At 9/25/09 03:51 PM, TheUnwisePoet wrote: Anyway I love this band.
But do you actually like real Metal?
At 9/25/09 03:51 PM, TheUnwisePoet wrote: Anyway I love this band.
But do you actually like real Metal?
At 9/25/09 07:21 AM, tdobbin wrote: I have loved metal since I was a little kid in grade 3 :D Some bands I listin to are In flames, pantera, slayer, the black dahlia murder and alottttt of deathcore
Pretty borderline. Slayer are good, In Flames are borderline, Pantera suck, BDM are borderline, deathcore isn't suitable for Metal Hell.
At 9/25/09 06:44 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: There is no such thing as real Metal.
Of course there is.
And even if you're not elitist then there is always Manowar.
Call me when the Metal Archives reviewers can actually think of a valid point to criticize them for.
How about because their music is macho turd?
At 9/25/09 06:44 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: There is no such thing as real Metal.
An army of metal elitists are turning in their graves.
At 9/25/09 06:51 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: So in other words, real metal bands wear loincloths and lack an actual bassist.
Have you even listened to Manowar?
Its all in there man.
How about you make up your mind about them?
First you claim they were just bland. Now you've been attacking them whenever you get the chance.
People are allowed to have multiple reasons for disliking a band.
I could give you a third if you so wished :).
At 9/25/09 04:56 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:Pantera suck
Call me when the Metal Archives reviewers can actually think of a valid point to criticize them for.
Groove metal. Overrated guitarist who's now a marytr. Bad lyrics and song structure. Terrible, sluggish drummer who people who don't really drum at all think is awesome. No bass. Pussy for a singer. Plus they were all stuck up Texan dicks.
At 9/25/09 07:00 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: I don't mind listening to the band, but they don't have a proper bass player. Joey DeMaio uses a piccolo bass.
Why does it matter what type of bass he plays? Piccolo bass is still a bass, it just fits his style better.
At 9/25/09 07:00 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: But giving a valid reason for flat-out hating a band would help.
I don't flat-out hate Pantera. All I said was that they're macho turd.
I dislike them. They're bland, they're macho turd.
And I flat-out hate their fans. I'm sure there will be genuine ones, but most are morons.
Another Pantera fan who just can't let you not like the band...
Danny Elfman - Batman Theme (Batman)
Guess while I have this chance I'll go redo bleached Bones.
At 9/25/09 07:29 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: What I do care about is people hating the band for stupid reasons
Whats stupid about the reasons?
Most of them come down to personal taste.
Boring? Personal taste.
Groove Metal? Personal taste.
Overtly macho? Personal taste.
When people rave about how good they are and how amazing Dimebag is, it makes people who don't share those feelings dislike the band more. It's a sign of snobbery, but I'm not arsed about being a bit of a snob.
or thinking they're edgy for saying negative things about Dimebag.
What I mentioned above breeds that as well. It's just a form of trolling.
People praise Dimebag.
You call Corpsebag.
Pantera fan gets upset.
You laugh at their expense.
It's good immoral fun.
Im uploading to youtube soon. So be on the look out for my redemption.
At 9/25/09 07:15 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote:Terrible, sluggish drummer who people who don't really drum at all think is awesome.That didn't make any sense.
He's saying that only people who don't know how to drum, and therefore can't accurately judge good drumming, say that Pantera has good drumming.
Hating Pantera is stupid, it really is.
Most metal fans enjoyed and had Pantera influence their musicial taste at some point or another - shut up.
Yeah, cowboys is there only good album and even that is pretty overrated IMO, it doesn't change the fact that they were one of the few bands channels like VH1 and MTV called metal, THAT ACTUALLY WAS METAL.
Also, Pantera has four or five tribute bands(Trendkill, Diecast and a few others) - If you are in a band that has tribute bands, you know you're doing SOMETHING right - Give them some props.
Not metal but still, Vote and review please? :)
At 9/25/09 07:15 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: Yes, a band sucks just because of its genre.
99% of groove metal is fucking shit, the sub genre is a laughing matter.
Of course that doesn't apply to other deceased guitarists.
This might be true, but Jimi Hendrix for example didn't play wank off chromatic riffs.
Bad lyrics and song structure.Smart words from a guy who has Cannibal Corpse in his favorites.
What's wrong with CC's lyrics? I don't listen to them anymore anyways. Ahh, eighth grade.
That didn't make any sense.
People who don't know what drums are about think he's a God just because he's on drumming magazines and people say he's good, while he's pretty mediocre and monotonous.
I think it's absolutely hilarious all of the people hating on Pantera claim there's no bass in their songs. Go listen to the Art of Shredding and No Good (Attack the Radical) and then tell me there's no bass in their songs.
Oooh, a measure or two of the same notes being a bass intro. Real classy and creative.
He's a douchebag and a junkie, but a pussy? Let's see you preform with a back injury.
Jason Becker is 4 times the musician that faggot is and he can't talk anymore due to Lou Gherik's Disease. He plays his music and communicates by blinking.
Philip Hansen "Phil" Anselmo (born June 30, 1968 in New Orleans, Louisiana).
They're from Texas, and they used to play glam metal. How the hell am I supposed to know where he was born? That doesn't mean the other members aren't Texas natives.
And to call Dimebag and Rex Brown stuck up is just ridiculous. Do you even know anything about them?
Dimebag was a fucker who thought he was the face of metal and that he could out play any guitarist because he has a pink beard and his guitars look different. I can palm mute too. I meant the band as a whole, and few bass players are stuck up, especially ones that suck.
Ok Metal Hell. Heres my redo of my last failed vocal cover. Try not to be so harsh.
At 9/25/09 11:11 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: Keyword: 99%.
So yeah, one band is tolerable, cool story.
Dimebag was perfectly capable of playing complex riffs.
Gore, gore, and more gore. Time for variety?
THIS IS SO METAL, I'M FROM TEXAS, SUCK MY DIIIICK. I do listen to more bands than CC, you know. One could even say that metal itself lacks variety.
So can you pull off Use My Third Arm and Primal Concrete Sledge then?
I never said I was a drummer. I said he appears as a God to drummers when he really doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and any simpleton drummer can pull off a double bass pedal. Compare him to the drummer on Death's final album.
Of course you ignore the fact that you previously stated that Pantera's songs lacked bass. Now listen to Domination and 5 Minutes Alone to know what Rex was capable of.
Domination? I don't remember hearing any bass if I recall, and I could play it simply on guitar.
Not gay at all.
Nice argument.
You made the assumption that they were all Texans, when Anselmo was actually from New Orleans. Do some research instead assuming shit.
Aside from having a red beard (and you really have to be colorblind to think he dyed it pink), Dimebag did not think either of those things. Both Anselmo and Vinnie Paul are egotisical cunts who will never make amends to each other, but not Dimebag.
I never said he didn't have a real beard. Anyone can grow a beard. Dusty Hill from ZZ Top has a beard, and he's a much better guitar player in my opinion. He was famous in a big metal band who had tons of fourteen year olds licking his penis, I'm pretty sure he was at least somehow stuck up.
At 9/25/09 10:58 AM, AniMetal wrote: Is it wrong that Autopsy, Obituary and Poessed are the only bands that I know of?
No, but it makes me feel more awesome that I know and listen to close to all of them :D
At 9/25/09 06:51 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:At 9/25/09 06:44 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: There is no such thing as real Metal.An army of metal elitists are turning in their graves.
There is such a thing as real metal. There is real metal. 'Tis a fact.
And Pantera aren't exactly real.
I'm not a big fan. D'you know how St. Anger was angry but shit? A lot of Pantera is similar IMO. Better. But. Un-metal.
Primal Concrete Sledge. I could do that.
At 9/25/09 03:45 PM, TheUnwisePoet wrote: Machine Head, for me probable the best Metalcore band, them and Lamb of God. And nobody will change my opinion.
As far as im concerned neither of them are metalcore.
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
Beerfest last night. International beer tasting convention we have annually. Fucking beautiful.
Man, a lot of Pantera debate going on. If you don't like the band, I have no problems with that. If they're one of your favourite bands, that's also fine. I can understand both sides here. However, I'm leaning more towards liking them but not considering them as one of the best bands of all time. IMO Cowboys from Hell and Vulgar Display of Power are fun to listen to but I never bothered with the rest of their stuff and that's kinda a good thing since I really don't want to hunt down the glam metal albums due to their rarity. I've had enough trouble with getting several Running Wild albums and more recently Slough Feg's Down with the Deadmen.
At 9/25/09 02:10 PM, smeagol1 wrote:At 9/25/09 07:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: What a lame idea.Your a lame Idea!!!!!! :3
You're horrible at grammar. :P
At 9/25/09 08:29 PM, AniMetal wrote: Also, Pantera has four or five tribute bands(Trendkill, Diecast and a few others) - If you are in a band that has tribute bands, you know you're doing SOMETHING right - Give them some props.
This argument can backfire considering crap like Jonas Brothers have tribute bands as well...Yeah, we live in a sad age.
At 9/26/09 09:34 AM, greensucksbluerules wrote:At 9/26/09 12:10 AM, PenisClown wrote: There is such a thing as real metal. There is real metal. 'Tis a fact.No, there is such a thing as GOOD metal and BAD metal.
Actually their is a real metal and fake metal as well as there being good and band metal.
Real: Pretty much all the genre's that are <death/black/heavy/etc> Metal. (Excluding Nu-Metal).
Faux Metal: Metalcore, Nu-Metal, Deathcore and anything else -core etc.
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
At 9/26/09 10:18 AM, Oppugnant wrote: Real: Pretty much all the genre's that are <death/black/heavy/etc> Metal. (Excluding Nu-Metal).
Speaking of which, what do you gusy think of the genre "Alternative Metal"?
I've seen bands like Disturbed and K0RN labeled Alt. Metal before, yet i've seen ACTUAL metal bands like Riverside(Ambient metal), Unsun(electronic Metal), etc. labeled as Alt. Metal before as well.
It seems to me, if a metal or core band that's subgenre isn't official they are labeled Alt. metal by default.
At 9/26/09 09:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 9/25/09 08:29 PM, AniMetal wrote: Also, Pantera has four or five tribute bands(Trendkill, Diecast and a few others) - If you are in a band that has tribute bands, you know you're doing SOMETHING right - Give them some props.This argument can backfire considering crap like Jonas Brothers have tribute bands as well...Yeah, we live in a sad age.
True, but in METAL tribute bands are rare.
I mean, with the exception of uber famous bands(Maiden, Sabbath, Judas Priest, machine Head, Metallica, Slayer and Motormouth) for any other metal band it's pretty fucking rare to have a tribute band.
At 9/26/09 11:22 AM, AniMetal wrote: I mean, with the exception of uber famous bands(Maiden, Sabbath, Judas Priest, machine Head, Metallica, Slayer and Motormouth) for any other metal band it's pretty fucking rare to have a tribute band.
I'd consider Pantera to be "uber-famous." failing that, they're much less famous than Machine Head and Motormouth.
Side note: does it seem to you guys that most metalheads go through a Metallica or Pantera phase at some point?
At 9/26/09 01:06 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:At 9/26/09 11:22 AM, AniMetal wrote:Side note: does it seem to you guys that most metalheads go through a Metallica or Pantera phase at some point?
Metallica is pretty much the most popular metal band in the world, so most likely somebody who is getting into metal will go through a phase of listening to them. Pantera phases aren't uncommon either.
My Pantera phase wasn't very long though, because cowboys from hell got boring pretty quickly, and the rest of their albums are kind of crap.
Impaled nazarene - Cyberchrist
My two cents on the Pantera matter: I think they're sort of boring. Their fans are awful, though:
"fuck you, you mexican faggot, your a piece of shit. dimebag fuckin darrell is the best musician to ever WALK%uFEFF this earth!"
Dimebag was the greatest musician EVER? Hardly.
At 9/26/09 02:32 PM, batman64 wrote:At 9/26/09 02:16 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:I always felt the same about Randy Rhoads.
Dimebag was the greatest musician EVER? Hardly.
Its because they both died tragically at a fairly early time.