Ghoul, I just finished listening to In Winter Lies the Warmth, you definitely have some good moments, but what I've always been wondering about...what's with your drumming? You never keep a steady, catchy beat, I guess that's on purpose but it often just kills the atmosphere and feel of the songs....or the acoustic parts. They start to sound really good and suddenly it sounds like you made a mistake, didn't care for it and just played something slightly different, making it sound like weird, non-fitting tempo changes. And some of your songs just seem to be so long just for the sake of being so long. "Dreams Of When Light Shone Through" or "Grimness As Light Ebbs" for example, just don't keep me interested for a lot more than 20 minutes....
I do enjoy your vocal work and you can definitely play the guitar well, but your stuff just sounds too..."avant-garde?" to me? No bad feelings man, just not quite my cup of tea.
I'll give it a few more spins, though, maybe it'll grow on me some more.