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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 17:38:21


blotted science wank. that doesn't mean they're not good. "wank" means they play fast and technical for the sake of it, which describes basically every tech death band in the world.

But your opinion is shit since you fucking claimed that you are not a Death Metal fan. So the only DM bands you like are water down death metal bands with very little of what really defines Death Metal. While Necrophagist are a death metal band, when they start playing their technical shit, their is not a lot of death metal left in their music.
"your opinion is shit" god wow you are just so mature

nev likes necrophagist, big fucking deal. he doesn't need to like TRUE REAL DEATH METAL THAT DEFINES WHAT DEATH METAL IS to think that necrophagist sound good. he likes Death, too.

cry us all a river you big baby

I suggest you shut your ugly face :)

What I fucking meant and that you didn't even try to understand, because protecting your bitch is way more important than understanding the meaning of what I said... is that if you openly admit that you are not a fan of a said genre, you should obviously understand deep down in your awesome brain, that you cannot make up in your mind, what really makes a good band of the said genre. So no, I don't care if he likes Necrophagist, I really couldn't care less. And I was not fighting with Nev. If you didn't get it, Nev and I get along pretty well most of the time and there was no bad intention in what I wrote.

We obviously do not have the same definition for wank. If wank really meant "technical" than why would we make up a new word for it?
Wank is a pejorative word. Like n*ggers for black people. You use the term wank to describe a band that (in your opinion) plays mindless technical stuff for the sake of playing technical stuff but without the consistency of a good technical band or just to show off skills without actually adding anything to the music.

So Blotted Science's technical riffs are (in my opinion), never out of place and always fit right in with the song.

And stop that bullshit with the "your are so mature". I really don't think everything in the fucking world only depends on opinions. Relativism is a plague and you were fucking hit by that shit. If you think that "everything is in the eye of the beholder and every single one is beautiful because there will always be someone to like you" and all that stupid shit we teach to children, then fine. But don't call me immature because I think that EVERY SINGLE THING in the world doesn't only depends on your perceptions of that thing. But hey... THAT'S MY OPINION RIGHT ???666

Now I know I will have people complainning that I'm ranting again. But why is it that you guys always have to bring it back to this? The guy said we were all fans of mindless wanking shit with no consistency or whatever he called us. I fight back, and all you pussies gang up on me again.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 18:02:19

At 7/3/10 05:38 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: I suggest you shut your ugly face :)

wah wah wah i don't care

And stop that bullshit with the "your are so mature".

that had nothing to do with relativism (which has far more depth and philosophical merit than you seem to claim-but this is metal hell, not philosophy hell, so i'll drop it). i was just saying that if you're going to call someone out on the credibility of their assertions, there's a far more mature way of saying it than "your opinion is shit."

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 18:08:10

I only said that cause it was Nev... :'(

I don't think his opinion is worthless in anyway. But I really thought it was a known fact that Nev was no big fan of Death Metal.

Talking about CC and Necrophagist... why are they so popular...?
Any thoughts? Cause I never quite figured that one out...

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 18:20:41

I understand Death Metal fine, thank you. I just also understand that its not very good. It's mostly noisy shit that thinks its Brutal. When in fact you don't get more Brutal than Carcass :).

And are Necrophagist popular? They're certainly not over here.

And as for why you don't call it Wank Death Metal is cause it'd just be too true for you fans to realise :P.
But seriously, Wank in this context has nothing to do with it being shit, its to do with it being self indulgent.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 18:21:26

So because Duff is always ranting about origin, I gave them a listen. I must say I absolutely despise everything about that band. All I heard was a clusterfuck of noise.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 21:14:51

At 7/3/10 06:20 PM, Nev wrote: And as for why you don't call it Wank Death Metal is cause it'd just be too true for you fans to realise :P.
But seriously, Wank in this context has nothing to do with it being shit, its to do with it being self indulgent.

A lot of people go on about Tech Death being the wankiest music out there, but those people have never heard any Free Jazz. Now that is wank of the highest order. At least Tech Death has clear structure and precision, Free Jazz really is pure instrumental wank.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 21:18:31

At 7/3/10 09:14 PM, SomaGuye wrote:
At 7/3/10 06:20 PM, Nev wrote:
A lot of people go on about Tech Death being the wankiest music out there, but those people have never heard any Free Jazz. Now that is wank of the highest order. At least Tech Death has clear structure and precision, Free Jazz really is pure instrumental wank.

Free jazz is almost always purely improvisational though, so its almost never generic like a lot of tech death bands.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-03 21:57:14

Has anyone here listened to Krisiun? I just found them and they seem pretty good.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 00:27:54

At 7/3/10 09:14 PM, SomaGuye wrote: A lot of people go on about Tech Death being the wankiest music out there, but those people have never heard any Free Jazz. Now that is wank of the highest order. At least Tech Death has clear structure and precision, Free Jazz really is pure instrumental wank.

free jazz and tech death are entirely incomparable, though, because tech death is completely rehearsed and machine-precise, while free jazz is entirely improvisational.

i like free jazz more, i think, but that may be due to me being more personally connected to jazz than metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 02:02:24

At 7/3/10 09:57 PM, SomeAlt wrote: Has anyone here listened to Krisiun? I just found them and they seem pretty good.

Krisiun does a pretty good job, their vocals are decent, however their drumming could be a bit better.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 02:06:02

Hey, I know I'm not part of this club, but I'm just curious if you guys think that if I go to the Slayer/Megadeth/Testament concert, and get tickets for $8.50, if I'll get really, really shitty seats.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 03:27:36

At 7/4/10 02:06 AM, Punch wrote: Hey, I know I'm not part of this club, but I'm just curious if you guys think that if I go to the Slayer/Megadeth/Testament concert, and get tickets for $8.50, if I'll get really, really shitty seats.

Slayer and Megadeth are pretty good, but I haven't seen them live. I'm sure some guys here have before. As for Testament, I'm not familiar with them. Maybe you could shell out a bit more for decent seats, that's what I'd recommend anyways. Hope I helped.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 03:44:13

Early Testament is pretty good(like their first three albums or something like that) but after that they're one of the blandest, least inspired thrash metal bands i've ever heard.

Also, i'm seeing Megadeth/Slayer/Testament in August and I have a ticket to the pit area/general standing and it cost 61 bucks.

So yeah.

I'm still alive btw. Also: Duff almost all those tech. death metal bands DO wank, ESPECIALLY Blotted Science and Brain Drill. I think wanking in music is fucking awesome though, so I kinda agree with you wanting to defend them.

Make war, not love.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 04:06:01

At 7/3/10 03:12 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: YOB - the Great Cessation

Paul Rudd as John Lennon voice:

Groit recorrrrd.

Such a killer riff on the first song. Heavy as shit.

At 7/3/10 03:14 PM, Bahamut wrote: I keep hearing about Baroness around here. If they're any good, could someone post me some recommendations please?

They are absolutely fantastic. One of the best bands around today. I saw them live! Same day I saw Clutch, Anthrax, and Faith No More. And the guitarist from Anvil played his guitar with a big gold dildo.

Get every album they ever release forever, they're great.

Lol @ HeavenDuffs bullshit.

My take on Necrophagist?

At the end of 'Only Ash Remains' there is an awesome classical bit. Just for that, just for that, they are excellent. Just like how Vintersorg does a classical bit in För Kung Och Fosterland off Till Fjells.

Real metal, brothers.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 04:22:20

At 7/4/10 04:06 AM, Coop83UsedToBeCool wrote: At the end of 'Only Ash Remains' there is an awesome classical bit. Just for that, just for that, they are excellent. Just like how Vintersorg does a classical bit in För Kung Och Fosterland off Till Fjells.

Muhammed Scuimez is a favorite guitarist of mine. He made that band with nothing but an acoustic guitar and wrote all the music and played all instruments before I picked up the guitar seriously. His classical touch is just brilliant. Proof that his band and metal isn't all wankery and chug chug harmonic.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 06:36:05

The Melvins is dope. And if you like Faith No More, you should probably get into Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, and Fantomas. They all star Mike Patton on vocals, and are fronted entirely by him. Tomahawk is the newest of those ones, I think, Fantomas has the drummer from Slayer and rapes face, and Mr. Bungle was Mike Patton's first band. They actually started as an early-style death metal band. Check out their first album (their demo, actually) "The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny." Hardcore shit for 1986.
Also, if you hate the Red Hot chili Peppers as much as I do (which is a fucking lot), you HAVE to love Mr. Bungle. There's no two ways about it.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 07:34:16

So, Baroness is cool. Acquired all their albums lastnight.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 07:58:18

At 7/4/10 07:34 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: So, Baroness is cool. Acquired all their albums lastnight.

I couldn't get into them. I didn't give them a fair enough listen and I will soon, though. I've heard so many great things about them. Wanna recommend a starting album?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 08:39:55

'The Sweetest Curse' is my current favourite Baroness track. I always thought Isak was da bomb though. So both of them live anyway :D

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 08:43:05

At 7/3/10 06:20 PM, Nev wrote: When in fact you don't get more Brutal than Carcass :).

Carcass is grindcore. It's pretty much a world away from DM, even though there are similarities. Unless you're talking about Heartwork, if so, you're probably gay.

At 7/4/10 07:58 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:
At 7/4/10 07:34 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: So, Baroness is cool. Acquired all their albums lastnight.
I couldn't get into them. I didn't give them a fair enough listen and I will soon, though. I've heard so many great things about them. Wanna recommend a starting album?

If you like Mastodon, you'll like Baroness. I don't like Mastodon. Infact, I'm leaning towards dislike.

At 7/3/10 04:37 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Wow... just wow... Who the freakin fuck are you? What makes you think that you can judge us based on your mediocre knowledge of Death Metal?

I make you mad with everything I say, don't I? I must be your archenemy or something. Observation aside, I can say with confidence that I know more about DM than you. Also, I know there's techdeath that doesn't wank. I know because I've listened to it. While it's not exactly my cup of tea, stuff like Demented Ted, Gorguts, Violent Dirge, Chemical Breath, etc is alright. You should listen to those bands sometime, to hear what it's like when techdeath isn't about wanking.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 08:46:09

At 7/4/10 08:43 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Gorguts,

Gorguts fucking kick ass, dude. Right on bro.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 09:03:28

At 7/4/10 07:58 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:
At 7/4/10 07:34 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: So, Baroness is cool. Acquired all their albums lastnight.
I couldn't get into them. I didn't give them a fair enough listen and I will soon, though. I've heard so many great things about them. Wanna recommend a starting album?

From what I've listened to so far, either the Red or Blue album are best to start with.

They also have some seriously kick ass vinyl.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 09:05:03

At 7/4/10 08:46 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:
At 7/4/10 08:43 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Gorguts,
Gorguts fucking kick ass, dude. Right on bro.

Gorguts' Obscura doesn't do much for me. It's a shame, because it's definitely the type of DM I enjoy. It needs a serious relistening from me, I suppose. Obscura aside, ever check out their early stuff? Solid OSDM, reminds me of bands like Demented Ted, and Chemical Breath.

Also, you might be interested in this since you like Gorguts. My friend who showed me it described it as a kinda middle ground between latter era Gorguts and Traumatic Voyage, and it fits. Great stuff.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 09:14:45

Thanks for reminding me that I haven't listened to Erosion of Sanity in a while guys.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 09:19:59

At 7/4/10 08:43 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Carcass is grindcore. It's pretty much a world away from DM, even though there are similarities.

Be that as it may, they're hardly a world away from Death Metal, even if Grindcore is.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 09:37:12

At 7/4/10 09:05 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Gorguts' Obscura doesn't do much for me. It's a shame, because it's definitely the type of DM I enjoy. It needs a serious relistening from me, I suppose. Obscura aside, ever check out their early stuff? Solid OSDM, reminds me of bands like Demented Ted, and Chemical Breath.

That's the only album I've heard and I love everything about it and every track on it to, but I've been meaning to listen to their earlier stuff. I'll check that out soon. Thanks for reminding me.

Also, you might be interested in this since you like Gorguts. My friend who showed me it described it as a kinda middle ground between latter era Gorguts and Traumatic Voyage, and it fits. Great stuff.

Nice. I've never heard of Traumatic Voyage but I like the song. Another good band to get into. Thanks again.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 10:41:16

At 7/4/10 09:37 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: Nice. I've never heard of Traumatic Voyage but I like the song. Another good band to get into.

Not surprised, I suppose I should have provided a link. Traumatic Voyage is seriously demented stuff. Some of the craziest shit I've ever heard. Anyway, TV is a one man band from Germany, session drummer aside. They're a must listen imo if you like demented/surreal DM.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 10:49:07

I'll look into Red Album and Blue Record then. Thanks! :) Not sure when exactly I'll get it considering the amount of albums I'm waiting for as well as my birthday coming up. I've already asked for some Bathory albums for my birthday considering the upcoming Heidenfest show.

At 7/4/10 03:44 AM, AniMetal wrote: Early Testament is pretty good(like their first three albums or something like that) but after that they're one of the blandest, least inspired thrash metal bands i've ever heard.

I listened to The Legacy a while ago and to be honest, I was disappointed. Maybe The New Order is better?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 11:50:52

So I was thinking about posting this on my alt but The zeppelin deserves more than that. HOW IN THE FUCK IS LED ZEPPELIN NOT HEAVY METAL?!

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-07-04 12:12:53

At 7/4/10 11:50 AM, TheSporkLord wrote: So I was thinking about posting this on my alt but The zeppelin deserves more than that. HOW IN THE FUCK IS LED ZEPPELIN NOT HEAVY METAL?!

The same reason every other blues rock band isn't metal.