First of all, In Greece Nazism can get you to jail. There is no clear mention of ns in ANY Greek bands, except if they didnt care about getting banned in Greece. Astarte didn't want to get banned. But believe me, I know them bloody personally, the BM community is Greece is small enough to fit in my palm, though there pretty many famous bands. First of all The music of their CDs is NOTHING like the music they play live. And I say NOTHING. They make everyone go NUTS. They play ten times better live than in their CDs, and without censored lyrics. I ve seen them sooo many times, trust me on that one band. ^^
To finish the Vikernes conversation, I just dont like the way he implies that women should just be good wives and mothers, and that its stupid that women get educated and stuff. He forgets women can be tough, and educated, and good mothers and wives all together. Its rare but they CAN. And Burzum music, its ok, I mean its not bad. Its just very repetitive. They have found a sound that sells, so they dont change anything, they dont do anything except the same Burzumic sound over and over again. It was great as long as it meant something.
For Christmas I am gonna get me some more 1349, Kataxu, Lord Wind, Xenophobia, Hate forest, Hecate Enhtroned, Panzerchrist, Absu, Krustallnacht, Catamenia, Autopsy, Sceptic flesh, Cryptopsy, Order of the Ebon hand, War 88, Ravensthrone...
God damnit I am gonna go to Greece and meet Rottign Chirst again... I am so embarassed to, after having been such a bitch to Andreas.. (the bassist)... >_<
And 'bout band shirts. I own pretty many, but I dont like to wear to school. They attract the attention of posers that then try to... ew... BEFRIEND me. And usually they are horrid and younger than me (around 15 or 16). So I wear my wonderful band shirts when I go somewhere where I want to be identified as a BMer.
Any good suggestions for bands I may not know?