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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-01 19:25:06

At 6/30/13 11:17 PM, AniMetal wrote: I expect a full review of the fest linked to my Facebook. :P

I'm not quite sure that I'll attend the show. It's a two day open air festival, it's costly and I'm not too sure of how I feel about this kind of event, especially considering the fact that the schedule isn't out yet, and that I don't want to miss bands because of conflicting schedules. I might not go, that's what I'm trying to tell you :P

At 7/1/13 01:25 AM, Markikarik wrote: I'm very glad guys! Thank you a lot!

We'd still like to know more about what you like in Metal music.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 00:21:37

At 6/30/13 02:58 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
At 6/29/13 06:50 PM, mothballs wrote: So I was looking at the lineup for Wacken Open Air 2013, and I couldn't help but notice how much worse it is than previous years. Did anyone else notice that? I've been trying to search for a widespread amount of true metal bands but couldn't really come across as many as there were in, say, 2005-2008.
I've noticed that too. I think that's due to the general mainstream-ization of a lot of the leading metal labels, i.e. Nuclear Blast, Century Media, etc... who's bands incidentally make up a lot of the Wacken lineup.

I did notice that Nuclear Blast has been ridiculously mainstream-ized. I'm actually ashamed to say it used to be my favorite record label, now it's mostly stuff like Season of Mist and Osmose.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 15:18:57

I hardly post here, but I often lurk.

Figured I'd list some albums I've listened to lately, since the last time I cruised through here~

Acrania- The Beginning of the End (more death-core but whatev) speak of the devil

Red Chord- Fused Together Through Revolving Doors, best death core album ever made

Annihilatus / Bloodhammer / Musta Surma - Christian Genocide
Aosoth - IV: An Arrow In Heart
Arckanum - Fenris Kinder*** <-----------------------------------------------------------
Arnaut Pavle - Demo 2013
Arsonist Lodge - Iänkaikkinen, pysyvä, muuttumaton pimeys
Blaze of Perdition - Necrosophist
Bolzer- Aura*** <-----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- AAA Grade shit
Clandestine Blaze - Harmony of Struggle
Converge- Jane Doe
Crossfaith- The Dream, The Space
Cultes des Ghoules - Henbane
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Necrovision
Death- Symbolic
Eudaimonia - Hymn to the Dying World
Goatmoon - Tahdon riemuvoitto
Horna - Askel lähempänä Saatanaa
Instinct/White Medal Split
Kalmankantaja - Kuolonsäkeet
Mare - Spheres Like Death / Throne of the Thirteenth Witch
Neige Ão/ooternelle - Neige Ão/ooternelle
Nordvrede - Monument Viktoria
Paths - I Turn My Body From The Sun
Revocation- Chaos of Forms
Sarkrista - The Acheronian Worship
Sielunvihollinen - Ruttokieli
Skeletonwitch- Beyond the Permafrost
Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
Torture Chain - Mutilating Astral Entities
Drona - Depraved Ceremonies
Drowned In November - Early Summer
Fulgurum - Za widnokrÄTMgiem ziemskiej rozpaczy
Osoka - Osoka
Between the Buried and Me- The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Krypts - From the Depths of Degradation
Akitsa/Ash Pool Split
Brotherhood of Sleep- Brotherhood of Sleep
Sad Breakfast- Sad breakfast
Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
Erlen Meyer - Erlen Meyer
Isis- Oceanic
Thou- Summit
Ahab- The Divinity of Oceans
Evoken- Atra Mors
Whelm - A Gaze Blank and Pitiless as the Sun
Cardinal Wyrm - Another Holy Trinity
Electric Wizard- Dope Throne
Beast in the Field- World Ending
Paths - I Turn My Body from the Sun
Wobourn House- Monstrous Manoeuvres in the Mushroom Maze
Frigoris - Wind
Rwake- Voices of Omens
Suma- Let the Churches Burn
Katatonia- Dance of December Souls
Plaga - Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii
Entrospect - Inverse Polarity
Swallow the Sun- New Moon
Skineater - Dermal harvest
Sacriphyx - The Western Front
Dementia Senex - Heartworm
Dragonauta - Omega Pentagram
Jex Thoth - Blood Moon Rise
Magic Circle - Magic Circle
Necrotic Disgorgement - Documentaries of Dementia
Guttural Secrete - Nourishing the Spoil
Warning- Watch From a Distance
40Watt Sun- The Inside Room
Neurosis- Through Silver in Blood
And We Wept the Black Ocean- A Storm of Light
Cenotes- Giant Squid
Insomnium- One for Sorrow
The Ties That Blind- Mouth of the Architect
The Tridant- Unearthly Trance
Bethlehem- Dictius Te Necare
Celeste- Misanthropes
October Tide- Rain Without End
Alaskan- The Weak and the Wounded
Baroness- Yellow/Green album & Red Album
Winterfylleth- The Threnody of Triumph
Arsaidh- Roots
Portal- Outre
Oak Pantheon- From a Whisper
Arghoslent- Hornets of the Pogrom
Rosetta- A Determinism of Morality/ The Galilean Satellites

Was gonna sort by genre or alphabetical, but then said fuck it. Black Metal (atmospheric) is quickly becoming my favorite genre, wrestling it out with melodic death.

I know that's an ass ton of recs, but atleast give the two outlined with arrows a listen and then judge from there.

What have you guys been jamming to? Wouldn't mind some new tunes to keep me occupied for the following weeks. Also are there any note worthy winter tours (U.S.) this year? I know some of you are Euros, but figured I'd ask.

Anyone subscribed to Revolver? I use to years ago and was thinkin of renewing my sub.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 15:30:26

Should have known not to copy/ paste certain band/album names.

Here are the corrections.

Arsonist Lodge- Iankaikkinen, pysyva, muutumaton pimeys
Horna- Askel Lahempana Saatanaa
Kalmankantaja- Kuolonsakeet
Fulgurum- Za Widnokregiem Ziemskiej Rozpaczy

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 18:11:57

You are way overdue to check out Unexpect, Duff. In a Flesh Aquarium is awesome. You're a bassist, aren't you? You should appreciate the awesome bass in that album.

Also, Elixur mentioned Thou. I saw them live a while back and they were great. I talked to them after they performed and told them how great I thought they were.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 18:55:41

Does anyone know any good Irish metal bands? Google isn't really helping me much. I'm sure you guys could help me a lot better with this.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 19:23:02

At 7/2/13 06:55 PM, mothballs wrote: Does anyone know any good Irish metal bands? Google isn't really helping me much. I'm sure you guys could help me a lot better with this.


Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 19:33:47

At 7/2/13 06:55 PM, mothballs wrote: Does anyone know any good Irish metal bands? Google isn't really helping me much. I'm sure you guys could help me a lot better with this.

Check out Geasa, Cruachan, Waylander, Mael Mordha, Primordial, Suidakra, Tuatha De Dannan, Eluveitie, Eternal Helcaraxe, and ElvenKing.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 20:24:56

At 7/2/13 06:11 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: You are way overdue to check out Unexpect, Duff. In a Flesh Aquarium is awesome. You're a bassist, aren't you? You should appreciate the awesome bass in that album.

It's the album that's on my list. I found it, just gotta put it in my library :)

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 21:35:50

At 7/2/13 07:33 PM, Elixur wrote: Cruachan, Waylander, Mael Mordha, Primordial, Suidakra,

I can definitely second these. There's also Sirocco, Gama Bomb, Sol Axis, Myrkr, and Altar of Plagues.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-02 21:39:30

I just got the new Black Sabbath album today. I bought the Deluxe Edition so it has a Bonus Disc with 3 extra songs on it.
They are: Methademic, Peace Of Mind, and Pariah.

At 7/2/13 06:55 PM, mothballs wrote: Does anyone know any good Irish metal bands? Google isn't really helping me much. I'm sure you guys could help me a lot better with this.

Weed Priest and Electric Taurus are the first bands that come to mind.
And I am REALLY curious as to why Encyclopedia Metallum has Thin Lizzy listed on there o.O
If you haven't listened to them (which would be surprising) you could try them too since they're Irish ._.

might as well throw U2 in there too while you're at it....

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

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BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-03 00:59:21

thin lizzy has lots of stuff that can easily be called metal

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-03 01:14:33

At 7/3/13 12:59 AM, DeIirium wrote: thin lizzy has lots of stuff that can easily be called metal

I suppose you're right. Though I tend to just call em "Heavy Rock".
I still need to listen to Black Star Rider's album. It's been out for a little over a month and I still haven't heard one song off of it.

to be honest I wasn't even aware it was released yet.

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-03 10:56:58

At 7/2/13 12:21 AM, mothballs wrote:
At 6/30/13 02:58 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
At 6/29/13 06:50 PM, mothballs wrote: So I was looking at the lineup for Wacken Open Air 2013, and I couldn't help but notice how much worse it is than previous years. Did anyone else notice that? I've been trying to search for a widespread amount of true metal bands but couldn't really come across as many as there were in, say, 2005-2008.
I've noticed that too. I think that's due to the general mainstream-ization of a lot of the leading metal labels, i.e. Nuclear Blast, Century Media, etc... who's bands incidentally make up a lot of the Wacken lineup.
I did notice that Nuclear Blast has been ridiculously mainstream-ized. I'm actually ashamed to say it used to be my favorite record label, now it's mostly stuff like Season of Mist and Osmose.

Well it's kinda like how a lot of labels end up. They start off small, with relatively obscure bands and decent lineups, then they slowly get more money and thus since they can attract the bigger bands, they invariably end up signing them and become more commercial year by year.

Metal Hell

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-03 18:48:57

The band ASG premiered a new song for this 10th Anniversary thing for Scion
There is also a song by Melvins on there too

And the band Lord Dying are now streaming their new album
http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcl oud.com%2Fplaylists%2F7363328

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-03 20:23:11

At 7/3/13 12:59 AM, DeIirium wrote: thin lizzy has lots of stuff that can easily be called metal

This. Just listen to Emerald and Thunder & Lightning and you'll be easily convinced. There's still plenty more I still need to hear from them.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 02:44:08

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm really loving Waylander. Perfect mixture of celtic folk and black metal. Exactly what I was looking for :D

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 05:22:27

Here's a review of the new Autopsy album by a false that will make some of you guys laugh.

Now, I like screamo vocals, I grew up listening to the likes of Slipknot and Lamb of God so I know a good vocalist when I hear one.

It gets better.

Yet Autopsy seem to be quite happy to give the microphone to an ill man and let him vomit into a bin while holding the microphone close enough to his face to hear it all.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 11:53:34

At 7/3/13 08:23 PM, FromADistance wrote:
At 7/3/13 12:59 AM, DeIirium wrote: thin lizzy has lots of stuff that can easily be called metal
This. Just listen to Emerald and Thunder & Lightning and you'll be easily convinced. There's still plenty more I still need to hear from them.

I saw them live when they and (gak) Black Label Society opened for Judas Priest.

Predictably, Thin Lizzy came off sounding like a tired, roadworn, and wearier version of what Thin Lizzy were like in their prime. Also predictably, Black Label Society sucked major amounts of balls and bored me to tears.

Yet even more predictable was that Judas Priest slayed the other two bands and put on one ultra mega killer show that burned my skin with molten steel.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 11:56:14

At 4/15/04 08:28 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Welcome to the Metal hell :)

If you are into heavy metal, melodic metal or whatever, this is the club for you. Tell us your favourite bands and/ or songs and join the hell :)

Austrian Death Machine, especially, "Come With Me If You Want To Live" for the best solo I've ever heard.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 12:13:54

At 7/4/13 11:56 AM, UsernameUser wrote: Austrian Death Machine, especially, "Come With Me If You Want To Live" for the best solo I've ever heard.

Could you list off a few more metal bands that you listen to?

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 12:24:33

Not sure if this was previously discussed, but what do y'all think of the new Black Sabbath album?

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 12:50:39

At 7/4/13 12:24 PM, Twone wrote: Not sure if this was previously discussed, but what do y'all think of the new Black Sabbath album?

I actually really like it. Though I'll admit that I didn't like it as much when I first listened through it. Its one of those albums that you'd have to listen through it a few times til you start to like it.
Granted I'll just come out and say right now. Sometimes I wonder if Rick Rubin knows what hes doing when it comes to working on albums like that. It just seems as though it was mastered "too loudly" and this is very evident when you sit and listen through the album the first few times. I mean the songs themselves are good. And I feel if they had someone else handling that kind of stuff the album would have been a bit better.
Also I think Ozzy's vocals are too loud when compared to the rest of the music. Like if they turned down the vocals and guitar a little and turned up the volume on the bass and a little bit on the drums it'd probably be one of my favorite Sabbath albums.

So long story short. I liked the album but I wont deny there were some things I didn't like about it.

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 14:13:02

At 7/4/13 12:24 PM, Twone wrote: Not sure if this was previously discussed, but what do y'all think of the new Black Sabbath album?

Completely recycled riffs and songs, boring drum performance and production, shitty singing (did we expect anything else) and a sterile production.

In short, it sucks, but it doesn't suck as hard as I assumed it would. Still, I wouldn't rate it any higher than 50/100

Metal Hell

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-04 23:48:25

At 7/4/13 11:56 AM, UsernameUser wrote: Austrian Death Machine, especially, "Come With Me If You Want To Live" for the best solo I've ever heard.

One half of me highly doubts that you are being serious about this. The other half is kind of wondering how this band can be your favorite band.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-05 01:28:53

For bands from Ireland, Primordial or GTFO.

All those other bands are great, but Primordial or WRONG.

Primordial is easily one of THE greats in metal.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-05 02:35:45

At 7/5/13 01:28 AM, AniMetal wrote: For bands from Ireland, Primordial or GTFO.

That's a band I know, but I didn't knew they were Irish...

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-05 14:26:52

At 7/2/13 06:55 PM, mothballs wrote: Does anyone know any good Irish metal bands? Google isn't really helping me much. I'm sure you guys could help me a lot better with this.

Does Northern Ireland count as well? If so, listen to Darkest Era.

At 7/5/13 01:28 AM, AniMetal wrote: For bands from Ireland, Primordial or GTFO.

All those other bands are great, but Primordial or WRONG.

I... cannot argue with that. No doubt the finest Ireland have offered for metal but Thin Lizzy still deserve a lot of love.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-07 13:40:08

At 7/4/13 02:13 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
At 7/4/13 12:24 PM, Twone wrote:
Completely recycled riffs and songs, boring drum performance and production, shitty singing (did we expect anything else) and a sterile production.

In short, it sucks, but it doesn't suck as hard as I assumed it would. Still, I wouldn't rate it any higher than 50/100

I actually think the production was pretty good, but it would be great/not boring if most of the songs were cut in half.

And I'm surprised they can stand up, let alone tour.

Response to Metal Hell 2013-07-07 14:40:09

Deafheaven - Dreamhouse

Have I mentionned this band to you guys? If not, then they are absolutely amazing. I've just started getting in their music and it's pretty amazing! They are a part of the californian black metal scene, and like a lot of bm bands these days, they mix black metal with elements of other musical genres. They categorize them as Post-Black Metal on MA. I think that's about right. They mix a very atmospheric, spacey and kind of eerie post-rock with their atmospheric bm roots. It reminds me of how Gris or Godspeed You! Black Emperor both manages to mix doom, sorrow and melancholy with grace, hope and joy.

Being able to go through both of these groups of antagonistic feelings makes the experience of these emotions as much stronger.

I recommand their music :)