At 1/11/10 06:57 PM, Zodir wrote: Sorry I haven't been able to post in a while, the internedt is out, but I wanted to hear your guys's opinion on the Lord Weird Slough Feg. I recently got Ape Uprising, and I want to see if their other stuff is worth checking out. Also, thanks for the Manowar reccomendations a few pages back. And I, if I had to classify Children of Bodom, it would Power Metal with death metal influence.
Others have already recommended them but Traveller and Down Among the Deadmen are a MUST!!! I can't get enough of these albums and neither can my sister. She even claims Warriors Dawn is one of the greatest songs of all time and I agree. Speaking of my sister, she's purchased the remaining Opeth albums so I can't wait until I hear them, even though that could still be a while.
At 1/11/10 07:12 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Also, these two titles you named are quite good. Make me wanna listen to some of their new stuff in fact.
From Afar is an album to pick up. Infact, I find it to be the album of 2009 surpassing Endgame and Crack the Skye. I'll probably get shit for saying that but that's how much I like From Afar. Another track to look out is The Longest Journey, even though the outro is a bit too long but damn, the rest of the song is still awesome. It's one hell of an album closer.