At 11/19/12 10:24 AM, Viper50 wrote:
Just out of curiosity. To everyone here that listens to Electric Wizard, what album would you suggest to someone that was just starting to listen to them?
I don't have many of their albums, but I love Dopethrone and it is commonly refered to as their best album. If your friend isn't a candy pop fan, I don't see any reason to not recommand this masterpiece to him/her.
I'm trying to get someone I know into them.
Also what would you say is the best and worst stuff they released?
I can't say. I don't have their whole library. But out of the three I own which are Come My Fanatics..., Dopethrone and Let Us Prey, I would say that Dopethrone is the best. Come My Fanatics... has it's great moments. And I don't know Let Us Prey enough to give a worthy opinion on it.
At 11/19/12 03:48 PM, Zodir wrote:
I tend to completely ignore music critics or reviews unless it comes from someone like you guys, people who have repeatedly demonstrated to have similar views on what you enjoy that I do. There are a few guys on the site sputnikmusic that I generally agree with on their views on music, so I listen to their reviews. As well as the guys on the site AngryMetalGuy. Those are the only two sites I think I ever pay attention to when it comes to metal music. I usually completely disagree with the so called "professional" critics, who seem to be focused on how pretensious they can be and how "arty" they are. All I care about is enjoying the music. While it might not be the most technically impressive or jaw dropping display of musicianship or songwriting, I can still enjoy it.
Christgau is a poppish/commercial rock fan. He writes reviews for rock music even though he seems to appreciate only the most obvious bands like the Beatles or shitty hipster rock. The fucktard has admitted to not liking Metal, Prog Rock and Art Rock. So basically... he doesn't like music with an artistic worth. He seems to like stuff that is made to make the casual listener dance or stuff that makes the pseudo-intellectual listeners think they are artsy or music-intelligent even though they listen to shitty formulaic music. You cannot be a serious rock critic if you don't like prog rock, art rock, free-form jazz and metal, it's just plain stupid. Rock as progressed through these forms of music with innovative bands like Gentle Giant, King Crimson, UFO, Black Sabbath, etc. If you dislike all of these bands, than why the fuck would you call yourself a rock critic ? You obviously lack the interest or qualities required to appreciated this music.
I really still can't get over the fact that this Cheap Rock fanboy of a man has given a D+ to Leftoverture by Kansas... It's just obvious the man doesn't know shit about rock and metal. The fuck why does he even have a job ?