At 10/26/11 03:34 PM, batman64 wrote:
Hail friends In Metal
Just popping in briefly to say Hi and talk about a couple things.
lol, briefly.
Duff my may surprise you to learn what you have done for me.
Maybe :O
I am now a MAJOR fan of atmospheric Black Metal and am currently friends with around a few hundred or more bands that fall in that category on myspace.
Well, that's absolutely great :) Knowing that someone is really enjoying a genre I introduced him to, is one of the most comforting thought to me.
I have also recently become aware that most of the bands I meet are really not what they first appear to be. At first glance a lot of the bands look or seem real evil or something..yet I have found that most of them are in fact VERY nice people with varied taste in music and things as well.
People and artists are just people like everyone else..who would have thought or known that a few BM artists and bands get into Jazz, blues, or even some psychedelic or prog. Way cool finding all this out.
Every musical genre has it's own stereotypes. Some people fit the stereotype and others don't. Usually, Black Metal fans are very open-minded when it comes to music. The people we often think about when talking about Black Metal fans are usually the elitist ones who listen to only the darkest, most underground lo-fi and raw black metal of the scene. These people do exist, but I highly doubt they form the majority of the bm community.
I mentioned briefly about how sometimes one may not hear all the buried sounds inside some music. what I meant was like in that Alcest track I mentioned. At first listen one hears a wall of sound due to the distortion(Intentional or due to recording technique). when I first heard it all I basically heard was distortion, guitar, drums and vocals. Was about to give up til Duff mentioned the bassline which at first I did not hear. When I listened for the bass and other things I found myself going through the wall of sound and finding what was under it and contributing to it. Therein I found the true music and sounds comprising the whole., which was and is some pretty damn good music.
That is what I meant by finding the layers within the supposedly simple sounding song.
Alcest's first album really was an hard one to analyze though. The production quality makes it even harder than on other lo-fi black metal albums to really distinguish all the instruments from one another. But hey, if you managed to do it and if you enjoy the music, maybe the production is just good as it is, right?
Currently promoting my brother's work in Alehammer, my own work with Death Squad, as well as beginning work with Coldnight( She wants to talk with me in length on MSN or yahoo I guess now..way cool) also meeting a lot of bands and labels too, like Salt and some other artists you may not have heard yet. Unknown and very well known getting mixed together in the mix of things. Things are way cool...and it does look like I will have a record Label within the next year as well as other things. Also working on youtube as well promoting bands and have a few vid projects in the works.
Anywhere we can hear that music?
That is not including working with my sons on a few musical projects as year is gonna be huge.
I wish you the best luck, Bill :)
At 10/28/11 05:42 PM, TheSporkLord wrote:
Right, but there is no real dynamic, I don't mind straight 16th notes, but when they're all the same basic chord shape its annoying. Like classical piano pieces, a lot of times they were just straight 16th notes, but they didn't just play the same three notes over and over again.
From this point on, I really can't argue with you over this. I'm not going to try to proove you that there is much dynamic to Wolves In The Throne Room's music. First because I don't know their work enough, and second... because I really doubt that they actually tried to write dynamic music. It is meant to be simple, repetitive, mind-numbing, slow and atmospheric. If you don't like it, that's fine with me.
Yes, they are. Mayhem of course having an evil atmosphere.
They have an atmosphere, of course. But that's not the point. Every music as a particular atmoshpere to it. What we mean by Atmospheric Black Metal is something different. The main focus of the music in Atmospheric Black Metal is the Atmosphere. Usually the atmosphere is created by depressing, slow, repetitive elements. They will make an extensive use of keyboards to give their music this "atmospheric" feel. Atmospheric Black Metal is often closer to genres like Ambient, Dark Ambient and some Drone like The Black One by Sunn O))) or the album Altar by Sunn O))) & Boris... then it is close to other Black Metal acts or Thrash Metal.
And I will soon. I just wish I could figure out how to hook up my god damn electric guitar for recording. I suppose I record on my phone for that " tr00 " black metal feel.
That'd be great :)
Well first, ABM does not HAVE to be simple like WITR or the others. And I imagine the only reason you think of those things is because of the fact that you actually know about the band. Would you still be thinking about those if you didn't know what they were all about?
I'm not sure I get what you mean by that. But yes, I think people would still try to find music with slow progression and repetitive parts. See, you don't listen to these bands like you listen to other Black Metal bands. If you do that, I'm a hundred percent with you... you are going to get bored realy fast.
So in essence, he's saying, they have atmosphere but they're not atmospheric. That makes sense.
So Melodic Death Metal is the only Death Metal with melodic elements? Depressive Black Metal is the only Metal genre that is depressing?
Like I said above, that's not the point. It was not named Atmospheric Black Metal to point out that other BM bands don't have any atmosphere to their music.
No I'm not saying the whole genre sucks, it just annoys me when people think that atmospheric music can only be slow and repetitive, its not true, ABM encompasses all atmospheres, which is why I say that there are bands that can get awesome atmosphere whilst still making damn unique music. It's more than possible to write calm/relaxing music whilst not dumbing everything down. Which is again, what annoys me.
True :)
Know any post balck metal/ atmospheric bands that don't sound like agalloch or alcest?
In Post-Black Metal I have Ihsahn, but it cannot be classified as Atmospheric, at least not with the definition I gave you. Then we have Sigh, which is a band with a great atmosphere, but not an Atmospheric Black Metal band (still if using the definition I gave you of ABM).
Then I have Fen, which is an Atmospheric Black Metal/Post-Rock band.
I have Arcturus, which is an Avant-Gard/Black Metal band. Somewhat atmospheric, I suppose.
I previously suggested the band Chaos Moon, which is somewhat closer to what you could categorize as ABM.
Forteresse, the band from Quebec.
Gris, another band from Quebec. They make Depressive Black Metal. But sometimes Depressive and Atmospheric Black Metal are kind of close. The delimitation between both sub-genres really isn't obvious.
Neige Et Noirceur, another one from Quebec. This band stands somewhere between Dark Ambient and Atmospheric Black Metal, if my memories are right. I didn't listen to their music recently and I really can't remember right now.
Also, I believe one of the guys in alcest has some other project called Lantlos, they recently released a new album I believe. Might want to check it out.
And finally, I've been neglecting to say I saw decrepit birth over the weekend, never really listened to their music so I can't say what they played, but they sounded pretty good. I got up on stage and started headspinning with the vocalist and bassist. I got thrown out after that, but I just walked back in.
They are pretty decent I suppose. I don't know them much either. But I remember listenning to them sometime last year.