At 5/25/10 02:14 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Tell me Ryan, why should I care about human life? We are born into a world where we are mislead to think it's a safe peaceful world.
No we're not. There is this thing called the news and its full of proof that it isn't for anyone who is interested. If you're a moron who swallows religious unquestionably then you're... a moron.
At 5/25/10 04:09 PM, AniMetal wrote: But I dig pop like this and a lot of 80's and early 90's pop.
I'll be seeing them at Latitude in July... possibly. They're headlining I think but I've really never heard of them, I was feeling positive cause I thought they'd have a female singer. I was disappointed :(.
And Pop music is fucking ace.
At 5/25/10 04:45 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: I never said it was a good thing. I was making a joke. And in this club, Nev has joked about Dimebag's death
Yeah, but I'm just trolling when I say that. I have some sympathy for his family :P.