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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 21:07:23

At 12/2/09 08:23 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/2/09 08:12 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Normally Lady Gaga fans = misinformed bitchs.
You can't listen to such crap and know music at the same time...
both just don't come together...
I listen to Lady Gaga, and other such "crap" music.

There's just a fuckin limit to what pop music as to offert. You like Taylor Swift? That's fine with me because I like Jason Mraz.
But Lady Gaga is a part of this big capitalist musical industry that is raping arts. These big record labels have so much fucking money that they can choose what music will or will not become popular. Today, the public doesn't have any kind of power in terms of choosing what is going to play on the radio. I'm talking about mainstream radio of course. These industries are raping music with shitty unoriginal and uninspired copies of other pop artists. Lady Gaga is just another part of a lame commercial thrend. And I won't change my mind until pop music stops being a capitalist industry and go back to making arts.

Normally if you accept to listen to music that is played on loop on the radio, it's because you have no kind of particular interest in music and that you won't try to dig deeper to find music that isn't souless (em... without a soul?) commercial crap.

America as a lot to offer in terms of music. Some of my favorite bands are from the US (Agalloch, If These Trees Could Talk, Megadeth, Blotted Science, Cynic). But America is also awesome at destroying music and culture.
What's the easiest way to get popular? Destroy diversity!
If you want to make sure you will make a lot of money, you don't need to make original, avantgarde or inspired music. In fact it's the total opposite. Your music as to be very similar to other stuff made in the actual popular music wave, very easy to listen to, cheap repetitive clyrics with easy words to remember so all r-tards can sing along while shaking their asses in the club. And always remember "sex sells". So put a lot of naked bitches in your video, find yourself a sexy slut to sing your songs, and here you go.

Understand guys that this isn't an attack towards the US, but in fact it is against the capitalist industry that is ruinning arts. Cause as far as I'm concerned, there is fucking awesome music made in the US, but all that we see in medias is what the big industries pay for us to see. So they can keep us stupid and ignorant in terms of musical culture and diversity.

btw, Kanye West sucks

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 21:36:16

At 12/2/09 08:23 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/2/09 08:12 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Normally Lady Gaga fans = misinformed bitchs.
You can't listen to such crap and know music at the same time...
both just don't come together...
I listen to Lady Gaga, and other such "crap" music.

All the years of awesomeness, crushed, just like that.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 21:51:38



Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 21:53:49

At 12/2/09 09:51 PM, axl-lee wrote: PO-PO-PO-POKER FA-I mean...




Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 22:17:53

Fuck you guys are weird.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 22:24:23

At 12/2/09 10:17 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote: Fuck you guys are weird.

I wish I had a girlfriend with a good musical taste. Seriously. Any girl I have dated or am attracted to just listened to mainstream garbage. They don't have to love everything I do, I'd just like some decent bands and diversity. A metal girlfriend is cum worthy though.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 22:28:06

At 12/2/09 10:24 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I wish I had a girlfriend with a good musical taste. Seriously. Any girl I have dated or am attracted to just listened to mainstream garbage. They don't have to love everything I do, I'd just like some decent bands and diversity. A metal girlfriend is cum worthy though.

I dated a girl who was into power and prog metal once. She was very attractive, and she thought I was attractive too (she wasn't even the least bothered by my voice, surprisingly), but just my luck...she had to move over to fucking Illinois from Long Island with her parents and there was no chance of maintaining a long-term relationship. I haven't spoken to her since July.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-02 22:33:49

At 12/2/09 10:28 PM, GoryBlizzard wrote: I dated a girl who was into power and prog metal once. She was very attractive, and she thought I was attractive too (she wasn't even the least bothered by my voice, surprisingly), but just my luck...she had to move over to fucking Illinois from Long Island with her parents and there was no chance of maintaining a long-term relationship. I haven't spoken to her since July.

Sounds like a cute girl, that's really too bad, what a touching but sad ending. She would have been perfect for you. I fell in love with a girl at a young age that had to move. I think it marked the end of my childhood.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 00:12:26

hey guys, my girlfriend and i broke up today :/
it was a mutual thing, we agreed that it really wasn't working and we just weren't really meant for each other. we still really like each other, but we knew that it couldn't work. oh well. i'm not devastated like i was when i was dumped last year, but i'm still rather upset. i'll be okay in due time.

also, lady gaga, you say?


i fucking hate lady gaga but oh well

it's pretty ridiculous to say that people who like lady gaga suck and have no taste in music, though. a lot of people i know who listen to her freely admit that the music sucks, but they still enjoy listening to it, and they like some really good bands aside from her.

also she's actually really talented, which is a pity because she's sort of wasting it on garbage. her voice is pretty great.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 00:46:06

At 12/3/09 12:12 AM, D3NTATUS wrote:
it's pretty ridiculous to say that people who like lady gaga suck and have no taste in music, though. a lot of people i know who listen to her freely admit that the music sucks, but they still enjoy listening to it, and they like some really good bands aside from her.

So because you admit that it sucks it makes it ok to listen to her stuff?
So yeah, I rape babies, but I know it's bad. At least I know it is. So I'm halfway through redemption :)

I wouldn't say that people who like Lady Gaga are dumbasses. But I would say that they have very little musical culture... that's the case for a lot of them...
Cause I have a few friends who like some of her music, and they really aren't dumb.

But I would say that it is irresponsible to support such musical industry. If you didn't do it already, go read my previous post. All infos on my opinion on the subject are there :P

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 00:54:20

At 12/3/09 12:46 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: So because you admit that it sucks it makes it ok to listen to her stuff?

my point was that they don't think it's good music, but they still enjoy it anyway. they are knowledgeable about music and whatnot, so they can recognize that it's bad.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 01:09:43

At 12/3/09 12:54 AM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 12/3/09 12:46 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: So because you admit that it sucks it makes it ok to listen to her stuff?
my point was that they don't think it's good music, but they still enjoy it anyway. they are knowledgeable about music and whatnot, so they can recognize that it's bad.

Ok. And my point is that your point is not good. Cause why would you enjoy shit?
If you really think that it's good and all, that's fine. But if you think it's shit... why do you like it?
It's like admitting your attracted by crap.

Maybe what you mean is that they would say stuff like this: "I don't think there is a very good research behind her work and I think that it's not really original, but I still like the beats and I think it makes pretty good party music."

That would be a good reason why you would say her stuff isn't very good. But saying that is crap and still enjoying it...
Sorry but it just sounds dumb to me.

Also, I'm listenning to Cry For The Weeper by Sunn O)))
I'm like 7 minutes in the track and I still feel like if this was just an intro...
I always find myself waiting for the part where it would actually "start"
And as I listen to it... it makes me think that this stuff sounds somewhat like what Death metal bands put as intros to their albums. It's not that it's bad and I actually pretty much like ambient and atmospheric music. But I really just don't see where they are trying to take listener.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 01:13:04

Hey guys, I'm looking for you guy's take on Slayer's new album, but from a metal purists point of view.


The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 01:16:17

At 12/3/09 01:09 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Ok. And my point is that your point is not good. Cause why would you enjoy shit?
If you really think that it's good and all, that's fine. But if you think it's shit... why do you like it?
It's like admitting your attracted by crap.

Because it's catchy and fun to listen to. Music isn't always about finding some hidden meaning or artistic depth; sometimes it's just some sounds that are pleasing to listen to. Example: mash-ups. I hate "Sandstorm," and I loathe "Soulja Boy." The mash-up of the two, by Super Mash Bros, is fantastic, even if the songs in question totally suck. It's just fun to listen to, and nothing more.

Just like how art doesn't necessarily have to be really esoteric and "deep;" a painting of a flower can be just as nice. I know you're just going to counter this with "if you think that, you don't understand music," or some other bullshit, but sometimes, you just take music way too seriously. Music can be just music. There's a place for the thinking man's music, and there's a place for vapid, cheesy, catchy pop stuff. Some people depth to their music, like you, and some people don't want to bother trying to understand their music. I'm done with this, so i'm just gonna post this and drop out of this debate.

Also, coprophilia (sexual attraction to fecal matter) is a legitimate fetish.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 01:24:53

At 12/2/09 09:25 AM, TheUnwisePoet wrote: I love this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Af372EQL ck

Do you know if there is a Metal version of it?

I prefer Beethoven. Although a metal version of that would be ace. Didn't Dark Moor do a metal version of the ballet Swan Lake?

At 12/2/09 05:57 PM, missingjack wrote: I was trying to show I was mad that my friend had said that metal sucks and one of the greatist prog metal bands sucked which is a dirty lie.

Erm, I wouldn't say one of the greatest.

At 12/2/09 10:24 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I wish I had a girlfriend with a good musical taste. Seriously. Any girl I have dated or am attracted to just listened to mainstream garbage. They don't have to love everything I do, I'd just like some decent bands and diversity. A metal girlfriend is cum worthy though.

I'm dating a girl who likes power/prog. We were hanging out once and listening to her music when The Black Parade by MCR came on. She got up and changed it to Sonata Arctica without me even saying anything. I thought that was pretty win.

At 12/3/09 01:13 AM, HighWayStar365 wrote: Hey guys, I'm looking for you guy's take on Slayer's new album, but from a metal purists point of view.

Here is my metal purist POV:

I havn't even listened to it yet. Why the shit should I? It's not like Slayer's songs are as good as they used to be over a decade ago.

Fuck metal, I'm going to became a classical music purist.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 01:36:03

At 12/3/09 01:24 AM, PenisClown wrote: Here is my metal purist POV:

I havn't even listened to it yet. Why the shit should I? It's not like Slayer's songs are as good as they used to be over a decade ago.

Fuck metal, I'm going to became a classical music purist.

That's a little TOO pure.

The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 02:10:22

At 12/3/09 01:13 AM, HighWayStar365 wrote: Hey guys, I'm looking for you guy's take on Slayer's new album, but from a metal purists point of view.

Same shit, different album.

Death is only the Beginning. Death is all that is real. Heliosohophism.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 02:16:30

At 12/3/09 01:16 AM, D3NTATUS wrote:
Just like how art doesn't necessarily have to be really esoteric and "deep;" a painting of a flower can be just as nice. I know you're just going to counter this with "if you think that, you don't understand music," or some other bullshit, but sometimes, you just take music way too seriously. Music can be just music. There's a place for the thinking man's music, and there's a place for vapid, cheesy, catchy pop stuff. Some people depth to their music, like you, and some people don't want to bother trying to understand their music. I'm done with this, so i'm just gonna post this and drop out of this debate.

No, I will never say that you don't understand music. And what you said is true. We need catchy pop music. It is important to music and is not to be considered as less artistic than the stuff I usually listen to. And I am not taking music that seriously. Really. But I feel that there is good pop music and that there is cheap, unoriginal music, made by greedy fat bastards and their pop bitches.
So even if people do not have a great passion for music and that they really just do listen to music for their entertainement, there should still be a kind of limit to what kind of shit we can listen to.

If some girl comes telling me she likes Janet Jackson, believe me that I would never say she suck dicks and have no tastes in music. Cause Janet Jackson makes somewhat interresting pop music.

And who the hell is talking about a debate? Man, everytime I dare stating an opinion you guys start thinking this is like a fucking war we are starting :P

And em, concerning your relationship problem. It sucks that you had to broke-up with your girlfriend. And even if you both decided that it would be better to break up...
you are still going to feel like shit for a while. Maybe not starting today... but in a week or two... anyway.
Don't want to look like the negative dude, but separation never is an easy thing. Even if you break up with a psychopathis, jealous, controlling freak :)

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 07:21:30

At 12/3/09 12:12 AM, D3NTATUS wrote:
also, lady gaga, you say?


i fucking hate lady gaga but oh well

Even her name is repetitive... this society is rotting, how it's even possible to like that shit?

Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 07:27:56

At 12/3/09 07:21 AM, TheUnwisePoet wrote: how it's even possible to like that shit?

Well, kids these days need to be into the latest things because they don't want to be "lame".

that's my guess.

The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 07:34:35

Oh btw, I have a question. Would Black Sabbath be considered metal or classic rock?

The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 07:50:17

At 12/3/09 07:34 AM, HighWayStar365 wrote: Oh btw, I have a question. Would Black Sabbath be considered metal or classic rock?

Black Sabbath rule. They were the first metal band. The heaviest of their time. The creators of doom metal. The godfathers of heavy blues. Legends of doom. Hail be to Geezer Butler, Tony Iommi, Bill Ward and Ozzy Osbourne, for being true blue british stoner metal musicians.

A Dio is fine too.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 07:54:55

At 12/3/09 07:50 AM, PenisClown wrote: A Dio is fine too.

I'll take that as classic rock.

The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 08:23:35

Well, most of their shit with Ozzy is doom metal I would have to say, but a little bit was blues rock. With Dio is had a metal feel. I have this 1989 album of theirs called Headless Cross and it's like epic heavy metal.

Black Sabbath are metal.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 08:28:25

Listen to Hole in the Sky. Pure awesome stoner metal. Fucking love that shit.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 08:47:28

I like Escape The Fate , but they sound a bit meh live, kinda sucky that I missed Hollywood Undead though, seen them before and they were awesome.

*random post at college while bored as fuck*

As Blood Runs Black - In Dying Days. yea I know they're core, shush.

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 10:02:36

Hey guiz I listen to Lady Gaga, I actually really enjoy her music, I find it very upbeat and easy to listen to. They lyrics aren't really very intelligent, but they are still fun.

I'm actually going to see her live next year with a couple of lady friends :)

Just because I have this opinion on Lady Gaga doesn't mean I don't fully appreciate, enjoy and understand Metal in all of its forms.

I still prefer Metal over pretty much everything else but having diversity no matter what it is really shouldn't have some kind of taint on your musical 'credability'.


This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 10:20:09

On the subject of girlfriends, I almost had one a few months ago and her taste in music was almost the complete opposite to mine. I wasn't that bothered what music she liked, it was other things that I loved about her.

At 12/2/09 05:57 PM, missingjack wrote: I was trying to show I was mad that my friend had said that metal sucks and one of the greatist prog metal bands sucked which is a dirty lie.

I hear so much praise for Mastodon and while I find them enjoyable, I don't think they're the best metal band of this decade.

At 12/2/09 07:23 PM, mothballs wrote: You don't know the worst of it. About 95% of people in my school listen to rap and hip hop, during auditoriums and such they make us listen to rap the whole time. About 4% listen to rock. I'll give the rest of 1% to metal, although there really aren't any people in my school that listen to REAL metal. I mean, some good bands, most mostly core and deathcore.

Sounds like the shithole high school I went to, except metal would be less than 1%.

At 12/3/09 01:13 AM, HighWayStar365 wrote: Hey guys, I'm looking for you guy's take on Slayer's new album, but from a metal purists point of view.

I'm not getting it as I heard a few songs and they were total shit. Not worth picking up, unless I found it for a ridiculously low price.

At 12/3/09 07:34 AM, HighWayStar365 wrote: Oh btw, I have a question. Would Black Sabbath be considered metal or classic rock?

IMO, both.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 12:13:46

At 12/3/09 07:27 AM, HighWayStar365 wrote:
At 12/3/09 07:21 AM, TheUnwisePoet wrote: how it's even possible to like that shit?
Well, kids these days need to be into the latest things because they don't want to be "lame".
that's my guess.

Now I understand why girls on my school shit on me =(

Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-03 13:43:35

At 12/3/09 01:13 AM, HighWayStar365 wrote: Hey guys, I'm looking for you guy's take on Slayer's new album, but from a metal purists point of view.


That's how I describe World Painted Blood. And I think it's worse for it.

On Reign In Blood, for example, pretty much everything was excellent apart from Altar of Sacrifice. On God Hates Us All, for example, everything was shit except for Disciple. With those two albums, you knew where you stood. Everything was either great or terrible. Not so here.

The album is okay.

The riffs are okay. The drumming is okay. The lyrics are okay. The production is okay.

The only thing that isn't okay are the solos, which are completely fucking horrible.

If I were to judge WPB on the solos alone, it would be the worst album in the history of music. Every single solo is some variation of the sounds 'WHWHAWHAWHAWHA', 'NEOWWWWW' or 'WEEDLYWEEDLYWEEEEEEEEE'. I actually took the time to learn Psychopathy Red on guitar. The solo, and I'm dead fucking serious here, is comprised of about 15 different notes.

I'd blame this on Kerry King's lack of musical anything, but I'd be wrong in saying that. Hanneman is just as guilty. The riffs are actually pretty decent. Simplistic and boring at times, but decent. The solos, on the other hand, are abysmal. There is not one good solo on this album, and I can say that without exaggeration. With the possible (and I cannot stress that word enough) exception of the one on Americon. It's simple, but relatively effective at holding the listener's interest.

Lombardo is trying his hardest, and I can tell. And while he's hindered by the production, he stands out as the only man in the band who can rock it like in the old days.

Araya, in my opinion, lost his voice after Seasons in the Abyss. He's alright, but sometimes he's accompanied by this demonic-sounding backup singing which is too quiet to sound any better, but it's loud enough so that it distracts you. He also sometimes tries to break into his higher range, and while he succeeds, he shouldn't do it. Because he sounds ridiculous. I could kick someone in the balls and their voice would be deeper. He hasn't been able to do this for a while, actually. If you listen to the beginning of Seven Faces on God Hates Us All, he tries to do a high-pitched scream a la Angel of Death...and fails miserably - but he tries to cover it up with an effect.

The bass? I can't hear it. I don't think I've ever been able to hear the bass on a Slayer record, and I'm assuming that all Araya does is follow the guitars note-for-note anyway.

So, to summarise:
It's a potentially good album let down by horrific solos, old age, and it just feels like we've heard it all before, you know?

Slayer have been riding the 'Verse-Chorus-Solo' Thrash Metal formula for quite a while now. Just a heads up, guys? It's not working anymore. You've exhausted every cliché in Metal, and it just won't carry you for another album. This isn't a new thing, Christ Illusion seemed a little more fresh than it actually was due to having heard nothing but pseudo-Thrashy Nu Metal from Slayer for a couple of albums, but even the most relieved fans could still feel that something was missing.

Try something new, Slayer. Please. Blast beats and Black Metal-style riffs seemed to work pretty well on Public Display of Dismemberment, maybe you should try and be a little bit more heavy next time round? Or lighter? I don't fucking care. Just break the monotony.

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