Thanks for the recommendations for Twilight in Olympus. This shall be the next Symphony X album I'll get and while you two (i.e. AniMetal and Sense-Offender) don't recommend Paradise Lost, I wish to check it out anyway.
At 7/22/09 07:32 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 7/22/09 06:54 PM, AniMetal wrote:
Queensryche concert on the 30th for 20 bucks. YAY OR NAY IN YOUR OPINION AND WHY?
If it were some sort of time warp back to the early 90's, I'd say yes, because that was when they were still awesome. They were fucked when Degarmo left.
I've heard so many bad things about the later Queensrÿche releases and I must be lucky that the latest I've heard is Empire.
At 7/22/09 09:17 PM, Nev wrote:
Yeah, Malcolm in the Middle is ace. They've not released it on DVD either the cunts.
I'd really love to have all their seasons on DVD.
At 7/23/09 02:44 AM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 7/22/09 10:40 PM, AniMetal wrote:
Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
And skip this one.
I still think the album should be recommended, just not as one of the first albums to get. If he got the recommended albums and Scenes from a Memory, then would be a good time to get it.