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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-09 07:28:37

At 11/8/11 03:25 PM, AniMetal wrote:
At 11/8/11 07:12 AM, Bahamut wrote: Blame the fuckers at the Job Centre. I also missed out on Heidenfest this year because of them.
Sucks. To be 100% fair though, folk metal shows are more of a bonus.

Heidenfest 2011 had Alestorm, Finntroll and Turisas playing in a single night. That's hitting three birds with one stone.

Unless the folk metal band is Primordial, Equilibrium or Moonsorrow.

Equilibrium were there last year.

Speaking of Helloween, I learned a few months ago that this was a north america tour in 1989:

Anthrax (headlining)
Helloween (co-headlining)
Blind Guardian (opener)

I was born too late.

It helps that not only they had support act, they were allowed to play beyond 11PM. For some reason, bands close off at 11PM here and don't find themselves to be playing beyond that.
For starters, i'd just like to correct myself. I wrote 'HOLY GRAIL" as the opener. That is incorrect, the opener was "HOLY HELL" and is a MUCH superior band to Holy Grail. My bad.

Ah, now that makes more sense. If Holy Grail did tour with Manowar, I'm sure I would have heard about it by now.

But anywho, is it curfew related? I know in the states that venues and night clubs have curfews they have to abide by.

Yeah it is. The only place I know that isn't affected by a curfew or such is the local venue nearby but that only covers tributes bands and local bands. I will say that the curfew for 11PM does help for transport, particularly in London since the tubes tend to close off before 1AM so that's more than enough time to get back to my sister's flat via London Underground.

At 11/9/11 01:41 AM, AniMetal wrote: Why does In Flames tour with such awful bands all the time? Seriously.

My question at the moment is why Ghost are a support act for Trivium and In Flames. I'd see Ghost live had it not been for them two. While In Flames have been good at one point, my guess is most of the songs they're playing are from the recent albums. As for Trivium, it's Trivium, 'nuff said. It's bad enough they're here once again after being the support act for Maiden's final England show back in Summer.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-09 13:45:39

Saw the Reunited Anthrax at freakers ball. They were fucking amazing, Also Lamb of God just announced Resolution for a Jan 24th release.

Hitman Crew - Hitman Absolution

Governor of the ZSC

PSN is in my sig or flashing on your screen after I kill you.

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-09 19:11:49

So, like I was saying before, the show was awesome. The Loft has a pretty nice lounge type of setup with comfy couches and chairs. The crowd was pretty calm and reserved for a rock/metal show, though. My friend and I were the only ones who showed more enthusiasm beyond clapping and yelling "yeah!" and "woo!" after every song. We were jumping around and shoving each other and stuff, especially when Black Tusk came on. I started banging my head and doing that hair spinning thing. Anyway, the lineup was in this order.

Antidote 8
Echo 3 (my friend's band)
Black Tusk

Antidote 8 was good. I said before that I didn't think the singer was very good, but maybe the video I saw was taken when he was having an off night, because he did just fine. Then I ran to the store to get a bottle of water and came back just in time for Echo 3, and they absolutely rocked. After they finished, I went over to buy 2 Black Tusk tee shirts and both of them look sick. I stuffed them in my jacket and had the bartender watch the jacket for me.

Then MonstrO played and they did very well. They're a pretty damn good rock band. I was feeling kinda sleepy towards the end of their set, though, and I sat down on the couch in the back for a minute, but then Thou came on and I jumped to my feet and moved up front. They put on a great show. The lead singer was very into it. Also, he looks like he does drugs. haha.

Finally, Black Tusk came on and they were the best part of the night. They fucking killed it, and by that time of the night, I was pretty well drunk, so I got kinda loud. After that, I went over to shake the hands of all the guys in Thou and offer my compliments, which was a well received gesture. Then I was just about to leave and I remembered at the last minute to ask for the autographs of the guys in Black Tusk. I walked around for a moment asking around for a marker and the bassist from MonstrO gave me one. Black Tusk was still up on the stage packing up and they were more than happy to sign my shirt.

On the way back we stopped at a gas station and I got myself a beer and an Arnold Palmer. I totally wasn't thinking straight and I cracked open the beer in front of 2 cops. durr. They were cool about it, though. Then I went to my room and watched District 9...again. And all throughout the next day, I felt nauseous and dehydrated.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 00:23:14

21 in t-minus 40 mins.... then family tomorrow/SKYRIM!!!!! Bars and shit with peeps on Friday. Then saturday Mastodon with Dillinger Escape Plan and Red Fang. OH LAWD THE FUN I SHALL HAVE!!!!!

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 00:59:43

At 11/10/11 12:23 AM, Anti-pie wrote: 21 in t-minus 40 mins.... then family tomorrow/SKYRIM!!!!! Bars and shit with peeps on Friday. Then saturday Mastodon with Dillinger Escape Plan and Red Fang. OH LAWD THE FUN I SHALL HAVE!!!!!

Don't forget the Black Sabbath announcement on that day too.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 01:03:36

At 11/10/11 12:59 AM, TheThinWhale wrote:
At 11/10/11 12:23 AM, Anti-pie wrote: 21 in t-minus 40 mins.... then family tomorrow/SKYRIM!!!!! Bars and shit with peeps on Friday. Then saturday Mastodon with Dillinger Escape Plan and Red Fang. OH LAWD THE FUN I SHALL HAVE!!!!!
Don't forget the Black Sabbath announcement on that day too.

Damn I didn't even know about this until now. Just looked it up and found it on their site.

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 01:48:42

At 11/9/11 12:14 AM, AniMetal wrote: Scale The Summit played for 40 minutes
They were flawless, but apparently they're all sick of they looked miserable on stage. I felt bad for them as they really are an amazing band and the crowd hardly responded to them.

They did great in Montreal. The crowd loved them. They were flawless and had a great presence on stage.

I'm so getting all of their albums as soon as I can !!!

3 or Three, whichever they go by, played for 40 minutes and totally fucking surprised me. I had no clue who they were or what they played, but they played an amazing blend of rock, progressive and some riffs that almost sounded like doom metal. They were easily one of the best bands i've ever seen that I didn't go to the show TO see. Their setlist, as according to my friend at the show who was there for them:

They bored the shit out of me... They sounded like they were trying to be Dream Theater, Metallica, Symphony X with some latin music elements all that the same time. The result was dissapointing. They were great musicians, all of them, but the riffs were hardly memorable and the vocalist/guitarist was a total douche. He was totally miserable, looked pretentious and lacked charisma in all possible ways. He also destroyed all the strings of his electrical mandolin at the end of their set. Bottom line, he looked like a total jerk who was trying to steal the show from the other musicans.

The lead guitarist was great though. His riffs were kind of cool sometimes. He played some great solos two and kind of made me think of Michael Romeo (not as good, but you know.. the style and the look).

Let's say I didn't hate the band. It was ok, but really just ok. Some tracks were decent, but whenever they tried to be prog, they failed miserably.

All I can say about them is that they are VERY interesting, and that there are four of them despite the band name. And also that their vocalist is fucking hilarious.

What the fuck is that name anyway... 3 ? Seriously? 3 ?!?

Cynic played for over an hour. Not exactly sure how long their setlist was, to be honest. But this was it:
They were really cool to watch, but also kind of awkward. This is only the 7th or 8th show they've done with the new bassist and new lead guitarist and because of that they were both kind of uninteresting to watch. The new lead guitarist just stood there playing and hardly cracked a smile, didn't headbang once and the only time he looked at the crowd was when he raised his head to do the harsh vocals. He also totally 100% BUTCHERED one of the solos in Celestial Voyage, sadly and I get the opinion he may have been messing up elsewhere in the set as well because Paul kept looking over at him from across the stage.

I could hardly ear the bass.... until after Veil Of Maya. I was so dissapointed I couldn't hear the bass in that track, but they must have fixed that after the track, because it started sounding really good later during the set. The new guitarist also butchered the solo in Veil Of Maya and in some other tracks two... I also really wish Sean Malone would play live... He's great, and nobody can play his basslines as good as he does.

The new bassist was pretty good, I couldn't see or hear a single flaw with his performance. As for his stage presence he didn't really have one. Unlike the new lead guitarist though, who just looked awkward and out of place, the new bassist looked perfectly peaceful and the whole show he looked like he was day dreaming or something. As if he was in his own little world and was breathing the music. So even though he didn't do anything interesting, I could tell he "gets" the music. If that makes sense.

I know what you mean. He wasn't too interresting, but it's true that the new guitarist really felt awkward throughout the set.

Sean on the drums was absolutely FLAWLESS like always. My ONLY problem with the drums is that the the drums overpowered everything else which is actually kind of weird in Cynic's music as the drums are almost always quieter than the guitars and vocals in Cynic's recorded music. He was also the only member of the band who actually INTERACTED with the crowd by making eye contact and waving/pointing at audience members who were getting INTO the show. :)

Same in Montreal. He was great. Perfect in fact. But the drums overpowered everything else, making it hard to hear the vocals very often.

Also, I screamed out "DRUM SOLO" after Integral Birth while Paul was getting a drink and he stared at me for a few seconds, smiled and then played a minute long drum solo. It was pretty fucking awesome and made my night.

He did play a kind of drum solo at some part of the show, but not at the same moment he did for the show you went to.

Paul was cool, nothing interesting to say. Paul is Paul. haha Although, one thing I will say, is that during the show these two guys kept shouting out the names of songs off the Death album "Human" which Paul and Sean played on, and Paul was just like "No, never happening. That album is irrelevant to Cynic" which was kind of interesting. I never heard Paul raise his voice or anything before.

He did good. He was flawless... especially compared to the other guitarist. I feel he could have done a better job with some of the vocals. Maybe if the drums were not that loud it would have been easier to hear him.

That Amy chick whom came out is a girl from Cape Cod who records the female vocals on Cynic CDs. She's apparently with Cynic for the first part of the tour as a merch salesperson and to perform on two songs. She was kind of awkward standing there, but eh. I doubt she'll be in Canada when you see her since they said she was only doing the "first part of the tour."

She was not on the show. Sadly.

Oh yeah, and Cynic are selling the new EP. One week before it's official release and only for 5 fucking bucks. Just so you know. Worth it, i'd say.

Got it for $10. Blame it on the borders...

Funny you use ATR and BFMV as both of those bands I LOVED in like 2006/2007.

Same here. But I'm not ready to take a massive dump on them. They are a part of my musical evolution. I still like their music.

All That Remains is okay I guess, but my problem with them is that it sounds like i'm listening to Soilwork. Only without the keyboards, good lyrics or the amazing as fuck drummer. So whenever i'm in the mood for that kind of thing, i'm just kind of like "Eh, ATR. Soilwork is so much better at whatever the hell style of music this is."

How can you compare these two? :P Yeah, they are SOMEWHAT similar. But seriously... They are far more core than Soilwork ever was before their last two shitty albums.

As for BFMV and Trivium(whom you didn't mention, but fall in the same category as BFMV for me) I feel they are talented, I can hear actual metal influence and can sometime shit out some pretty good songs. (I still have a soft spot for "Tears Don't Fall")

Love em :)

But the overall whinyiness, AWFUL vocals(both clean and harsh) and horrendous lyrics as well as the inaudible bass and the guitar riffs/solos that are decent but feel like there's a lot of lost potential?

BFMV vocals are way better than most core vocals I've heard in my life. That BMFV vocalist has some style, I swear :P

And em, Trivium are decent... I guess. Not really my kind of music.

Nah dude, there's some pretty kickass grindcore out there. Don't worry about that. haha

That's not what I meant. That really just meant that Converge suck too much in so many ways to be grindcore. Hence the "if they are grindcore, than grindcore sucks"

Btw, tonight at the Cynic show, my girlfriend and I discussed a lot with Nathanaël Larochette. Whos is, if you don't know him, the multi-instrumentalist behind the (Post-Rock influenced) Neofolk band Musk Ox. This guy is amazing. We discussed so many bands, music in general and how awesome Ron Jarzombeck is. He's a great person also. Kind and very expressive guy.

If you guys haven't heard of Musk Ox yet, I highly suggest you correct that situation. Also buy a CD. He deserves it.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 02:07:37

At 11/9/11 01:41 AM, AniMetal wrote: Anywho, a north america tour wass anounced:

In Flames
Veil Of Maya

Why does In Flames tour with such awful bands all the time? Seriously.

Because they are awful.

You're 20 or 21, right? So just like me, you are one of the kids who grew up with awesome metal albums like Clayman, Colony and The Jester Race. So because of your memories you are biaised. You want to remember In Flames as a good band, but they are pathetic now. They have released three shits in a row and they don't look like they are willing to ever stop sucking.

When I saw them live, they played for an hour and a half. They managed to play only two tracks from Clayman and a miserable zero from Colony. Most of the set was a mix of tracks from Come Clarity and A Sense Of Purpose. Now imagine their setlist with one more dump/album on their discography.

I'm pretty sure Trivium is going to be better, and this is sad to say. I used to love In Flames. But they lost their souls.

At 11/9/11 04:42 AM, Sense-Offender wrote:
They're probably gonna have the chick come out to ruin a Tout le Monde.

Of course they will.

Dude, Iconoclast is sick.

Give it all the love you want. I've listenned to the whole thing quite a few times. It's good, very good. I mean, this is Symphony X, how could it possibly be bad? But it's not my favorite and I wouldn't want to go to a show in which most of the tracks would be tracks from Iconoclast. I don't like it enough for that.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 03:08:00

At 11/8/11 04:02 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 11/8/11 02:16 AM, Sepultura123 wrote:
1- Old Children of Bodom
2- Trivium
3-As I lay Dying
4-All that Remains
5- Shadows Falls
6- Bullet for my Valentine
7- Old Sepultura
8- In flames
9- Avenged Sevenfold
That's four metal bands out of ten. Trivium, As I Lay Dying, All that Remains, Bullet For My Valentine and Avenged Sevenfold do not qualify as Metal, for the most part. I do think BFMV and ATR are heavily influenced by metal and/or have some metal elements in their music. For the most part, these bands are Metalcore. Not that I dislike Metalcore, but it's not the most discussed genre in here... And that's an understatement...

I like Gris, Forteresse, Quo Vadis, Cryptopsy, Augury, Monarque, Miserere Luminis, Sombres Forêts, Sui Caedere, Neige Et Noirceur, and a few more I can't think of right now.

Still, welcome on board :)

-I Dont know why you say metalcore its not metal when theyre the words in it ... Its just fucking hardcore mixed with heavy metal I dont know whats your problem but if You say metalcore its not metal its because you have a fucking problem its like saying Stoner metal its not metal because they have stoner elements in it................
You problably dont listen to these bands but metal core its one of the best genre of metal I think , At Least something hearable not like death,black , and all symphonic and stuff like that......... and its really technical..

- I seen a show of Quo Vadis once , fucking wicked ! Like it was in a small city and theyre were so many people we couldn't go to the bathroom because of the circle pit lol


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 03:55:16

At 11/10/11 03:08 AM, Sepultura123 wrote:
-I Dont know why you say metalcore its not metal when theyre the words in it ... Its just fucking hardcore mixed with heavy metal I dont know whats your problem but if You say metalcore its not metal its because you have a fucking problem its like saying Stoner metal its not metal because they have stoner elements in it................

I lol'ed.

You haven't heard my argument but you can already tell I have a problem. That's cool, and it's totaly not hypocritical.

The fact that the word metal is in metalcore is irrelevant. This is music we are talking about. People have created a new musical genre, and people have named the genre. They could have named it improperly. And I think it's the case. Sure metalcore share elements with metal. Just like rock shares elements with metal. We have to draw a line somewhere. And we have good reasons to think that there is a line to be drawn between core and metal.

While the first few real metalcore bands were heavily influenced by metal, I feel the core genre and metal have evolved in completely different ways. The fanbase of both genres are completely different, the main focus and goal of the music isn't the same, the styles and tastes of people from both community are completely different. I'm not going to write you an essay here. What I mean is that I see a very important difference between metal and core. I'm not going to describe the whole thing in depth. I really don't feel like it. But core and metal are intrinsically different.

Not really a part of my argument, but whatever :

I have friends who listen to core only, or mostly core... I hate it when they say they like metal. They just don't...

I mean... I was talking with this kid online on Diablo 2 (yeah, I still play D2) and he was talking about music. He said he liked Bury Your Dead, Bullet For My Valentine and the likes. He then mentionned Despised Icon and asked me if I liked them. Told him I didn't really like Deathcore and that I liked Death Metal more. So I then named Benighted and Blood Red Throne. No reaction from the kid. Then is friend goes like "Oh, you like Death Metal? Do you like The Black Dahlia Murder?" Later, the first kid ask me what I listen to. I tell him I'm into Prog Rock and Prog Metal a lot these days. I name Kansas, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Labyrithn, UFO and... Mastodon. So the kid goes "Oh, Mastodon! They are awesome!" (For some reason, core kids love Mastodon). Notice he didn't react to all the Metal bands I listed, except for the core bands...

I also have friend who like to say they listen to Metal. We discuss music... they say they like August Burns Red, Killswitch Engage, Bullet For My Valentine, All That Remains, Between The Buried And Me, The Black Dahlia Murder, Parkway Drive, As Blood Runs Black, Protest The Hero, Underoath, Born Of Osiris, Bless The Fall, The Devil Wears Prada... and so on.

What do we have here... Metalcore... more metalcore... more metalcore, than some progressive metal/metalcore, than more metalcore, some melodeath/metalcore, metalcore once more, deathcore, some more metalcore, more metalcore, than some deathcore, more metalcore and finaly metalcore.

Then I say what I like. Let's just take the top 14 bands I listenned to this week (only metal and metalcore, I'll exclude rock and the likes because I know core kids listen to some other music two).

Office Of Strategic Influence, Labyrinth, Cynic, Jacobs Dream, Blotted Science, Mastodon, Blood Red Throne, Scale The Summit, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Symphony X, Origin, Forteresse, Bullet For My Valentine, Between The Buried And Me.

So... Progressive Metal/Rock, Progressive Power Metal, Progressive Death/Fusion Metal, Progressive Power Metal, Progressive (Death) Metal, Progressive Metal/Sludge, Death Metal, Progressive Metal/Rock, Technical Death Metal, Progressive Metal, Technical Death Metal, Black Metal, Metalcore, Progressive Metal/Metalcore.

This last part of my post really shouldn't be in my argument. It's just something I have observed. Core kids tend to stay within the core genre, while metalheads REALLY listen to different metal genres.

You problably dont listen to these bands but metal core its one of the best genre of metal I think , At Least something hearable not like death,black , and all symphonic and stuff like that......... and its really technical..

Listennable? What do you know about dm and bm to say shit like that?

The only way you can say metalcore is "more something" than bm and dm is more commercial, more radio-friendly, more inexperienced music auditor friendly. It's mainly a genre for kiddos who want to hear poppish song structures but in a more agressive form of music. You have happy sing-along chorus, catchy repetitive melodies, very simple song structures with a lot of choruses, a mix of clean vocals and generic core screams (no bm shrieks, cause that's not sexy enough for these fashion victims) teenage angst lyrical themes, and abusive amount of skulls in their logos, artworks and album covers.

Core is 90% shit.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 07:51:28

My sister found last minute tickets for Devin Townsend on Saturday. I shall be seeing him live for the Deconstruction set!

At 11/10/11 12:59 AM, TheThinWhale wrote:
At 11/10/11 12:23 AM, Anti-pie wrote: 21 in t-minus 40 mins.... then family tomorrow/SKYRIM!!!!! Bars and shit with peeps on Friday. Then saturday Mastodon with Dillinger Escape Plan and Red Fang. OH LAWD THE FUN I SHALL HAVE!!!!!
Don't forget the Black Sabbath announcement on that day too.

The world shall explode with excitement on that day.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 10:53:47

Happy birthday, Acidbath, whichever exact day it is.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 11:25:24

At 11/10/11 10:53 AM, Sense-Offender wrote: Happy birthday, Acidbath, whichever exact day it is.

I totally just called you Acid Bath.

Happy birthday, Anti Pie.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 13:15:05

It's snowing!!! :D The pagan winter has arrived!!!

tis the season of Black Metal.

Metal Hell

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 13:46:56

I am totally fucking envious of whoever gets to see Cynic on this tour. They're just skipping my nearest venue for whatever reason. Oh well, Opeth tomorrow will have to do, also I gave Pain of Salvation a listen seeing as they're supporting, they're awesome too.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 13:54:14

At 11/10/11 01:46 PM, JaY11 wrote: Oh well, Opeth tomorrow will have to do

You're seeing them in Manchester tomorrow? I ended up not going since a friend of mine didn't have the money to get a ticket and he's already trying hard enough to get me a late birthday present to see Wolfsbane in Liverpool in two weeks time. Oh well, at least I'm seeing Devin Townsend on Saturday and after some troubles with the train last week, I'd rather make sure I'm in London the day before the show.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 20:03:21

At 11/10/11 01:54 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 11/10/11 01:46 PM, JaY11 wrote: Oh well, Opeth tomorrow will have to do
You're seeing them in Manchester tomorrow? I ended up not going since a friend of mine didn't have the money to get a ticket and he's already trying hard enough to get me a late birthday present to see Wolfsbane in Liverpool in two weeks time.

I am indeed, sux you can't make it, I'll send your love to Mikael for you.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-10 22:24:16

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 01:55:06

At 11/10/11 03:55 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 11/10/11 03:08 AM, Sepultura123 wrote:

Core is 90% shit.

Yeah so I like a lot of Metalcore bands , so whats the problem ? I can listen to all the other types of metal genre as well , Its just that I like it more when its melodic clean vocals mixed with ''normal metal vocals''...

The only reason why you say Metalcore isnt metal its because your frustated because the whole genre is more popular then any other style (just like neo before 2000, and i know you will say that neo isnt metal as well , your really dumb) . You should thanks these bands for bringing more pouplarity to metal....<<<

I know what your talking about (the walls and shit) like at one side the death metal scene , power and all metal and at the other corner , metalcore......
I dont care what your thinking , but all the metalheads fighting for this and talking-shit about it .... Its them that here the dumbess of allll just shoot you

I know what the kind of metal person you here get a life because a lot of metal bands hate you , (theyre talking about it in the lyrics) So stop argumenting whats metal and whats not and listen to some god damn extreme good music !!!!

For me metal it just growl, harsh, ect vocal or clean high pitched vocals (like ozzy and power metal) (you know what I mean) Anything except clean vocals founded in pop,punk,rock, whatever other style. If you dont agree name me one band (except true hardcore and such bands) that here not metal and have a vocal like heavy metal


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 03:02:01

At 11/11/11 01:55 AM, Sepultura123 wrote: Yeah so I like a lot of Metalcore bands , so whats the problem ? I can listen to all the other types of metal genre as well , Its just that I like it more when its melodic clean vocals mixed with ''normal metal vocals''...

So they sing normal metal vox? Sorry, I don't know what normality you are referring to. Core bands clean vocals are nothing like other clean vocals in metal.

The only reason why you say Metalcore isnt metal its because your frustated because the whole genre is more popular then any other style (just like neo before 2000, and i know you will say that neo isnt metal as well , your really dumb) . You should thanks these bands for bringing more pouplarity to metal....<<<

Wow. You're one mindless motherfucker. You can't just claim that I'm frustrated. That's something you are assuming based on absolutely nothing. You're not making a point. You don't even come close to making a point.

First, why do you think I mind popularity? Why would I? I don't give a fuck if kids who spend their whole time in Hot Topics and painting their fingernails black give these bands a larger fanbase. It's like claiming I'm mad at Lady Gaga because she's more popular than Cynic. I couldn't give two cents of a fuck because Metal isn't about selling copies. It's about writting music. Can't you understand the intrinsic value of art? Art's quality isn't determined by the size of the fanbase. Your point is invalid.

Second, what the fuck is wrong with you? You need to insult me to try and make a point? You're such a genius.

Third, these bands don't bring more popularity to metal. I have displayed in a structured argument that most corekids do not step over the boundaries of core genres. They are clustered in their little mindless genre and are unable to understand anything else.

Fourth, why do you say "The only reason why you say Metalcore isnt metal its because your frustated because the whole genre is more popular then any other style" ??? I wrote a whole paragraph explainning why I didn't like most bands of the genre. There was at least 10 or 15 reasons listed. Are you retarded or you really just can't read?

Five, Neo-Metal isn't Metal.

I know what your talking about (the walls and shit) like at one side the death metal scene , power and all metal and at the other corner , metalcore......
I dont care what your thinking , but all the metalheads fighting for this and talking-shit about it .... Its them that here the dumbess of allll just shoot you

I highly suggest you step the fuck back. I'm the one who allowed you in the Metal Hell. I can easily go back on my decision. If the other Horsemen feel like you should stay, fine. But I can tell you that you're not making friends. If you are going to act all butt-hurt whenever we say stuff you don't like, I highly suggest you don't join the Metal Hell.

By the way, I'm one of the guys in here who respects metalcore THE MOST. I've kindly told you that the genre wasn't accepted as metal in the Metal Hell. Now you want to rant and whine about it. Do it, I don't care, but nobody is going to cry on your poor metalcore. We simply can't give a fuck less about core. That's it.

I know what the kind of metal person you here get a life because a lot of metal bands hate you , (theyre talking about it in the lyrics) So stop argumenting whats metal and whats not and listen to some god damn extreme good music !!!!

They hate me? I'm so mad now bro.

For me metal it just growl, harsh, ect vocal or clean high pitched vocals (like ozzy and power metal) (you know what I mean) Anything except clean vocals founded in pop,punk,rock, whatever other style. If you dont agree name me one band (except true hardcore and such bands) that here not metal and have a vocal like heavy metal

Like heavy metal vocals?

I'v already mentionned countless core bands who use "arsh vocals" and who aren't metal bands. But you won't listen to me. So have fun trying to find the metal in this.

I'll wait for you if you want to argue that Post-Hardcore is Metal :)

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 03:23:13

Just thought I could troll you some more...

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 03:23:59

I like Insomnium now

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 03:51:53

At 11/11/11 03:23 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: I like Insomnium now

I picked one of their albums back in September and only listenned to a few tracks. I guess now is the time to give them a proper listen.

Insomnium - Medeia

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 07:52:30

It's a good time to bring this up...

I finally wrote up the recap for the Manowar show.

At 11/11/11 03:23 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: Just thought I could troll you some more...

So you openly admit to trolling a user on the forums...

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 10:26:10

Sepultura, everyone here is in agreement that metalcore does not count as actual metal music, but some of us do still like it. Even Heavenduff likes some metalcore. And even I enjoy a few mathcore songs and like 2 Killswitch Engage songs. also...









And so is black metal, if you hear the right stuff.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 14:56:53

At 11/11/11 10:26 AM, Sense-Offender wrote: Death Metal is actually really god damn awesome

Did you ever question it in the first place?

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 15:03:55

At 11/11/11 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 11/11/11 03:23 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: Just thought I could troll you some more...
So you openly admit to trolling a user on the forums...

Not really, actually. More like a little joke. Ponos... smeagol and some others post pictures for the lulz all the time. Don't get mad, bro !

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 15:52:34

At 11/11/11 01:55 AM, Sepultura123 wrote: I dont care what your thinking , but all the metalheads fighting for this and talking-shit about it .... Its them that here the dumbess of allll just shoot you

You should learn English instead of using Google Translate. Also, metalcore will be metal when rehashes become original.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 17:09:49

Has anyone seen this yet? I'm super stoked!

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-11 17:37:16

At 11/11/11 03:23 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: I like Insomnium now

Listen to ¨Above The Weeping World¨ album.
Their best album \m/

Metal Hell

The cold wind and the snow of this night, whips my heart of pure ice

My cold blood is running through my veins, but my soul burns like an everlasting flame

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