At 7/31/08 01:11 PM, Nev wrote:
I recommend Imogen Heap and Battles :).
Battles is awesome.
At 7/31/08 03:32 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
And I guess this discussion of a completely irrelevant genre comes at a good time, because it seems we're all now talking about what else we like besides metal. Here goes:
I like a lot of prog rock, both classic and modern.. And I like a little bit of non-prog classic rock. I also like some jazz, folk, classical, darkwave, ambient, industrial, electronic, a tad bit of shoegaze, and uh... I don't know what else. I don't know what to call some of the stuff I listen to.
At 7/31/08 01:11 PM, Nev wrote:
Battles :).
And if you're gonna listen to Battles, why not listen to Don Caballero as well?
oh yes
At 8/2/08 03:45 AM, PenisClown wrote:
Your folk metal is shit as fuck. It's too metal. I hate Cruachan and that other one...
I like Cruachan. I think Waylander and Mael Mordha are good, too. I think Primordial is my current favorite Celtic folk metal band, though, yet I don't have any of their albums.
At 8/2/08 02:58 PM, PenisClown wrote:
Yeah. The best folk metal is 80% folk, 20% black.
Well, I like hearing metal in my metal. I must be crazy.
I didn't realize you love Otyg so much. I have a couple of their albums, but I don't recall much. They don't seem very memorable to me, but I recall enjoying them (I wouldn't have any of their CDs if I didn't). I much prefer Vintersorg's own project.
At 8/3/08 05:17 AM, skullz13 wrote:
Just checking to see if i got in or not.
I can't remember if you were let in, but I looked at your list in your posts. You're in (if you weren't already before).
At 8/3/08 09:02 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
I have never listened to Opeth.
I think Opeth is pretty good. I don't plan on getting their albums, though. At least I don't plan to anytime soon. I'm fine with just listening to a few tracks online once in a while.
At 8/3/08 09:30 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
So Im rateing a noob-metal heads fav bands any advise?
1: Amon Amarth
2: Chimaira
never listened
3: In Flames
4: Slayer
5: Symphony X
6: Arch Enemy
never listened (at least not as far as I recall)
7: Disturbed
8: Trivium
never listened for more than 30 seconds
9: Machine Head
10: Dissection
pretty good, at least what I've heard
At 8/5/08 01:02 PM, dethstar88 wrote:
Yeah i was wanting to join the hell
You're in.
urine? what?