At 11/8/07 01:17 AM, X-Imperium-X wrote:
At 11/8/07 01:10 AM, omfgItsZoidy wrote:
How is it wrong?
Closet unblack fan? I've heard of those... *shifty eyes*
...I like unblack. Regular black metal sucks bigtime donkey balls.
But the only genre with no good bands, you say? I'd have to go with either Black or Stoner.
Nu Metal=Not that bad
Metalcore=Okay, it gets you into metal
Power Metal=The best metal subgenre, period.
Also, new discoveries: (because everyone else it doing it)
Whoa, that's it.
Also, apparently, a few of guys that I know at school (not well or anything, but I liked them) like metal. Only one of them, Lee, looked it, he had emo-ish hair that was dyed sort of a red, and had an iPod on him every time you saw him. The others, Nile, Andy, Paddy and Brian, didn't look like it at all. but when they heard me listening to Bodom one day, they told me the same thing :|.
Anyway, they like a few mallcore-y bands:
Slipknot (I justified telling them that I hate Slipknot by making the excuse 'I listen to more brutal shit than Slipknot.' Which, in retrospect, isn't that hard)
Trivium (I like them, sue me)
Bullet for my Valentine
Rammstein (They're not mallcore, but aren't really metal either)
Avenged Sevenfold (I like them, sue me)
However, they made up for it with:
Cradle of Filth
Cannibal Corpse
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Rhapsody of Fire
Deep Purple
Children of Bodom
Nile, Andy and Lee play guitar (They've all been playing longer than me...Which is surprising. I called Nile a faggot for having a Halo 3 wristband, and he says he doesn't like Halo that much, he only uses it to hold picks), and Brian and Paddy play drums. So yeah, we got on well and I never even knew they liked metal.