Just got back from seeing The Sword and Clutch a bit ago.
It was fucking awesome!
Though I ended up leaving after 2 songs of Clutch's set because my sister was my ride there (since my car is up in a garage now) and she wanted to leave because she was feeling really tired and her back was killing her so she didn't want to stick around. The opening band American Sharks was surprisingly VERY good. I can't really describe what they sound like though. The singer's voice reminded me a little of John Garcia mixed with another singer from a band I listen to but whose name escapes me at the moment. I wanna say the band I'm referring to is either Gypsyhawk or Mothership.
Also according to my sister me and the singer look REALLY similar. I shook hands with the guitarist and chatted for a minute or so with the drummer (who was running the merch table). I really wanted to talk to the singer/bassist though.
In all I bought: a The Sword t-shirt of "Hidden Masters", a The Sword poster, and a CD of American Sharks. All of that cost me $55. $20 for the poster, $25 for the shirt, and $10 for the CD.
At 11/19/13 09:42 PM, mothballs wrote:At 11/18/13 09:08 PM, Viper50 wrote: big fuckin list of 2013 albumsI would definitely add Suffocation's "Pinnacle of Bedlam" to that list. I think it was one of their best albums yet.
I didn't get around to listening to that. Then again I've never been a huge Suffocation fan so that makes sense I suppose.