I hardly post here, but I often lurk.
Figured I'd list some albums I've listened to lately, since the last time I cruised through here~
Acrania- The Beginning of the End (more death-core but whatev) speak of the devil
Red Chord- Fused Together Through Revolving Doors, best death core album ever made
Annihilatus / Bloodhammer / Musta Surma - Christian Genocide
Aosoth - IV: An Arrow In Heart
Arckanum - Fenris Kinder*** <-----------------------------------------------------------
Arnaut Pavle - Demo 2013
Arsonist Lodge - Iänkaikkinen, pysyvä, muuttumaton pimeys
Blaze of Perdition - Necrosophist
Bolzer- Aura*** <-----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- AAA Grade shit
Clandestine Blaze - Harmony of Struggle
Converge- Jane Doe
Crossfaith- The Dream, The Space
Cultes des Ghoules - Henbane
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Necrovision
Death- Symbolic
Eudaimonia - Hymn to the Dying World
Goatmoon - Tahdon riemuvoitto
Horna - Askel lähempänä Saatanaa
Instinct/White Medal Split
Kalmankantaja - Kuolonsäkeet
Mare - Spheres Like Death / Throne of the Thirteenth Witch
Neige Ão/ooternelle - Neige Ão/ooternelle
Nordvrede - Monument Viktoria
Paths - I Turn My Body From The Sun
Revocation- Chaos of Forms
Sarkrista - The Acheronian Worship
Sielunvihollinen - Ruttokieli
Skeletonwitch- Beyond the Permafrost
Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
Torture Chain - Mutilating Astral Entities
Drona - Depraved Ceremonies
Drowned In November - Early Summer
Fulgurum - Za widnokrÄTMgiem ziemskiej rozpaczy
Osoka - Osoka
Between the Buried and Me- The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Krypts - From the Depths of Degradation
Akitsa/Ash Pool Split
Brotherhood of Sleep- Brotherhood of Sleep
Sad Breakfast- Sad breakfast
Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
Erlen Meyer - Erlen Meyer
Isis- Oceanic
Thou- Summit
Ahab- The Divinity of Oceans
Evoken- Atra Mors
Whelm - A Gaze Blank and Pitiless as the Sun
Cardinal Wyrm - Another Holy Trinity
Electric Wizard- Dope Throne
Beast in the Field- World Ending
Paths - I Turn My Body from the Sun
Wobourn House- Monstrous Manoeuvres in the Mushroom Maze
Frigoris - Wind
Rwake- Voices of Omens
Suma- Let the Churches Burn
Katatonia- Dance of December Souls
Plaga - Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii
Entrospect - Inverse Polarity
Swallow the Sun- New Moon
Skineater - Dermal harvest
Sacriphyx - The Western Front
Dementia Senex - Heartworm
Dragonauta - Omega Pentagram
Jex Thoth - Blood Moon Rise
Magic Circle - Magic Circle
Necrotic Disgorgement - Documentaries of Dementia
Guttural Secrete - Nourishing the Spoil
Warning- Watch From a Distance
40Watt Sun- The Inside Room
Neurosis- Through Silver in Blood
And We Wept the Black Ocean- A Storm of Light
Cenotes- Giant Squid
Insomnium- One for Sorrow
The Ties That Blind- Mouth of the Architect
The Tridant- Unearthly Trance
Bethlehem- Dictius Te Necare
Celeste- Misanthropes
October Tide- Rain Without End
Alaskan- The Weak and the Wounded
Baroness- Yellow/Green album & Red Album
Winterfylleth- The Threnody of Triumph
Arsaidh- Roots
Portal- Outre
Oak Pantheon- From a Whisper
Arghoslent- Hornets of the Pogrom
Rosetta- A Determinism of Morality/ The Galilean Satellites
Was gonna sort by genre or alphabetical, but then said fuck it. Black Metal (atmospheric) is quickly becoming my favorite genre, wrestling it out with melodic death.
I know that's an ass ton of recs, but atleast give the two outlined with arrows a listen and then judge from there.
What have you guys been jamming to? Wouldn't mind some new tunes to keep me occupied for the following weeks. Also are there any note worthy winter tours (U.S.) this year? I know some of you are Euros, but figured I'd ask.
Anyone subscribed to Revolver? I use to years ago and was thinkin of renewing my sub.