At 2/25/20 02:44 AM, Elhabanero20 wrote:I'll definite check out electric wizard and. And the rest and the other band that i recommend but im not sure if they still count as metal is tenacious d. Because i have listened too there. Most rescent. Song being wonder boy.
Well, Tenacious D is the band of these two actor guys, right? I didn't know they had any material outside of the music they made for their movie, but I guess they do have a few metal tracks, yeah. I doubt they'd even described themselves as a metal band, since they are more of a parody act that focuses on rock music, but they do play a few metal songs, and their most popular tracks are the metal tracks. If you're into the whole fiction band from a movie or a show playing real and original music, you might like Dethklok from Metalocalypse. It was real big while it was being released (between 2006 and 2013).
If you're looking for doom stuff à la Black Sabbath though, I do recommand listening to the bands I recommanded (Electric Wizard, Sleep, Om) and maybe you should try Kyuss and Saint Vitus.
Have a good day!