At 2/25/08 05:49 PM, ZeR0-DaY wrote:
Hey hellians...I went yesterday to see Iron Maiden...fucking amazing show, i was right in the first line, today I feel really fucked up (sunburnt, beaten up, etc) but it was totally worth it...look at the lucky pic I took while i was trying to shoot the mecanic Eddie
Dude.... mechanic? I don't understand why people think that? It was a fucking guy on stilts!
How the fuck is it that people make that mistake?
Great fucking concert BTW.... even though I was a good 100 yards behind you there..... (my estimate might be a shorter distance than it actually was, but I just didn't want to sound like I was exaggerating).
Mars and I ended up too far in the back and the crowd was too calm where we were. Next time (in a smaller venue with less people) we'll plow through the people like you and I do to get in front closer to the people that actually like to get crazy and moshing!
By the way, if I'm not talking like my normal self, blame it on the weed..... dunno why I'm writing anything at all, but alas, my hands are working on their own for some reason and they won't let me stop typing.