At 9/1/09 06:30 PM, Nev wrote:
Deathspell Omega
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Also, I don't think horsemen voting is needed quite yet. THE OLD WAYS ARE BEST!
Lol but seriously. If we're going to vote, like wtf. Then I should win, because, deny it if you want, but I am super coolest!
But yeah, If we're going to vote for horsemen, they should each be like experts in each genre, not just the most regular posting guys, So that they are always knowledgable about new applications.
I mean, Nev is obviously deserving and qualified, but let's be frank, the last time I knew, you didn't listen to much Death metal, did you? Not that it makes you less cool ( Although it does) or less qualified, but you see what I mean.
All sides of the pyramid should be covered, being a horseman means much more than being the guy that posts the most. A Horseman-ship is a devotion to metal, as a lifestyle.
To know all about it, driven by the passion that you hold with the music, to assist and inform newcomers of the true ways of metal.
*single tear runs down cheek*
*picture of american flag*
but yeah, just consider that system of organization.
Here is a diagram of what I mean. the diagram itself is badly drawn, but what it depicts is gold. (And yes I missed some things, It's 3 AM fuck you)
The Führer-Horseman-Squire system is perfect!