At 10/21/07 09:00 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Bonemill and I have a funky death metal project going.
If you can program drums then contact me or him.
I am now about to steal Rokuro's thunder.
At 10/21/07 09:00 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Bonemill and I have a funky death metal project going.
If you can program drums then contact me or him.
I am now about to steal Rokuro's thunder.
I got Yngwie Malmsteen's Marching Out yesterday. Pretty solid speed metal album, with some nice guitar solos and wonderful songs (albiet really cheesy.)
At 10/22/07 12:42 PM, Rokuro wrote:At 10/22/07 12:40 PM, IrishGun wrote: I am now about to steal Rokuro's thunder.I has a thunder... :p
At 10/22/07 01:53 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: Pretty solid speed metal album,
Speed Metal?! I MUST HAVE IT.
At 10/22/07 02:01 PM, IrishGun wrote:
At 10/22/07 01:53 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: Pretty solid speed metal album,Speed Metal?! I MUST HAVE IT.
It's Yngwie.
At 10/22/07 02:37 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:At 10/22/07 02:01 PM, IrishGun wrote:It's Yngwie.
At 10/22/07 01:53 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: Pretty solid speed metal album,Speed Metal?! I MUST HAVE IT.
It's just when I hear the words "Speed" and "Metal" together I wet my panfs for it.
I like Bullet for my valentine javascript:MakeSmileySelection(8);
At 10/22/07 02:46 PM, MCCA wrote: I like Bullet for my valentine javascript:MakeSmileySelection(8);
At 10/22/07 02:46 PM, MCCA wrote: I like Bullet for my valentine javascript:MakeSmileySelection(8);
You fail AND you're a mallkid!
Same thing, really.
Anyone recommend any good Metal groups or albulms to listen to?
Stuff i like is;
Dream Theater, In Flames, Disharmonia Mundi, Metallica
Just to give you an idea. Nothing with too much Death Growling.
At 10/22/07 04:31 PM, Life-Stream wrote: Anyone recommend any good Metal groups or albulms to listen to?
Stuff i like is;
Dream Theater, In Flames, Disharmonia Mundi, Metallica
Just to give you an idea. Nothing with too much Death Growling.
....And yes, I already know I have the best music taste ever.
At 10/22/07 04:40 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Týr
....And yes, I already know I have the best music taste ever.
"Týr" and "great music taste" don't work well in a sentence.
At 10/22/07 04:41 PM, IrishGun wrote:At 10/22/07 04:40 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Týr"Týr" and "great music taste" don't work well in a sentence.
....And yes, I already know I have the best music taste ever.
You don't like Týr?
It's probably just because you can't understand their music right, Since your only used to the Over produced, Mainstream Shit of Metallica, Dragonforce, And their ilk.
I don't like Týr either :)
If I want extremely epic, catchy heavy fucking metal I listen to the new Agatus songs on their myspace.
At 10/22/07 04:45 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Mainstream Shit of Metallica, Dragonforce, And their ilk.
Your mother's ass is mainstream.
At 10/22/07 04:49 PM, Goatchrist wrote: I don't like Týr either :)
At 10/22/07 04:52 PM, IrishGun wrote:At 10/22/07 04:45 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Mainstream Shit of Metallica, Dragonforce, And their ilk.Your mother's ass is mainstream.
Don't say anything about my mother, you asshole.
Go grow some pubes.
At 10/22/07 04:56 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Don't say anything about my mother, you asshole.
Go grow some pubes.
I can't, I'm too young. <:(
At 10/22/07 05:03 PM, IrishGun wrote:At 10/22/07 04:56 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Don't say anything about my mother, you asshole.I can't, I'm too young. <:(
Go grow some pubes.
Respect your elders. :D
At 10/22/07 05:08 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Respect your elders. :D
Yeah, respect us.
At 10/22/07 05:41 PM, Life-Stream wrote:At 10/22/07 05:08 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Respect your elders. :DYeah, respect us.
At 10/22/07 06:20 PM, silentkat wrote: I galore metal.
way more.
Ever notice that people that say this have likely nothing else that they know and mediocre taste?
And just like that....he was gone...
At 10/22/07 06:20 PM, silentkat wrote: I galore metal.
Tool,Slayer,Slipknot,Metallica,Korn, and way more.
I galore Metal, & I need in this club.
Don't know if you'll be getting in, But meh.
Get: Týr
At 10/22/07 12:33 PM, Rokuro wrote:
They don't sing about medieval times? Lol
They don't? :P
Also, there is only one band who remotely resembles what Dragonforce does. And that's Cellador. And even on both of their best days, they aren't really that similar overall.
I've heard of them, but not listened to them. I guess they're an improvement?
And I do agree that a lot of wankers suck off their Herman Li poster every morning, but most of them are under the age of 17, and it is the first metal band they have listened to.
:So of course people who haven't heard other metal will over hype them, because they have nothing to compare them to.
True, but I guess I'm showing my age. My stage involved mostly In Flames, and to a lesser extent, Lamb of God/Pantera. WTF is up with children nowadays?
Regardless, I think they are a terrific studio band, and if they honed their skills a bit more, they could be a great band overall.
Point well taken, as I've heard Dragonfarce sucks live. To each his own, I don't care about personal tastes, per se. I just get tired of crappy bands being hyped.
At 10/22/07 07:55 AM, PenisClown wrote: Oh my god GoryBlizzard, GROW SOME FUCKING HAIR.
You're right, I'm not going to disagree with you at all. My short hair looks like shit, and I don't mean that in a good way this time.
Problem is, I've tried growing it a few times, and I'm always forced to get it cut. So it might take a while before it reaches a satisfactory length.
Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.
At 10/22/07 07:16 PM, GoryBlizzard wrote: Problem is, I've tried growing it a few times, and I'm always forced to get it cut. So it might take a while before it reaches a satisfactory length.
My hair covers my nipples :).
Its great, I feel like a Playboy centerfold... especially when I tuck my pecker between my legs :).
At 10/22/07 07:22 PM, Nev wrote:At 10/22/07 07:16 PM, GoryBlizzard wrote:My hair covers my nipples :).
Its great, I feel like a Playboy centerfold... especially when I tuck my pecker between my legs :).
questioning your inner gender?
At 10/22/07 08:30 PM, Lost-Thought wrote:
questioning your inner gender?
Nev questioning his inner gender?
What else is new?
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 10/22/07 08:33 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Nev questioning his inner gender?
What else is new?
If I was questioning my inner gender I don't think I'd make sure a bold joke publicly :P.
I'm comfortable in my sexuality :).
And I finally found that forum thing that does the same thing as Metal Music Forever... well I think it does anyway... and I hope so. My ISP doesn't allow me to download torrents :(.
Hey guyz, I made an interperatation vid to put on youtube of necrophagists' extreme unction. Now I just have to wait for it to save to my comp :P Then upload it to youtube. It is pretty good for my first try :)
At 10/22/07 10:06 PM, Rokuro wrote: I say 30 days of night last night, and it had I think THE most metal scene evar.
I wont spoil it, but it's twards the end and involves Josh Hartnet (sp)
I know, he's such a cutie... *blush*
But anyway, this has inspired me to write another shitty song, but this time about vampires :D
does anyone know of any vampire themed songs? (Preferably death metal)
Werewolves > Vampires
I have been wanting to see that movie, but I don't have the time lately. Maybe since you mentioned this I will try harder to find the time.
And Now the Darkness Eternal Returns to Breathe the Air of the Living.