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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 16:05:15

At 9/24/10 03:31 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 9/24/10 10:57 AM, TheDaemonicPoet wrote:
Cause this kind of core is killing Metal. All stupid people will think these shitbags are metal and think less of such a great musical genre. And while ignorant people won't make me change my mind of Metal, it's still annoying when people throw names around like Bring Me The Horizon and Avenged Sevenfold when we are talking about Metal. No matter if they have positive or pejorative opinions on the matter.

What does it matter if people think that those bands are metal? It's not really bothering anyone, and I sure don't see how it's "killing metal". And why are you calling the members of the bands "shitbags" just because you don't like the music that they make? That's quite shallow.

Plus, this genre of music is obviously a nuisance to music. It's a mix of downwatered metal, downwatered hardcore and boring unoriginal pop music. It lacks everything that makes all these genres good. It's weak, Bring Me The Horizon, is one of the best examples of this. They have poor song-writting, their screamer is fucking weak, he just shouts all the time cause he cannot push the sounds properly. His growls are ok though... The guitars range from chug-chug to breakdowns... sometimes they play smething a little more technical, which is showing that these guys are capable musicians, but that they just can't write something creative and/or good.

Who are you to say what is a nuisance to music? There are generic bands in every genre, black metal, thrash metal, death metal.. But even if it isn't creative, it can still sound good to somebody, which is what music is about. I can understand it if people hate a genre of music, but calling it a nuisance to music implies that it is somehow bothersome to music, which it really isn't.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 16:29:42

At 9/24/10 04:05 PM, DeIirium wrote:
What does it matter if people think that those bands are metal? It's not really bothering anyone, and I sure don't see how it's "killing metal". And why are you calling the members of the bands "shitbags" just because you don't like the music that they make? That's quite shallow.

The fact that people can't call things by their proper names annoys me at the highest point. We have words, we have definitions. And there is a fucking good reason why we have such things. These bands are killing metal for they are replacing them in Metal festivals. They are the pop of heavy music. So instead of digging deeper to find good modern metal bands, the organizers will book all the good ol' metal bands like Testament and Megadeth, plus a shitload of lamecore bands like Winds Of Plague and Beneath The Massacre. This is ruinning the concept of having Metal Festivals. Just look at The Heavy MTL festival setlist we had this summer. It was fucking pathetic...

This commercial puke is ruinning Metal's credibility. You might have already noticed that Metal is most popular amongs teenagers and young adults. Due to the fact that the genre is rather young and that the earlier forms of metal were not as agressive as those we have today, there is not a lot of 40 and 50 years old fans on Metal music. So whenever I get a chance when talking to someone who's into Jazz or classical to introduce them to metal, I do. But guess what, they already know some people and they think metal is shit...

Where do you usually start when you don't know a musical genre? With the most popular artists right? How do you feel about being represented by Slipknot, Korn, Winds Of Plague, Attack Attack! and the such? Well at least, Metal of the 80's is still very popular, so their might be a chance that the people you will talk to will be of those who know about these bands and not the fags with fringes.

And what do you usually do when you don't like a specific musical genre? You don't go digging deeper right? If all you ever encountered was bree-bree and chug-chug faggots, why would you feel the need to go deeper in the musical genre?

Who are you to say what is a nuisance to music? There are generic bands in every genre, black metal, thrash metal, death metal.. But even if it isn't creative, it can still sound good to somebody, which is what music is about. I can understand it if people hate a genre of music, but calling it a nuisance to music implies that it is somehow bothersome to music, which it really isn't.

For all the previous reasons I have listed, they are a nuisance.
And why would your definition of music be better than mine? I don't see music as a mindless entertainment. It's art and you can't compare shit to gold, no matter what.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 17:13:31

At 9/24/10 04:29 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 9/24/10 04:05 PM, DeIirium wrote:
The fact that people can't call things by their proper names annoys me at the highest point. We have words, we have definitions. And there is a fucking good reason why we have such things. These bands are killing metal for they are replacing them in Metal festivals. They are the pop of heavy music. So instead of digging deeper to find good modern metal bands, the organizers will book all the good ol' metal bands like Testament and Megadeth, plus a shitload of lamecore bands like Winds Of Plague and Beneath The Massacre. This is ruinning the concept of having Metal Festivals. Just look at The Heavy MTL festival setlist we had this summer. It was fucking pathetic...

It's not the fault of the bands that they get booked to play at metal festivals, they're just trying to earn a living. It's the organizers's decision who they invite to play at their festivals. So if anybody is ruining the festivals, it's the organizers, not the core bands.

Where do you usually start when you don't know a musical genre? With the most popular artists right? How do you feel about being represented by Slipknot, Korn, Winds Of Plague, Attack Attack! and the such? Well at least, Metal of the 80's is still very popular, so their might be a chance that the people you will talk to will be of those who know about these bands and not the fags with fringes.
And what do you usually do when you don't like a specific musical genre? You don't go digging deeper right? If all you ever encountered was bree-bree and chug-chug faggots, why would you feel the need to go deeper in the musical genre?

Once again, not the fault of the bands, but the people who are too judgmental. I never judge a musical genre based on only the most popular acts. If somebody decides to do that, I don't care, it's not my problem that they're missing out. Besides, metalcore can also be a gateway for people for getting into metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 18:08:12

Lol. This page was two posts long before I left for work today, and now look :3 it's almost full!

That commercial made me laugh.
I know they're not really metal, being a mathcore band, but does anyone listen to The Dillinger Escape Plan?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 18:32:23

I'm so metal I do everything at 300 bpm.

But this one kid I know apparently has a progressive metal band called vexus. I've heard they're really good but so far they've only played live gigs. They are going to make a studio album soon.

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 18:54:40

Recently, while browsing the Internets, I found a band called Black Cobra. They are a stoner metal band similar to High on Fire, and they kick ass. Suggest checking them out to everyone.

Godzilla Film Fan Club

Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!

Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 19:16:07

At 9/24/10 07:15 AM, PenisClown wrote: That post was so not metal. Sorry. Reccomend me some music that will make the pain go away.

How about My Chemical Romance you fucking emo!

I <3 you really.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 20:13:18

I don't really see the big deal with metalcore. As a whole, it's objectively terrible. Anybody who sees that shit as a good representation of the diversity of metal is a fucking joke and shouldn't be taken seriously. Let the sheep be sheep.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 20:21:09

I found a band named demigod and they sound pretty good. Any good albums?

Also this might be a stretch but wikipedia has a list of death metal bands and I'm going through hoping to find a random amazing death metal band.

Oh and cattle decapitation sucks.

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 21:53:32

At 9/24/10 08:21 PM, TheSporkLord wrote: I found a band named demigod and they sound pretty good. Any good albums?

Not really a good place to ask, when the general consensus on good death metal here is weak ass noodle metal that barely qualifies as DM (in most cases, not at all.) Anyway, Sullen of Slumber Eyes.

Also this might be a stretch but wikipedia has a list of death metal bands and I'm going through hoping to find a random amazing death metal band.

Hahahaha, Have fun with that.

Oh and cattle decapitation sucks.

Old news.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-24 22:00:51

At 9/24/10 06:54 PM, Zodir wrote: Recently, while browsing the Internets, I found a band called Black Cobra. They are a stoner metal band similar to High on Fire, and they kick ass. Suggest checking them out to everyone.

They sound cool, I'll definitely listen. Thanks for the find, man.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 02:28:20

At 9/24/10 02:55 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote:
At 9/24/10 07:15 AM, PenisClown wrote: That post was so not metal. Sorry. Reccomend me some music that will make the pain go away.
There's a new Drudkh album out, sport.

Yeah, I already have it, gave it a listen on Wednesday. Pretty sweet stuff, I like it. Wish they'd do something more like Blood in Our Wells again. What with the epic riffs and solos and the more heavy metal vibe.

At 9/24/10 06:54 PM, Zodir wrote: Recently, while browsing the Internets, I found a band called Black Cobra. They are a stoner metal band similar to High on Fire, and they kick ass. Suggest checking them out to everyone.

That's weird, was listening to their album yesterday. Got it a month back, listened to it on a bus trip to Perth. Black Cobra are like sludge/thrash it's a pretty unique go at sludge and it's heavy as fuck. Early High on Fire is the closest to their sound I've heard you're right, but Black Cobra have their own thing going it's pretty sick.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 04:07:31

At 9/25/10 02:28 AM, PenisClown wrote: I already have it,

There's new Satanic Warmaster too.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 07:00:44

At 9/24/10 04:05 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 9/24/10 03:48 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, I've got a few right here. Take note that the Chameleon review was written three years ago and may look poorly written to you, even though this review somehow got 8 points from the site and they rarely give out 8 points for a single review.
Oh! So if they think the review is good enough, they will publish it, but then, they give you an amount of point based on their appreciation of your review? Do you know how much they usually give and what's the range of points you can get for a review?

It depends on the quality of the review. Short reviews will only get 3 points, moderately good reviews get 5 points while the ones they see as really good will get 8 points.

There are some issues I have with them. The first being if I make the slightest grammatical error, they'll reject it without even pointing out the fault(s) to me. They'll give you a standard message on checking if your review has any spelling/grammar errors, is in double space, etc. I do check my reviews well enough but most of us can easily overlook one minor grammar issue.
Strangly, there is a stupid error in my review on Abigail Williams album. At the end, I wrote "This album is unique, and will Abigail Williams will fall under the symphonic black metal genre classification. This is a brand of sbm that you've never heard of before." There is two errors in there, but they still published my review.

Sometimes they overlook typos but other times they can be strict about it. It depends on the moderator who's looking at them, I guess. There was a typo in my Stratovarius self-titled review which slipped through the crack.

So I'm not that cool :( I thought it was super awesome to get a review on their website...

Well, you did well to get a review for Blotted Science's album on there.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 08:26:15

Why is so hard to find girls that are into real metal? It seems any girl I know that remotely likes 'metal', it's always core or something.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 11:22:41

At 9/25/10 08:26 AM, JaY11 wrote: Why is so hard to find girls that are into real metal? It seems any girl I know that remotely likes 'metal', it's always core or something.


Even when they find out about good bands they never let go of As I Lay Dying and Marylin Manson.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 12:00:20

Empyrium is apparently reuniting and making more music. Anyone who likes Agalloch, especially you Duff if you haven't already, should check out Empyrium. They're "symphonic" in the romantic sense and the lyrics and music can get pretty schmaltzy sometimes but there's still a lot to like about their style. They've been one of my favorites for as long as I can remember.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 12:59:52

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 13:01:29

At 9/25/10 12:00 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Empyrium is apparently reuniting and making more music. Anyone who likes Agalloch, especially you Duff if you haven't already, should check out Empyrium. They're "symphonic" in the romantic sense and the lyrics and music can get pretty schmaltzy sometimes but there's still a lot to like about their style. They've been one of my favorites for as long as I can remember.

I was off them for a while until I came back for a relisten. They've got some pretty smart tracks.


Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 14:01:30

I never even knew.

Is it awesome?

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 15:43:16

At 9/25/10 08:26 AM, JaY11 wrote: Why is so hard to find girls that are into real metal? It seems any girl I know that remotely likes 'metal', it's always core or something.

Yeah, I hardly know any female metal fans. The only one I know is my sister but I'm still grateful for her to enjoy all the music I listen to. Hell, I wasn't sure if she would get into Opeth but we went as far as seeing them live back in April.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 17:25:42

I've been thinking recently, that people that listen to all this new pop music (not ALL people, just from what I have seen), don't really see music as a significant thing at all in there lives, unlike people that dig deeper into other genres such as rock, metal, jazz, all that good stuff. A lot of people I see just like music as a background thing and don't bother looking into artists or new music themselves, but just rely on popular radio stations to do it for them.

I'm not saying that all people that listen to metal are music messiahs (they're are plenty of similar people that listen to metal - bad metal at that), or that all people that listen to pop don't know anything about music, I'm just writing what I've observed.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 18:27:08

At 9/25/10 03:43 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/25/10 08:26 AM, JaY11 wrote: Why is so hard to find girls that are into real metal? It seems any girl I know that remotely likes 'metal', it's always core or something.
Yeah, I hardly know any female metal fans. The only one I know is my sister but I'm still grateful for her to enjoy all the music I listen to. Hell, I wasn't sure if she would get into Opeth but we went as far as seeing them live back in April.

My sister is into metal as well, but other than that, I don't know any really kvlt female metal fans. Also, I have posted a review of Voivod's Katorz on sputnikmusic. I would appreciate any constructive criticism.

Godzilla Film Fan Club

Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!

Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 18:38:46

At 9/25/10 03:43 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/25/10 08:26 AM, JaY11 wrote: Why is so hard to find girls that are into real metal? It seems any girl I know that remotely likes 'metal', it's always core or something.
Yeah, I hardly know any female metal fans. The only one I know is my sister but I'm still grateful for her to enjoy all the music I listen to. Hell, I wasn't sure if she would get into Opeth but we went as far as seeing them live back in April.

We should put out an ad for Female metal fans, just to prove that they exist, and they're not a myth. Just an idea.

Godzilla Film Fan Club

Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!

Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 20:23:06

Fuck female metal fans. Seriously. They're all posers without fail.

Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. I know a few with alright taste, but I'm not really big on black metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 21:55:20

At 9/25/10 05:25 PM, JaY11 wrote: I've been thinking recently, that people that listen to all this new pop music (not ALL people, just from what I have seen), don't really see music as a significant thing at all in there lives, unlike people that dig deeper into other genres such as rock, metal, jazz, all that good stuff. A lot of people I see just like music as a background thing and don't bother looking into artists or new music themselves, but just rely on popular radio stations to do it for them.

I'm not saying that all people that listen to metal are music messiahs (they're are plenty of similar people that listen to metal - bad metal at that), or that all people that listen to pop don't know anything about music, I'm just writing what I've observed.

You're very correct in your observation. As ridiculous as it may sound, I know a couple people who will only like songs if they are mainstream and gain air time on the radio. In a way, it sickens me. No desire to search for other artists, no desire to discover something new or possibly better. I really don't understand it.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-25 22:32:35

At 9/24/10 05:13 PM, DeIirium wrote:
It's not the fault of the bands that they get booked to play at metal festivals, they're just trying to earn a living. It's the organizers's decision who they invite to play at their festivals. So if anybody is ruining the festivals, it's the organizers, not the core bands.

Organizers do not see it this way. They see only an opportunity. If you want to get money out of a festival, you need to have populars acts on your setlist. Still, they could choose popular metal bands, but they are just too fucking dumb to do so.

And no matter how you look at the problem, "core" music is still the problem. Without the existence of the genre, organizers wouldn't have the possibility to pick bands like these. Plus, I'm not saying core is all bad music. I'm saying that... ONE, it's not metal, TWO, most of the time, it sucks ass.

Once again, not the fault of the bands, but the people who are too judgmental. I never judge a musical genre based on only the most popular acts. If somebody decides to do that, I don't care, it's not my problem that they're missing out. Besides, metalcore can also be a gateway for people for getting into metal.

It's not judgemental. If you don't have any knowledge on metal, if someone comes to you, talking about Slipknot being such a great METAL band, why would you even doubt his words? Even on wikipedia, and even their own fucking website Slipknot is classified as metal.

So, if someone comes to you, saying Bring Me The Horizon, Slipknot, Korn, Parkway Drive and August Burns Red are sooooo fucking metal, if you happen to dislike all of these bands, than you will probably start making an idea of what "metal" is. But until you meet someone with the proper definition of metal, you won't even know how wrong you are.

At 9/24/10 09:53 PM, Dalnaki wrote:
At 9/24/10 08:21 PM, TheSporkLord wrote: I found a band named demigod and they sound pretty good. Any good albums?
Not really a good place to ask, when the general consensus on good death metal here is weak ass noodle metal that barely qualifies as DM (in most cases, not at all.) Anyway, Sullen of Slumber Eyes.

Cause you are obviously sooooo fucking right, and we are all obviously sooooo fucking wrong. It's obviously obvious.

At 9/25/10 08:26 AM, JaY11 wrote: Why is so hard to find girls that are into real metal? It seems any girl I know that remotely likes 'metal', it's always core or something.

My girlfriend likes Agalloch, Blotted Science, Ulver, The Morningside, Kalmah and a few other awesome bands. I guess these kind of girls are just hard to find.

You are right though... girls are usually more appealled by core than metal... that saddens me to such an extreme point... makes me cry :'(

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-26 00:08:01

At 9/25/10 08:26 AM, JaY11 wrote: Why is so hard to find girls that are into real metal? It seems any girl I know that remotely likes 'metal', it's always core or something.

I've found plenty of girls into REAL metal.

It's just, they tend to be not open minded...at all.

They're all either:
4.) "I'm a black metal elitist, fuck you"

Yeah that's pretty black and white and their are metalhead chicks with ACTUAL TASTE, these are just BY FAR the most common ones. (At least around this part of the world)

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-26 03:35:14

At 9/26/10 12:08 AM, AniMetal wrote: 1.) "LOLOL I'M A MELODEATH WHORE, COB AND IN FLAMES ALL THE WAY"
4.) "I'm a black metal elitist, fuck you"

All of those were pretty funny. There are a chicks that think they're goth or emo or whatever and Slipknot is death metal around here, but that's the closest to metal chicks around here. It's sad really.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-09-26 04:50:02

At 9/26/10 03:35 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:
At 9/26/10 12:08 AM, AniMetal wrote: 1.) "LOLOL I'M A MELODEATH WHORE, COB AND IN FLAMES ALL THE WAY"
4.) "I'm a black metal elitist, fuck you"
All of those were pretty funny. There are a chicks that think they're goth or emo or whatever and Slipknot is death metal around here, but that's the closest to metal chicks around here. It's sad really.

Ya I hear you.We have some metalheads around here, both real and poser but not many metal chicks tho, tis a shame. :(