At 11/16/10 07:26 PM, Dalnaki wrote: CoB is power metal for people who like -core music.
Awh come on! I was into CoB way before I got into metalcore, and I'm not less of a metalhead than you, today.
At 11/16/10 07:26 PM, Dalnaki wrote: CoB is power metal for people who like -core music.
Awh come on! I was into CoB way before I got into metalcore, and I'm not less of a metalhead than you, today.
At 11/16/10 03:17 PM, Dalnaki wrote:Yeah, but I never said it wasn't.
Fair enough
Alright, good man. I see lots of people saying that, when variety to them is Sublime to Slipknot to Metallica to Paramore.
I'll give you some examples, at any given point during the day I can switch from this (mind your ears metalhedz) to this to this, to this.
Just a small sample, my taste in music is pretty random actually, no idea why but at least I never get bored of my iTunes.
What? No. What gave you that idea? I just don't like scene kids. Having standards that ridiculously high would just be tiresome.
I figured as much :P
At 11/14/10 10:35 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 11/14/10 09:13 AM, Zodir wrote: I don't actually have Phenomenon, but I have heard Doctor Doctor, and that is a great song.No denying that. I didn't find Phenomenon in the shops yesterday. I might ask for that album for Christmas but I've already got 5 - 7 other albums in mind.
I found Phenomenon in my record store and picked it up for like $4. I listened to the whole thing. IT KICKS ASS. All the songs are about the quality of Doctor Doctor. I highly suggest picking it up.
Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!
Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!
At 11/16/10 05:25 PM, thdrkside wrote: What do you all think of Children of Bodom?
Alexi can shred, their first three albums have fantastic riffs and solos and the neoclassical influences are very nice.
After the first three albums they went downhill.
And Alexi can't sing for shit. Terrible lyrics too, a lot of which he made up on the spot, some of which is gibberish.
Instead of Children of Bodom, how about listening to some Taake instead :D
At 11/17/10 01:10 AM, PenisClown wrote: Instead of Children of Bodom, how about listening to some Taake instead :D
Cause these bands are world aparts? Taake is awesome though, and I'll follow Ponos on this one, and suggest everybody listen to some of their tracks.
And that is definitely my idea of the perfect black metal album artwork.
Hey Duff, I just downloaded a fuck tonne of albums, one of which was "Opus I" by a band called 'Aorlhac'. The last song on their album is a really good cover of Ulver's 'Hymne I - Wolf and Fear'. Go check that out, it's pretty sick. They've also done a Taake cover. I applaud their ability to cover these hard songs.
Also, Aorlhac are one of the few bands that actually play a folk/black hybrid like Taake do and Ulver did.
Also, heads up guys for:
New Enslaved
New Acid Witch
New Ramesses
I also found out today that Goratory have magnificent song titles. "Anally Injected Death Sperm".
At 11/17/10 05:21 AM, PenisClown wrote: Also, heads up guys for:
New Enslaved
New Acid Witch
New Ramesses
Did you ever check out Austere ponos? I get the feeling you're really going to like them.
Haven't posted here in a loong time.
But thought I'd share a thought that myself and friend were discussing earlier today.
Basically the 80/90's produced a lot of metal bands that have become legends with members of the bands household metal names. Think about it there's the Big Four, Maiden, Sabbath, Motorhead, Pantera, Judas Priest, Dio, Ozzy, Cliff Burton, Dimebag,... and it goes on.
But since the late 90's onwards there really hasn't been any bands reaching this level or attention or I guess recognition. Lamb of God, In Flames and Children of Bodom are three that come to mind, regrettably Slipknot and Avenged Sevenfold also probably make the list in terms of 'heavy' music.
What I'm getting at is, in another 10/20 years or so what bands do you think will be remembered from the 00's (Noughty's)?
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
At 11/17/10 10:43 AM, Oppugnant wrote: What I'm getting at is, in another 10/20 years or so what bands do you think will be remembered from the 00's (Noughty's)?
It's hard to say. Metal's not what it used to be or not. Back in the eras you named, metal was far more mainstream and popular. Nirvana changed all that, they shifted the paradigm from metal to alternative rock and grunge. It's hard to say who will be famous since metal's not as universal as it once was.
At 11/16/10 05:25 PM, thdrkside wrote: What do you all think of Children of Bodom?
Don't like. There are many and much better bands out there for me to even care about them.
At 11/16/10 05:32 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: 725 days.
Roughly 2 years. Not that bad, actually.
At 11/16/10 09:48 PM, Zodir wrote: I found Phenomenon in my record store and picked it up for like $4.
Only $4? Where is this shop?
At 11/17/10 07:23 AM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Did you ever check out Austere ponos? I get the feeling you're really going to like them.
Mmm depressive black metal, I'll check 'em out.
Found some gems today guys.
Hideous Deformity - Defoulment of Human Purity
Really really good tech death metal, stellar stuff. I've never heard a more awesome bass shred, these guys slay.
Other really sweet bands I found today:
Arghoslent - Unique death metal with incredible focus on melody, without being melodeath.
Elder - Nice trippy stoner doom.
Sgt. Sunshine - The fuckin' coolest cruisy stoner rock I've heard in a long time. Y'all who like stoner will love this shit.
Vault Dweller - The absolute grittiest, DIRTIEST sounding stoner doom I've ever heard. It sounds like it was recorded under three stories of mud. It's rifftastic, and kicks arse.
WhiteBuzz - Found these guys today. Everyone said that they sound like Om. 'Cept they have guitars. This shit is trippy stoner doom. Yet to give it a decent listen, it deserves one.
HAHA OH shit I totally forget to mention, I met Arj Barker tonight.
Saw his show, talked to him afterwards. He says he loves Sabbath! He was all like, you know that song "Who are you"? And I was like yeah. And he was like, go get a moog, they're gunna come back.
I fuckin' met Arj fucking Barker. I told him he'd be great to get high with. And I shook that fuckers hand.
You just got into Arghoslent dude? I would've pegged that as a staple.
At 11/17/10 05:21 AM, PenisClown wrote: Hey Duff, I just downloaded a fuck tonne of albums, one of which was "Opus I" by a band called 'Aorlhac'. The last song on their album is a really good cover of Ulver's 'Hymne I - Wolf and Fear'. Go check that out, it's pretty sick. They've also done a Taake cover. I applaud their ability to cover these hard songs.
Also, Aorlhac are one of the few bands that actually play a folk/black hybrid like Taake do and Ulver did.
Oh man, it's so sad that Bergtatt was the only one of it's genre in Ulver's discography. I think these guys couldn't find a better way to mix both genres. But Taake is also great. I'd like to get some of their albums, cause I don't own any. If you could find a way to share those with me, it would be really appreciated.
About that band you just mentionned, Aorlhac. I can't find their cover of Hymne I on YouTube. Maybe I'm just using the wrong keywords... Hymne I is my favorite on Nattens Madrigal, I'd love to hear a good cover of it.
Talkinb about covers of Ulver, I suggest you listen to the album My Own Wolf - A New Approach to Ulver, which is a whole album of covers of Ulver's titles, from their black metal albums to their electronic ambient stuff. Some of the songs on this record are pretty good.
And talking about black/folk metal, why didn't you mention Agalloch's EP, From Which Of This Oak?
At 11/17/10 10:43 AM, Oppugnant wrote: What I'm getting at is, in another 10/20 years or so what bands do you think will be remembered from the 00's (Noughty's)?
I try not to think about music in this optic. I see bands like Mayhem, Blood Red Throne, Death and the likes as popular bands. These bands are well-knowned amongs metal bands. I couldn't care less about the opinions of people who are not metal fans. It's not like if media attention his important anyway.
At 11/17/10 12:44 PM, PenisClown wrote:At 11/17/10 07:23 AM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Did you ever check out Austere ponos? I get the feeling you're really going to like them.Mmm depressive black metal, I'll check 'em out.
Wha- You will "check 'em out." ??? As in... you don't already know them? Shiiiiit !!! Do it right away !!!
At 11/17/10 05:21 AM, PenisClown wrote: Hey Duff, I just downloaded a fuck tonne of albums, one of which was "Opus I" by a band called 'Aorlhac'. The last song on their album is a really good cover of Ulver's 'Hymne I - Wolf and Fear'. Go check that out, it's pretty sick. They've also done a Taake cover. I applaud their ability to cover these hard songs.
Also, Aorlhac are one of the few bands that actually play a folk/black hybrid like Taake do and Ulver did.
Oh man, it's so sad that Bergtatt was the only one of it's genre in Ulver's discography. I think these guys couldn't find a better way to mix both genres. But Taake is also great. I'd like to get some of their albums, cause I don't own any. If you could find a way to share those with me, it would be really appreciated.
About that band you just mentionned, Aorlhac. I can't find their cover of Hymne I on YouTube. Maybe I'm just using the wrong keywords... Hymne I is my favorite on Nattens Madrigal, I'd love to hear a good cover of it.
Talkinb about covers of Ulver, I suggest you listen to the album My Own Wolf - A New Approach to Ulver, which is a whole album of covers of Ulver's titles, from their black metal albums to their electronic ambient stuff. Some of the songs on this record are pretty good.
And talking about black/folk metal, why didn't you mention Agalloch's EP, From Which Of This Oak?
At 11/17/10 10:43 AM, Oppugnant wrote: What I'm getting at is, in another 10/20 years or so what bands do you think will be remembered from the 00's (Noughty's)?
I try not to think about music in this optic. I see bands like Mayhem, Blood Red Throne, Death and the likes as popular bands. These bands are well-knowned amongs metal bands. I couldn't care less about the opinions of people who are not metal fans. It's not like if media attention his important anyway.
At 11/17/10 12:44 PM, PenisClown wrote:At 11/17/10 07:23 AM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Did you ever check out Austere ponos? I get the feeling you're really going to like them.Mmm depressive black metal, I'll check 'em out.
Wha- You will "check 'em out." ??? As in... you don't already know them? Shiiiiit !!! Do it right away !!!
Todays recommandations: Falchion (Melodic Death/Folk Metal), Axenstar (Power Metal), Balrog (FRA) (Black Metal), Dark Forest (CAN) (Black/Viking/Pagan Metal), Eidolon (Progressive Power/Thrash Metal).
The last band, Eidolon, is one of the bands I already mentionned a billion times. But it seems to just fade away everysingle time. So I'll post some links, so maybe this time you guys will actually pay attention :P
Arcturus #9
Ghost World
Thousand Winters Old (This one is my personnal favorite. It makes me think of the song Born by Nevermore)
The Oath (This one as a long intro, but it's really worth it)
Eidolon - The Parallel Otherworld
At 11/17/10 01:10 AM, PenisClown wrote: Alexi can shred, their first three albums have fantastic riffs and solos and the neoclassical influences are very nice.
After the first three albums they went downhill.
And Alexi can't sing for shit. Terrible lyrics too, a lot of which he made up on the spot, some of which is gibberish.
Instead of Children of Bodom, how about listening to some Taake instead :D
I hear Taake and they are amazing but for me Cob is better i know they went downhill after "Foloow the Reaper" but not as much as you say
The cold wind and the snow of this night, whips my heart of pure ice
My cold blood is running through my veins, but my soul burns like an everlasting flame
At 11/17/10 05:31 PM, rockereaper wrote: I hear Taake and they are amazing but for me Cob is better i know they went downhill after "Foloow the Reaper" but not as much as you say
How can you even compare...
I wish there were good American melodeath bands. I honestly don't even know of any that exist, besides this one guy I met on Youtube who has a small band of his own. He's a sick guitarist, but I haven't heard any of the vocals, or anything else to be honest. He has a bunch of Youtube videos showcasing his guitar skill, and he's pretty good in my opinion. It'd be awesome if they made it big as the first successful American melodeath band.
Link for those who are interested.
Arise to sky and set free - Release toward horizon
Hey, I found some cool bands you should check out:
Razor: Thrash metal band from Canada. Decibels and Evil Invaders kick some serious ass.
Satan: Thrashy NWOBHM band. Blades of Steel and S.C.U.M. are pretty awesome songs.
Forced Entry: Thrash band from Seattle. Love the song Octoclops
And finally Believer, a cool technical thrash band. Stoned and Vile Hypocrisy are awesome.
At 11/17/10 12:25 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 11/16/10 09:48 PM, Zodir wrote: I found Phenomenon in my record store and picked it up for like $4.Only $4? Where is this shop?
An independent shop that specilizes in heavy metal and classic rock. I get some really good deals there. I picked up High On Fire's Snakes for the Divine the week after it came out for about $8, which is better than I could find anywhere else.
Also, I want some really good death metal bands. Preferably ones that sound like later day Death. But any quality ones would be welcome.
Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!
Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!
At 11/17/10 06:59 PM, ToastedCupcake wrote: I wish there were good American melodeath bands. I honestly don't even know of any that exist, besides this one guy I met on Youtube who has a small band of his own. He's a sick guitarist, but I haven't heard any of the vocals, or anything else to be honest. He has a bunch of Youtube videos showcasing his guitar skill, and he's pretty good in my opinion. It'd be awesome if they made it big as the first successful American melodeath band.
Good American melodeath bands?
Here you go:
The Black Dahlia Murder (You could argue that they are in-between metalcore and melodic death metal. They are still metal enough to fit in my recommandations)
I actually thought I could find more in my library. But I guess there is not a lot of good Melodeath bands in the US :P Still, Arsis is an amazing band. One you should check out if you don't already know them.
At 11/17/10 07:27 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Arsis
I'm really liking them, good recommendation. Oh, and I also picked up Kalmah's 12 Gauge today and I'm liking it just as much as the Swampsong/They Will Return collab album I bought. Good to see bands who sound relatively the same as they progress through time.
Arise to sky and set free - Release toward horizon
At 11/17/10 07:41 PM, ToastedCupcake wrote: Good to see bands who sound relatively the same as they progress through time.
How is that a good thing?
At 11/17/10 07:51 PM, SomaGuye wrote:At 11/17/10 07:41 PM, ToastedCupcake wrote: Good to see bands who sound relatively the same as they progress through time.How is that a good thing?
When I meant relatively the same, I meant within the genre. Of course Kalmah's new album has different riffs, etc., but it's still good, quality melodic death metal. Like In Flames for example, their old stuff was very good, but their newer stuff became a bit more mainstream and their sound changed.
Arise to sky and set free - Release toward horizon
At 11/17/10 07:41 PM, ToastedCupcake wrote:At 11/17/10 07:27 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: ArsisI'm really liking them, good recommendation. Oh, and I also picked up Kalmah's 12 Gauge today and I'm liking it just as much as the Swampsong/They Will Return collab album I bought. Good to see bands who sound relatively the same as they progress through time.
Kalmah always sounds like Kalmah, but each album sounds different. Swampsong is the rawest, most agressive and my personnal favorite. They Will Return is very melodic. It features the greatest keyboard parts to be found in Kalmah's music. Swamplord is the darkest. Somewhat inbetween the raw power of Swampsong and the dark synths.
After they released these three albums, their sound evolved to a cleaner and heavier sound. Still, you could always recognize Kalmah's music. Their best in the most recent album, is definitely 12 Gauge, cause the riffs sound like the riffs from they earlier work, but with their new sound. The Black Waltz and For The Revolution were good, but just not as good.
At 11/17/10 07:51 PM, SomaGuye wrote:At 11/17/10 07:41 PM, ToastedCupcake wrote: Good to see bands who sound relatively the same as they progress through time.How is that a good thing?
Remember Metallica? They went from Kill Em' All to St. Anger... Sticking to what makes you unique is not always bad. If you can still evolve in your sound, than that's just perfect.
To ToastedCupcake, I suggest you go and follow this thread on Metal Archives.
I've asked for American melodeath bands recommandations, and so far the names With Faith Or Flames, The Absence, Light This City, Revocation, Disinterment, Helcaraxë, The Funeral Pyre and Vehemence came out.
I hope you find these recommandations useful.
Huzzah for borderline frostbite. Fucking weird that I go out and shovel my driveway in -12 weather in shorts and a t-shirt and nearly get frostbite yet I can go out in wind chills of -50 to -60 dressed the same and be fine.
At 11/17/10 10:25 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote: Huzzah for borderline frostbite. Fucking weird that I go out and shovel my driveway in -12 weather in shorts and a t-shirt and nearly get frostbite yet I can go out in wind chills of -50 to -60 dressed the same and be fine.
It's really hot here :D
And Duff, I tried to find it on Youtube for you but it's not up there. However, I'm not lying. Go check it, I'm listening now and it's fantastic.
Well I saw Ozzy last night, and he can still sing!
Our seats weren't the best but it was worth the like 40 bucks they cost. Long set list too around 20+ songs and i think 5 were Black Sabbath songs. He had this opening video of him parodying all these new t.v shows and movies, got a good laugh before the show even started.
Did Ponos mention new Acid Witch? Awesome. So so awesome.
And imma have to check out Kalmah with everyone talking about them lately, i'll be logical and start from the older stuff and work my way up.
At 11/17/10 11:01 PM, 6Imm6ortal6 wrote: Well I saw Ozzy last night, and he can still sing!
Shit, I was thinking otherwise.
Did Ponos mention new Acid Witch? Awesome. So so awesome.
I'm yet to really get into, from the couple of tracks I've spun it not only seems lame, but also simplistic and rip offy. But, I havn't really given it a chance.
And imma have to check out Kalmah with everyone talking about them lately, i'll be logical and start from the older stuff and work my way up.
Yuck dude, I think instead you should go for:
Cephalic Carnage
Fleshgod Apocalypse
Decrepit Birth
Hideous Deformity
I'm starting to dig the fuck out of death metal.
So much so that I think Austere is a little bit shit. I chucked on 'Unending Night' and I have to say the vocals are fucking rank.
This Polish band called Deivos are really sweet too.
I've found that there are hundreds of death metal bands out there that rule and that I havn't heard. So like, since my computer got wiped (All my music is gone on my computer, except I had MOST things on my iPod. Lost all my Slayer and some Pelican and stuff though.) I've been downloading all bands I havn't listened to.
And I've got about 20 or so new tech death albums, and I've discovered heaps of tech death bands.
I'm such a tech death noob I havn't even listened to Decapitated's first album.