At 2/9/08 11:54 AM, cornbin wrote: Sorry but I got to say why I'm pissed. A friend of mine who I was hoping to get to go to Paganfest with me(fan of Korpiklaani,he is)
Korpiklaani isn't playing at Paganfest USA.
At 2/9/08 11:54 AM, cornbin wrote: Sorry but I got to say why I'm pissed. A friend of mine who I was hoping to get to go to Paganfest with me(fan of Korpiklaani,he is)
Korpiklaani isn't playing at Paganfest USA.
At 2/9/08 12:32 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:At 2/9/08 11:54 AM, cornbin wrote: Sorry but I got to say why I'm pissed. A friend of mine who I was hoping to get to go to Paganfest with me(fan of Korpiklaani,he is)Korpiklaani isn't playing at Paganfest USA.
... which wouldn't matter if you didn't live in the US, as Korpiklaani are playing in Europe.
God damn, I am dumb sometimes.
At 2/9/08 12:33 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
... which wouldn't matter if you didn't live in the US, as Korpiklaani are playing in Europe.
God damn, I am dumb sometimes.
Don't worry about it. At least you aren't missing Rotting Christ, Immolation, and Belphegor just because you can't get a ride. This blows.
At 2/9/08 02:27 PM, X-Imperium-X wrote:
Don't worry about it. At least you aren't missing Rotting Christ, Immolation, and Belphegor just because you can't get a ride. This blows.
Us Vikings Walk.
At 2/9/08 03:32 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Us Vikings Walk.
Great. I'll pull a Jesus and walk across the river to get to NYC. Got any blind people that need to see? I'll handle that on the way.
At 2/9/08 12:34 AM, D3NTATUS wrote: Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee
I love that album. You should also get Memoria Vetusta.
At 2/9/08 06:20 AM, JackOfShadows wrote: Guess I'll get back in here now that I have the time.
Anyways, has anyone here heard of a band called Manegarm?
Yeah, but I haven't listened to anything by them recently except for the one song I have saved on my computer. I hated the vocals in the rest of the songs I had heard. I don't know if I still would hate those vocals. probably. Maybe I'll check it out again later.
At 2/9/08 10:19 AM, X-Imperium-X wrote: Eluveitie's entire new full-length is streaming on their myspace, if you want a preview. No idea if it leaked yet, but if you want to listen to it without going to Hell forever and ever for getting it the *other* way, now you can.
I couldn't get into Eluveitie because of the vocals. I love the black metal band, Forest of Fog, though, which has members from Eluveitie. I have all of their albums now.
At 2/9/08 03:32 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote:At 2/9/08 02:27 PM, X-Imperium-X wrote:Us Vikings Walk.
Don't worry about it. At least you aren't missing Rotting Christ, Immolation, and Belphegor just because you can't get a ride. This blows.
Dumbass we ride ships. :P
At 2/9/08 12:00 AM, batman64 wrote: KEEPING IT HEAVY
Maaaaan... I wish I had a catch phrase. :(
When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.
At 2/9/08 04:44 PM, Blackdoom13 wrote:
Maaaaan... I wish I had a catch phrase. :(
Well you don't exactly need a Catch phrase, You should have a Special Thing that you do....
I add pwn to words constantly and when I say "Fuck" as a verb, I often Spell it fvkk.
At 2/8/08 06:47 PM, batman64 wrote:At 2/8/08 06:45 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Irish Beer?Stout Kidd, good ole Guiness Stout.
So like....Ginger ale?
Hail MEAD!!!!
At 2/9/08 04:52 PM, smeagol1 wrote:At 2/8/08 06:47 PM, batman64 wrote:Hail MEAD!!!!At 2/8/08 06:45 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Irish Beer?Stout Kidd, good ole Guiness Stout.
So like....Ginger ale?
and in 2nd place, Cognac, I Drink it like Coca-Cola, Just casually, I Actually like the taste.
At 2/9/08 05:03 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote:
and in 2nd place, Cognac, I Drink it like Coca-Cola, Just casually, I Actually like the taste.
Enjoy your liver transplant.
Hard alcohol fan here. Jaeger, (higher end) tequilla, whiskey, etc. (haven't tried a gin and tonic yet, though). However, I don't think anything tops a really good beer.
At 2/9/08 05:21 PM, X-Imperium-X wrote:
Hard alcohol fan here. Jaeger, (higher end) tequilla, whiskey, etc. (haven't tried a gin and tonic yet, though). However, I don't think anything tops a really good beer.
For me it's like this:
Dark Hard alcohol (Cognac, Whiskey)
Hard alcohol like Vodka
And then pussy shit like Smirnoff Ice and Breezers.
At 2/9/08 02:27 PM, X-Imperium-X wrote: Don't worry about it. At least you aren't missing Rotting Christ, Immolation, and Belphegor just because you can't get a ride. This blows.
You could keep trying, I guess. To my knowledge, the show is not yet sold out. I only live 11 subway stops away.
Anyway, I'm seeing them all tomorrow, and you forgot to mention Averse Sefira who is also on this tour. I will post pics when I get back and maybe a video as well, but don't expect it to be high quality. I already know Rotting Christ's setlist, which is this (following a short intro):
Thou Art Blind
Athanati Este
King of a Stellar War
The Sign of Prime Creation
Keravnos Kivernitos
Morality of a Dark Age
The Sign of Evil Existence
The Coronation of the Serpent
Non Serviam
In Domine Sathana
Under the Name of Legion
Sorrowfull Farewell
Belphegor is expected to play: The Goatchrist, Hell's Ambassador, Diaboli Virtus In Lumbar Est, Lucifer Incestus and Seyn Todt In Schwartz.
I know Immolation played Those Left Behind recently from Dawn of Possession, a song they didn't play on the Unmerciful Reign tour. World Agony is pretty much a given, though. Supposedly, they are going to play a lot more of their older stuff this time around. During their last tour, they only played a few songs that preceded Harnessing Ruin, and about five of their songs were from Shadows In The Light. This time, I hope they have time to play Nailed To Gold, Once Ordained and the title track of Failures For Gods. Father, You're Not A Father would be nice too, but I don't think they've played it at all in the past year.
I don't have a clue about Averse Sefira's setlist for this tour. The only songs of theirs I really care about are Descension and Decapitation of Sigils, anyway.
Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.
At 2/9/08 05:39 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: I don't drink.
lol dont worry we're not that immature as to say your not cool for not drinking :P i used to hate it until i was around 15 then i just started drinking it for the hell of it and to look cool, like drinking straight vodka i could do that until i was like 17 when i drank alot of it and did alot of vomitting/blacking out now i can have the odd shot but that is it. Recently i have taken a liking to Red Wine, however only Merlot as its quite a gentle red and isnt too full bodied but thats wandering off the topic slightly.
also i picked up some Witchery, following a thrash reco' for another user in here and really liked them tis good stuff, and in non metal news im currently enjoying faithless and massive attack
@GoryBlizzard: Situation is as follows. I go to college in north Jersey, and they don't run NJ transit or buses on weekends because years ago the neighboring town complained about them being "too noisy". I also don't have my car up here either, so that's out of the question. To compound the issue, I don't know anyone with a car that likes metal and that would be willing to go if I paid, which I probably couldn't afford to do anyway. Long story short, everything just isn't going to line up this time. I'm a little disappointed, but its alright otherwise. Have fun at the show, it looks fucking sick. Let us know how it goes, and have a good time.
I know Immolation played Those Left Behind recently from Dawn of Possession, a song they didn't play on the Unmerciful Reign tour. World Agony is pretty much a given, though.
I havn't seen Immolation play that one in a while. Though, they always played "Into Everlasting Fire". No Immolation show is complete without "Into Everlasting Fire". Personally, I've been wanting to see them play "After My Prayers" and since this is about Immolation, I found a used copy of "Stepping On Angels...Before Dawn" in my towns record store. That one is very hard to find.
My introduction to Thrash metal:)
At 2/9/08 07:00 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Take a cab?
Thanks, but I can't afford that and a ticket and another cab home. I mean, it does depend on how much they want per mile, but unless its inexplicably cheap its not a viable route for me.
I'm pretty much fucking broke.
Today I acquired:
Angra - Temple of Shadows
Borknagar - Origin
Ulver - Shadows of the Sun (i already have it, but not in physical form, and i had a gift certificate which i used to buy this and origin)
Nazgul - De Expugnatione Elficidium
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract (sans last track)
Dissection - Storm of Lights Bane
Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie (came with the above)
My freind let me borrow Enslaved-Isa and Slayer Haunt The Church.
Im already in love with the Isa CD!!!!!
I wonder what It would sound like while on shrooms although I've never tried them.
At 2/9/08 09:50 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Im already in love with the Isa CD!!!!!
Isa is a godly album.
If you haven't yet, get Frost.
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
At 2/9/08 09:42 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract (sans last track)
But the last track is essential! I've got it here for you:
Rotting Christ - The Fourth Knight of Revelation (Part I & II)
Back after a homelessness scare with internet xP What's new while I've been living rough?
-Currently listening to: Mastodon "Blood and Thunder"-
P.S Has anyone heard anything about the oh-eight NG London meet up, if it's even planned or talked about?
Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body - Shalashaska-1, 2008
Feel free to MSN me:
Beware the NGSkeletonGimp! M:tG Klub.
At 2/9/08 04:52 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
Hail MEAD!!!!
good old uisge beatha for me (thats whiskey to you vikings!)
awww ghey. another shitty load of headliners for download; kiss, offspring and lostprophets. they do have motorhead (yay) and judas priest but still, they should make an effort to promote good modern metal. ah well im not really surprised.
At 2/10/08 07:29 AM, mrdurgan wrote:At 2/9/08 04:52 PM, smeagol1 wrote:Hail MEAD!!!!good old uisge beatha for me (thats whiskey to you vikings!)
On the subject of alcohol, I'm a bit like Kidd. Congac I can drink till the cows come home, and in a sense I actually did drink till SOMETHING came home.
I was walking about 8 miles from my mum's house to my nan's where, I was living. It takes about an hour and half. During said hour and half I proceeded to drink an entire 1 litre bottle's worth of congac casually, as if it were a bottle of water. I didn't realise I was drunk till I got home and stopped walking.
I'm also big on Glen Fiddic whiskey, on the rocks, JD and coke, which is another drink I can have in large volumes, and also Jacobite whiskey neat. I've currently been drinking since half past eleven today cans of Carlsberg. Yes, some can call me an alcoholic, but it has been a week since my last drink, and I didn't drink much. I'm bored, and there's four cans of beer just waiting to be drunk so I thought what the hell.
Personal beer/ale favourites: Shepardes Neame ales, Guinness stout, Bishops Finger, all Wychwood brews {Goliath, Fiddler's Elbow, Hob Goblin e.c.t}. Not big on IPAs but they do for a night xP
Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body - Shalashaska-1, 2008
Feel free to MSN me:
Beware the NGSkeletonGimp! M:tG Klub.
My internet's down and it's going to be Thursday until I can get it back up again.
At 2/10/08 05:11 AM, Goatchrist wrote: But the last track is essential! I've got it here for you:
Rotting Christ - The Fourth Knight of Revelation (Part I & II)
Sweet, thanks :D
Someone fucking hacked into it. I have a pretty good idea of who it is but anyways, delete and block my old one :P.
It was if you dont remember which one it is.
My new one is
add that one :P.
Delete and block the other one.