That's a pretty basic list.
I think some of those are Canadian. Canada also has a lot of Black Metal bands, but I can't find them on the program i use to download songs. Which sucks.
At 1/25/06 05:51 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote:At 1/25/06 05:22 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Aborym, Antaeus, Arcturus, Averse Safira, Borknagar, Belphegor, Burzum, Craft, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Dawn, Dissection, Emperor, Enthroned, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Hecate Enthroned, Immortal, In Battle, Kvist, Krieg, Limbonic Art, Marduk, Mayhem, Nargaroth, Nordafrost, Nattefrost, O, Orphaned Child, Pervertum, Ragnarok, Rotting Christ, Sargeist, Setherial, Tsjuder, Ulver, Varathron, XasthurI think some of those are Canadian. Canada also has a lot of Black Metal bands, but I can't find them on the program i use to download songs. Which sucks.
That's a pretty basic list.
I dunno. Here's the list with the nationalities attached:
Aborym (Italy), Antaeus*, Arcturus (Norway), Averse Safira*, Borknagar (Norway), Belphegor(Austria), Burzum (Norway), Craft (Sweden), Dark Funeral (Sweden), Darkthrone (Norway), Dawn*, Dissection (Sweden), Emperor (Norway), Enthroned (Belgium), Enslaved (Norway), Gorgoroth (Norway), Hecate Enthroned*, Immortal (Norway), In Battle*, Kvist*, Krieg (American, but I'm not sure about this one), Limbonic Art (Norway), Marduk (Sweden), Mayhem (Norway), Nargaroth (Germany), Nordafrost (Germany), Nattefrost (Norway), O*, Orphaned Child*, Pervertum*, Ragnarok (Norway), Rotting Christ (Greece), Sargeist*, Setherial*, Tsjuder (Norway), Ulver (Norway), Varathron (Greece), Xasthur*
Bands with a * means I don't know where they hail from, and am too lazy to check. Go to for accurate data.
At 1/25/06 05:24 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Oh, and Cows is banned for 30 days, along with his alt. They discovered him posting with an alt.
uh oh
At 1/25/06 05:00 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Oh, and we don't have any "underground black metal" stores in Cali, so everything is off of the internet, mostly.
We don't have any either. The best music store here is called "Pop Shop" further comments needed :P
thank goodness here in the Netherlands tons of people are into metal. And good metal that is. Even the mallgoths here are fans of bands even elitists respect (Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, Dragonforce for instance)
btw, you guys like Rob Halfords' soloproject "Halford" and "Fight" (I know, TWO sucks big time) ? Just got to listen to Fight today and it's pretty damn good (INTO THE PIT! *wails*)
At 1/25/06 06:39 PM, Brain-Dead wrote: Same here. I wish there was at least ONE kid at my school who was in to "real" metal. I am so alone :(
IDK where you live, but I know for a fact that I know more about metal than anyone else at my school (at least, that I've encountered in my three years of high school) and I really don't know all that much. Being in America, real metal-listening people are hard to find, but mallgoths are a dimea-hundred, and I could collect like 100 of them at the local strip mall...Its like a plague.
At 1/25/06 07:34 PM, X_Imperium_X wrote:At 1/25/06 06:39 PM, Brain-Dead wrote: Same here. I wish there was at least ONE kid at my school who was in to "real" metal. I am so alone :(IDK where you live, but I know for a fact that I know more about metal than anyone else at my school (at least, that I've encountered in my three years of high school) and I really don't know all that much. Being in America, real metal-listening people are hard to find, but mallgoths are a dimea-hundred, and I could collect like 100 of them at the local strip mall...Its like a plague.
Ugh. At least they're known as Mallgoths where you are. Here we have people where the heaviest band they listen to is Atreyu, and they're considered "OGM TEH HARDCOER METALFUCKINGHEADS" and I'm like "Fuck you all" and they say "You aren't metal, you aren't constantly adorned with chains and leather and studs and shit" and I say "Well I got boots and a screw glove-- enough to beat the shit out of you fake metalheads. I listen to REAL metal that is thousands times heavier and darker than any of that pop faux metal that you listen to. MayheM forever!"
At 1/25/06 06:03 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Bands with a * means I don't know where they hail from, and am too lazy to check. Go to for accurate data.
That's the website where I discovered most of the Metal bands I listen to.
At 1/25/06 08:06 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote:At 1/25/06 06:03 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Bands with a * means I don't know where they hail from, and am too lazy to check. Go to for accurate data.That's the website where I discovered most of the Metal bands I listen to.
You have learned well, grasshopper. \m/
At 1/25/06 06:30 PM, Goatchrist wrote:At 1/25/06 05:00 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Oh, and we don't have any "underground black metal" stores in Cali, so everything is off of the internet, mostly.We don't have any either. The best music store here is called "Pop Shop" further comments needed :P
=P here we have 1 music store that actually sells good music. but i know absolutely no body that knows 1 real metal band. exept maybe slayer or pantera. =[ and the heaviest anyone gets at my school is lamb of god...and people here say "there to heavy and i cant understand them"
At 1/25/06 08:36 PM, shakeglock wrote:At 1/25/06 06:30 PM, Goatchrist wrote:=P here we have 1 music store that actually sells good music. but i know absolutely no body that knows 1 real metal band. exept maybe slayer or pantera. =[ and the heaviest anyone gets at my school is lamb of god...and people here say "there to heavy and i cant understand them"At 1/25/06 05:00 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Oh, and we don't have any "underground black metal" stores in Cali, so everything is off of the internet, mostly.We don't have any either. The best music store here is called "Pop Shop" further comments needed :P
Well, we have Rasputin, and they sell rather mainstream bm (they sell the necessities- Dark Funeral, MayheM, Marduk, Borknagar [but only later], Darkthrone, Emperor, Immortal,) and metal like Meshuggah and Manowar etc... but they don't have any underground bands. That's why I go to and Both have pretty underground metal, combined.
At 1/25/06 09:14 AM, Lykaki wrote: Blah dont really like wasp. Mediumly bearable, kinda boring....
Btw about shopping via amazon, yeah but you cant find HALF the shit you find in a nice local underground black metal shop (they are rare but they are treasure holes!)
I mean, to find that old split Kataxu did with I dont know how, you cant expect a search with amazon to be successful now can you???
What ya mean about "kinda boring?" W.A.S.P's music isnt decidedly the best! I mean The Horror is so progressive, like Pink Floyd,but I have to ask opinion here,what ya think,when Blackie Lawless swapped his bass to guitar?
ok can i join? >: (
this is my list
Pyscosadistic Haterapist
The Berzerker
Penetrated Iron Goat Fetus
Darmkanaal Fetish
Blut Fleische
At 1/26/06 05:18 AM, finland_krillin91 wrote: ok can i join? >: (
this is my list
Pyscosadistic Haterapist
The Berzerker
Penetrated Iron Goat Fetus
Darmkanaal Fetish
Blut Fleische
why start such a great list with clitsnot?
At 1/26/06 05:18 AM, finland_krillin91 wrote:
Ah Carcass. Before the days of voice enhancers and the like. If it were up to me youd be alowed to join because of liking that one band. But remember. To anyone reading this. Whoever you are, yes that includes you god and satan and such, Carcass Own you.
HHAHAH banned for 30 days XD (sorry couldnt resist)
Oh well...
And btw Ghoul its so funny when you try to make 'basic' lists for the grasshoppers.. You sound like some Black Metal Veteran that pats little children on the head and tells them dark stories of the North... (btw even I knew Hecate Enthroned are from the UK. Can I stick my tongue out mockingly please?)
Anyway check out the Greek bm bands End, Der Sturmer and Darkest Oath (I always have to promote my homeland.. erm.. homescene)... So great!
Also maybe check the Swedish Viking metal band Darksend... Fun ^^
I have once asked can i join,but nobody answered me,so i ask again: can i join?
Do i need to send a list for my favourite bands?
Well,here you are:
Chidren of Bodom
Dimmu Borgir
Cradle of Filth
And lots of more... This aint my top 5 'n' this in not the real order. That change almost every day. :D