Deathcore suck... In my opinion some "recent" metalcore albums are pretty good too, like "Scream, Aim, Fire" by BFMV, well it sound more technical than "The Poison", also "Wrath" by Lamb of God, but I got to admit "Sacrament" is their best album ever IMO, and "Retribution" by Shadows Fall, which rule.
But my favourite Metalcore bands, are Machine Head, Lamb of God, Trivium, Shadows Fall, All That Remains and Bullet for My Valentine...
Well... Deathcore... suck I just can't like it, I don't see art on it, is just a lot of riffs seperated by breakdowns, and a lot of RAWR! RAWR!, well the drums are ok... but the bass... where is it? The only deathcore band where I notice the bass is Suicide Silence, which suck, is just a mix of Emperor and Marduk in Deathcore, and if you consider Neaera deathcore, which I think it's metalcore, there I can notice the bass too, and it's well used IMO.
Well I know you don't like to talk about -core, so I am going to talk about Thrash, I heard a band called Gama Bomb, and I loved it: Sentenced to Thrash I love the end of the music. And also Evile, is an awesome Thrash Metal band, it's a lame their bassist died, I hope he rest in peace. I also like Slayer but just the album "God Hate Us All" the music "Raining Blood" and "Angel Of Death". Oh and Pantera, orgasmic, I love the album "Vulgar Display of Power". Metallica... Kings of Metal... Death Magnetic is a proof of their worth. Megadeth... awesome to headbang, I don't have words to describe so much heavyness, love it.
Well it's my today post... Hasta mates... I dunno why but I am feeling light inside...
Neaera-Prey to Anguish
Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.