At 10/16/23 04:45 AM, Goatchrist wrote:At 10/11/23 01:51 AM, Viper wrote:I'm good I guess. Nothing much going on on my end. My band has a show (technically since it's almost 1am here) today so that's going on. We have no other shows planned for the month so two of us are dressing as Wayne and the other two as Garth and we're doing Wayne's World stuff. Would have liked to take the Pacer but it's not wanting to run at the moment.
So how was the gig? Tell us about it, the concept surely sounds interesting! ^^
It went okay. We went on first so we got in and were done relatively quick I guess. What could be I guess best described as our "sister band" Sleuth went on after us and they all dressed as Ghostface since we had "dressed up". Then after that we watched the sort of hardcore comedy tinged rap duo Snailmate who are touring for their new album. Which that was fun. And another band was playing but the 4 of us needed to leave before they played because we all either needed to get up early for work or had school stuff the next day.
We're looking at potentially recording a demo by the end of the year so if that pans out I'll probably post a link to it here.