At 8/15/07 03:05 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: YOU DIDN'T TELL ME POWER COULD HAVE GOOD RIFFS!!
If I did then it wouldn'tve generated lulz.
At 8/15/07 10:49 PM, Kreator0943 wrote: I picked up Celtic Frost's album, 'Monotheist' and I'm digging it.
eh, I thought what I heard from it was pretty good, but hard on the ears. a bit irritating. I think older Celtic Frost is great, though.
At 8/16/07 08:20 AM, IrishGun wrote: Oh, and Ryan says that he's not surprised.I can guarantee I'm more intelligent than Ryan.
My penis is longer too.
That may have something to do with the fact that you're 6 years older than me.
Anyway, I listened to The Dark Eternal Night (Dream Theater) I don't know why people go on about this band so much, it was okay, at best.
At 8/16/07 09:40 AM, Legionaire-Stuart wrote: Anyway, I listened to The Dark Eternal Night (Dream Theater) I don't know why people go on about this band so much, it was okay, at best.
Listen to Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper and then say that.
In sex years, my penis will still be bigger.
And my intelligence will still out do yours.
At 8/16/07 09:28 AM, Sense-Offender wrote: I think older Celtic Frost is great, though.
Cold Lake? :P
At 8/16/07 09:40 AM, Legionaire-Stuart wrote:
Anyway, I listened to The Dark Eternal Night (Dream Theater) I don't know why people go on about this band so much, it was okay, at best.
We go on about Dream Theater because they're a great prog metal band.
Also, they kick the living shit out of Dragonforce. NOW GOOD DAY!
Here I am, bored with everything.
Count me in, my fav bands are Children Of Bodom and Job For A Cowboy.
At 8/16/07 10:20 AM, Zattara wrote: Count me in, my fav bands are Children Of Bodom and Job For A Cowboy.
I love it how people just barge in here expecting to get in and already think they command the place.
You're not in until I, Ghoul, batman64, or Goatchrist lets you in.
List 8 more bands.
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 8/16/07 10:23 AM, Idiosyncratic wrote:At 8/16/07 10:20 AM, Zattara wrote: Count me in, my fav bands are Children Of Bodom and Job For A Cowboy.I love it how people just barge in here expecting to get in and already think they command the place.
You're not in until I, Ghoul, batman64, or Goatchrist lets you in.
List 8 more bands.
5 dollars that he won't make it. Anybody want to take that bet?
And just like that....he was gone...
At 8/16/07 10:00 AM, Nev wrote: Listen to Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper and then say that.
Please disregard my earlier statement.
In sex years, my penis will still be bigger.
And my intelligence will still out do yours.
You're mean.
Got the grades I need for uni.
Physics B
Maths B
Spanish C
And ICT i think I got a B, but I havent checked yet. It must be if the uni accepted me.
I was 9 marks off an A in maths and 14 in physics. That's....REALLY annoying, but it doesnt matter too much, I got what I needed!
Well done to you Nev, althought sorry to hear you were dissapointed. Looked like you did quite a few subjects there...
At 8/16/07 11:43 AM, DanAbnormal wrote: Well done to you Nev, althought sorry to hear you were dissapointed. Looked like you did quite a few subjects there...
Well the 4 main grades = overall for two years.
But in my college we did like 2/3 exams per subject and coursework too. Don't know if its the same where you went...
And just finished listening to Ziltoid...
Its a sexy beast of an album. Though from what I've heard I think I'd prefer Sychestra.
At 8/16/07 09:08 AM, Nev wrote:
I can guarantee I'm more intelligent than Ryan.
My penis is longer too.
Ok, i'm not even going to ask what that was about...
At 8/16/07 10:52 AM, 0peth wrote:At 8/16/07 10:23 AM, Idiosyncratic wrote:5 dollars that he won't make it. Anybody want to take that bet?
I love it how people just barge in here expecting to get in and already think they command the place.
You're not in until I, Ghoul, batman64, or Goatchrist lets you in.
List 8 more bands.
I will.If he makes it in i'll have a clone who will probably fit in better.
At 8/16/07 02:46 PM, batman64 wrote: DanAbnormal and Nev, congrats on passing your tests, way to go guys. It's now party time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How come I didn't get the sparkler man when I learned how to play Master of Puppets? (approximately 5 seconds ago)
At 8/15/07 09:55 PM, Nev wrote:
Good luck you fellow British bastard.
harrr we got our results two weeks ago in scotland. highers ftw. (also well done)
is it me or does Seafaring music kick ass?
Does anyone know of some good seafaring metal bands?
Got the gear, got the gas, got compression. My direction is cast to the concrete.
I am a motor musician, moving to the asphalt beat.
At 8/16/07 03:33 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote: is it me or does Seafaring music kick ass?
Does anyone know of some good seafaring metal bands?
Verbal Deception, Pirate Death/folk
At 8/16/07 03:35 PM, Crowler wrote:At 8/16/07 03:33 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote: is it me or does Seafaring music kick ass?Verbal Deception, Pirate Death/folk
Does anyone know of some good seafaring metal bands?
yeah, i have Battleheart and i know of Verbal Deception, but i'm not looking for strictly Pirate stuff (although anymore would be appreciated. you can never have enough pirate music :) ). right now i'm just looking for any band with seafaring tones/lyrics.
Got the gear, got the gas, got compression. My direction is cast to the concrete.
I am a motor musician, moving to the asphalt beat.
At 8/16/07 03:39 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote:At 8/16/07 03:35 PM, Crowler wrote:At 8/16/07 03:33 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote: is it me or does Seafaring music kick ass?
Does anyone know of some good seafaring metal bands?
Well, no bands, per say. But Die Apokalyptischen Reiter have this one song, 'Semann' (Don't be put off) It's suitable, because it's called Sailor, but it's really only that one song.
Also, any of the more violin filled Turisas songs.
sorry for the DP, but i'd thought i give you guys a little more info on what i'm looking for (again any help would be appreciated) but i'd like you to listen to this song:
add a metal band into that.
Got the gear, got the gas, got compression. My direction is cast to the concrete.
I am a motor musician, moving to the asphalt beat.
At 8/16/07 03:56 PM, Legionaire-Stuart wrote: Also, any of the more violin filled Turisas songs.
yeah i've got every turisas song. portage to the unknown is great. thanks though.
Got the gear, got the gas, got compression. My direction is cast to the concrete.
I am a motor musician, moving to the asphalt beat.
At 8/16/07 03:08 PM, mrdurgan wrote: harrr we got our results two weeks ago in scotland. highers ftw. (also well done)
Ermm.. didn't you get them like a week ago :P. 7th I believe.
I've decided I'm starting a mission!
I've got to spread the word about Brand New Sin!
Such an amazing band and no one fucking knows them! What the hell!?
Could be they're just not everyone's cup of tea, but c'mon!
So, I say check 'em out. If you're too lazy to download any songs of theirs like me, then just check them out here.
They're worth checking out.
Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!
Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!
This guy is an idiot. He has some nerve to say Strapping Young Lad and Death suck when he listens to Avenged SevenFold, Trivium, Hatbreed, KillSwtich Engage and anything produced by Roadrunner records. Here's his video.
At 8/16/07 04:28 PM, Kronik-The-Echidna wrote: This guy is an idiot. He has some nerve to say Strapping Young Lad and Death suck when he listens to Avenged SevenFold, Trivium, Hatbreed, KillSwtich Engage and anything produced by Roadrunner records. Here's his video.
Whats the point of having video arguments.
You just look and sound like a twat. Just type it for fucks sake.
I've not watched that video... it'd anger me to hear someone say Death sucks.
At 8/16/07 04:35 PM, Nev wrote:At 8/16/07 04:28 PM, Kronik-The-Echidna wrote: This guy is an idiot. He has some nerve to say Strapping Young Lad and Death suck when he listens to Avenged SevenFold, Trivium, Hatbreed, KillSwtich Engage and anything produced by Roadrunner records. Here's his video.Whats the point of having video arguments.
You just look and sound like a twat. Just type it for fucks sake.
I've not watched that video... it'd anger me to hear someone say Death sucks.
I watched them all, and Im too angry to have an opinion anymore.
I still dont understand how someone defending shadows fall, killswitch and shit can slash metal. Like, it doesnt make any sense in my head. they took everything cool about metal and made it fruity and simplistic and repetitive. HOW!
He also says Anthrax sucks :(
RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead
Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear
At 8/16/07 04:35 PM, Nev wrote: I've not watched that video... it'd anger me to hear someone say Death sucks.
Newer Death is overrated ;)
Leprosy FTW