Get over yourself Ryan.
There is no-one more smug nor as arrogant as you, And no-one with less warrant than you to be so.
Jeez, how tough you are.
Pixels on a screen can't reach to you..
Yeah go try to drown yourself because you were too much of a pussy to talk to some girl in the Park, Then come crawling here for pity.
You aren't looking smart, in how you're acting.
You're not making me some puppet in some game of yours.
I don't feel patronized.
You know why?
Because you're not fucking good enough to Patronize me.
You're not smart enough to Toy with me, or anyone.
I'm not stupid.
I fully realize that just because I write this, You're going to crawl into some corner and Cry.
And that's not intent either.
My Intent is to Educate you, To tell you when you're wrong, To tell you when you're being a dick, So that maybe, under all that hypocrisy, and lies to yourself, there might be a good person, Not some dick that won't admit when he's wrong.
So that you might actually fucking grow up.
So you might look back at yourself in years and not feel terrible about what a fucking idiot you were.
You actually can't flame for shit, But yes, My Life can't really get much worse.
Now that I've finally Graduated, I have two jobs and Work 12 hours every day, 5 on Weekends,Not at some store or something, Hard fucking work, In the Fishing industry.
But because I've been put through so much shit, I Have clarity.
I'm not just some kid that sit on his throne, Built for him by others, thinkin' he's all that, Snobbily ranting over others, making no sense because He as no fucking Idea what He's talking about, and Ignoring everyone that disagrees, Because He hates being wrong.
You are.
And you know what?
When you realize that, And come to terms with it, You will do anything to change it, If you don't, You'll turn out like my Stepdad.
Waking up every day, Bullying your kids, to feel good about yourself, to Feel strong.
Because you are Weak.
This is what I've been trying to do.
Now, There are two ways to do this.
I can go All dr.Phil on you like I am now, Or I can do It indirectly.
Fuck it.
I'm not even going to bother anymore, You can go ahead.
It's your life, Enjoy being hated by everyone for the whole ride.
I'm just ignoring you from now on.