Recently gotten into a French band called Scarve.
They're reminiscent of Darkane. Melodic Death/Thrash Metal.
Really good stuff imo.
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

Recently gotten into a French band called Scarve.
They're reminiscent of Darkane. Melodic Death/Thrash Metal.
Really good stuff imo.
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
Apparently DragonForce have shaped up their live act and actually try and play their music now.
Has anyone seen them recently to confirm this?
At 10/15/08 08:27 AM, Aci6 wrote: Not sure how heavy this club goes, but I fucking love Metal so I'll join.
Even at our lowest we're too heavy for you I'm afraid.
That's all I can think of, has anyone heard of 'Trivium'? I heard them on Channel V recently and saw their album, I didn't get it because I wasn't sure if it'd really be worth it.
And to think Trivium are some kind of new band is just moronic.
General consensus is that they're a bag of shit.
At 10/14/08 05:03 PM, DeIirium wrote: Balls to the wall is the most metal song in the world.
Let's plug a bomb in everyone's ass! :)
At 10/14/08 05:24 PM, AniMetal wrote: I was wondering, what does everyone think of the band, Iced Earth? Are they worth going to see them in a concert?
I really enjoy their music, but their music can be repetitive. However, I wouldn't mind seeing them in concert.
At 10/14/08 08:38 PM, SwampLord9 wrote: Guys. This is the most metal thing I've ever seen in my life.
Blind Guardian...
In armor!!
Epic! :o
At 10/15/08 08:39 AM, Nev wrote: Apparently DragonForce have shaped up their live act and actually try and play their music now.
Has anyone seen them recently to confirm this?
My sister was wanting to see them live, but I think we're too late for their UK concerts now. Oh well.
At 10/15/08 09:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: My sister was wanting to see them live, but I think we're too late for their UK concerts now. Oh well.
I don't think you are. I think a lot of them are sold out however.
At 10/15/08 08:39 AM, Nev wrote: General consensus is that they're a bag of shit.
Shogun is like the ultimate album for wondering 'Is this metal or not?'
As always, the guitar work is somewhat technical, the drums are pretty good, the bass is inaudible, and the vocals are gay.
I think I just summed up most Metalcore.
At 10/15/08 11:30 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: As always, the guitar work is somewhat technical, the drums are pretty good, the bass is inaudible, and the vocals are gay.
I think I just summed up most Metalcore.
And the riffs are someone elses.
And to think Trivium are some kind of new band is just moronic.
I just loled a bit. I'm seeing is I can go to the faroe islands soon - half term or something and see Tyr. I know someone who lives there and was taught to play guitar by Tyr's guitarist.
Well I haven't been here for a while so here I go. I just saw Amon Amarth Monday with Ensiferum, Belphegor, and some other band. The show was awesome. Not to mention what ensiferum said about Chicago-
"Now THIS is a venue that every band should visit. DAMN! Everything works like a trains toilet. Good food, good stage/-sound, good showers...VERY nice venue in every possible way.
Gig was just brilliant! People were crowdsurfing and singing along and there was a moshpit through the whole gig. That really gives us a extra boost. I really hope we could have played longer today, but no can do. Well, next time then.
So, its a night before the travel day so there will propably be a party. Im off to investigate the situation. Update is possible, depending of the amount of booze. :D"
I feel so fucking awesome to know I was a part of that.
We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.
Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz
At 10/14/08 10:11 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:At 10/14/08 08:18 PM, smeagol1 wrote: I have that album I like Walk With The Devil In Dreams You Behold.I dunno about that one, I've heard mixed things about it.
I wanna get Till Death Do Us Part.
Its pretty much In torment in hell part 2 trust me only a few listenable songs on it.
We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.
Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz
At 10/16/08 01:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: Ok then, I won't be coming back, I'm not into the rally heavy shit like cannabalism and slaughter
Just because you don't like what Cannibal Corpse sings about you're not coming back?
Prime example of what i was talking about before everybody, those people that are all "Oooh you're music is all emo its all satan this ragh ragh j00r emo juu satanic goth cunt rah rah".
Not picking on you or anything Aci6, don't get me wrong, its just when you said that it reminded me of an argument i had earlier.
At 10/16/08 02:14 AM, HTID wrote:At 10/16/08 01:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: Ok then, I won't be coming back, I'm not into the rally heavy shit like cannabalism and slaughterJust because you don't like what Cannibal Corpse sings about you're not coming back, and other shit.
This here mentlegen, is what happens when you forget which account you're logged into.
thats my friends one.
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
At 10/16/08 01:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: Ok then, I won't be coming back, I'm not into the rally heavy shit like cannabalism and slaughter
Since when is 'cannibalism and slaughter' a way of categorising music?
Do you mean you don't like Death Metal on principle of their lyrics?
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
Well what with the recent signing of the Pro-IP act, and just general guilt I decided I'd stop being a faggot and I deleted every bit of music I've ever downloaded. I'm going to start rebuilding my library with real cd's soon, and I'm going to stop trying to justify stealing music. If the artist want's to give it away cool, if not, I'll be buying it.
As much as I don't like Deathcore.
This band is really growing on me.
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
At 10/16/08 05:15 AM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: I deleted every bit of music I've ever downloaded.
I sadly had to do this as well just recently, after i put my new hard drive in shit went sideways and so i had to reformat, i tried backing it up to my old hard drive but it was gonna take to long, so i said "Fuck it" and deleted it. Every single bit of downloaded music, gone.
I still have most of the good stuff on my ipod though >:)
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
At 10/16/08 06:18 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: I still have most of the good stuff on my ipod though >:)
Ahh, well I'm making due now with bands that allow free downloads from their websites. Speaking of which, Marko was right about Heathen. I'm listening to Victims of Deception and its pretty damn good.
At 10/15/08 10:53 AM, Nev wrote:At 10/15/08 09:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: My sister was wanting to see them live, but I think we're too late for their UK concerts now. Oh well.I don't think you are. I think a lot of them are sold out however.
So we ARE too late for them. :P Oh well, there's always next time.
At 10/15/08 11:30 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Shogun is like the ultimate album for wondering 'Is this metal or not?'
I've only listened to the title track, but I'm gonna say no. While I'm not too bothered about Trivium these days, I gave their 10+ minute track a go and found out what it was like.
At 10/13/08 09:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 10/12/08 09:26 AM, IrishGun wrote:I'll give you one example of his stupidity:At 10/12/08 08:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: The stupidest person I know is my dad.Explain.
When the computer wasn't working, he assumed opening the disk drive would make it work.
...Do you know his IQ by any chance? I'm fascinated.
questions, questions :o
Someone from here told me Acid Bath may be getting back together, this is hugely epic news.
At 10/16/08 11:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: So we ARE too late for them. :P Oh well, there's always next time.
People sell tickets though. Outside the venues and on the train and stuff.
At 10/16/08 12:46 PM, Nev wrote:At 10/16/08 11:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: So we ARE too late for them. :P Oh well, there's always next time.People sell tickets though. Outside the venues and on the train and stuff.
Relatively sure that's against the law.
At 10/16/08 12:47 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Relatively sure that's against the law.
Cause people really care about minor laws like that...
I've had tickets that I've sold to people because a friend couldn't show or whatever. Done it a few times.
If it is against the law, then its a pathetic law. I buy three tickets. One friend doesn't show up. I sell one ticket at face value.
At 10/16/08 12:58 PM, Nev wrote:At 10/16/08 12:47 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Relatively sure that's against the law.Cause people really care about minor laws like that...
I've had tickets that I've sold to people because a friend couldn't show or whatever. Done it a few times.
If it is against the law, then its a pathetic law. I buy three tickets. One friend doesn't show up. I sell one ticket at face value.
If you look at it like that it's a minor law. But if you look at it in a more logical sense, someone could buy out all the tickets, then sell every single one of them for more than sale price. That is why it's against the law.
At 10/16/08 01:00 PM, sirtom93 wrote: If you look at it like that it's a minor law. But if you look at it in a more logical sense, someone could buy out all the tickets, then sell every single one of them for more than sale price. That is why it's against the law.
Yeah, they're cunts. But I'm talking about selling spares and I'd never ask for more than face value. And DragonForce is a big band, I bet they'd be a few people trying to off tickets on trains and on the street. I'd had a spare DF ticket in the past in fact :). DF fans are unreliable :P.
Yeah, they're cunts. But I'm talking about selling spares and I'd never ask for more than face value. And DragonForce is a big band, I bet they'd be a few people trying to off tickets on trains and on the street. I'd had a spare DF ticket in the past in fact :). DF fans are unreliable :P.
Yes true, I would find it acceptable to by tickets in order to reserver them for friends or something.
At 10/16/08 12:58 PM, Nev wrote:At 10/16/08 12:47 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Relatively sure that's against the law.Cause people really care about minor laws like that...
MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"
At 10/16/08 12:46 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Someone from here told me Acid Bath may be getting back together, this is hugely epic news.
Source, please? They're my favorite band, ever.
Slow desolation like a funeral procession
The lovely one screams like she's caught between stations
I eat the razor, a mouthful of God's flesh
At 10/16/08 12:46 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Someone from here told me Acid Bath may be getting back together, this is hugely epic news.
This is indeed hugely epic news!
At 10/17/08 03:45 AM, Aci6 wrote: Yeah, it doesn't appeal to me really, think its a little too much but as I said above - whatever floats your boat, I don't judge you on what you listen to.
Well, there are many other sub-genres of metal, just name what you like (i.e, fast riffs, epic bullshit about fairies and whatnot, epic viking stories, satan) and we can point you in the direction of whats a little more acceptable.
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
At 10/17/08 03:45 AM, Aci6 wrote: Yeah, it doesn't appeal to me really, think its a little too much but as I said above - whatever floats your boat, I don't judge you on what you listen to.
There's plenty of actual Death Metal that isn't about murder and death. Every full length by the band Death (after their first two) have great lyrics that deal with a lot of different things, faith, humanity, religion, society, nostalgia. You'd be selling yourself short to look at a generalization and base your opinion on the entirety of something based on that alone. At least give it a try.