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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 21:27:08

That fuckin blows Phire. I feel your pain

Good luck Nev.

And metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 21:39:54

Fellatio is good nev embrace it. Even in the metaphorical forms. Good luck on your test. Not to put pressure on you but if you do horrible you will have to perform auto-fellatio. Im just kidding I just like saying fellatio.

THough seriously, good luck :P

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 21:42:40

At 8/15/07 09:39 PM, Bonemill wrote: Not to put pressure on you but if you do horrible you will have to perform auto-fellatio.

What the shit is auto-fellatio?
And I can't have pressure on me. I've done the tests, its the results I get tomorrow. Da ones that say whether or not I get in University.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 21:45:33

At 8/15/07 09:42 PM, Nev wrote:
At 8/15/07 09:39 PM, Bonemill wrote: Not to put pressure on you but if you do horrible you will have to perform auto-fellatio.
What the shit is auto-fellatio?
And I can't have pressure on me. I've done the tests, its the results I get tomorrow. Da ones that say whether or not I get in University.

ooooh, so its a BIG test?!
good luck man.

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 21:50:22

I am in the same boat of fear as you, Nev.

I can't sleep. Im up watching the simpsons, awaiting the vertict.


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Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 21:55:51

At 8/15/07 09:50 PM, DanAbnormal wrote: I am in the same boat of fear as you, Nev.

I can't sleep. Im up watching the simpsons, awaiting the vertict.


Good luck you fellow British bastard.
What uni you hoping to go to?

I probably can sleep, but I've been up watching Pirates of the Caribbean... just cause... and I was waiting for my Ziltoid the Omniscient download to complete, and viola, it is done :). Now I'm determined to finish a game of solitaire for I head to slumber land.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 22:02:46

At 8/15/07 09:42 PM, Nev wrote:
What the shit is auto-fellatio?

Self-sucking. as in sucking your own dick.

it takes the right body proportions and flexibility to do it right. I was nearly able to do it back in seventh and eighth grade, but i wasn't able to do it for long (about 20 seconds at most) before it hurting. And it was only the head, so it wasn't all that great. Then last year I got taller, and my ability was lost :(

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 22:07:36

At 8/15/07 10:02 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 8/15/07 09:42 PM, Nev wrote:
it takes the right body proportions and flexibility to do it right. I was nearly able to do it back in seventh and eighth grade, but i wasn't able to do it for long (about 20 seconds at most) before it hurting. And it was only the head, so it wasn't all that great. Then last year I got taller, and my ability was lost :(

Best thing I've read in all of cock day.

errr clock.

God damnit now there's cock on my mind.

and metal

I've been Fab since the re-design,have you?


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 22:11:21

Doesn't auto = automatically.
How does that tie in with ones self?

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 22:23:59

At 8/15/07 10:07 PM, cornbin wrote:
God damnit now there's cock on my mind.

Isn't there always?

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 22:29:11

Well I better post one last time before I gotta go to bed (Parents are being dicks about going to bed eariler...)
Well in metal news I've been learning to play Behemoth-Demigod on guitar its not that hard to play just hard on timing.
Well what else to say? Oh yeah... OMFG mEtLz Iz tHe sHiz!!!111one11
:traslated to: I like metal

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 22:31:59

At 8/15/07 10:11 PM, Nev wrote: Doesn't auto = automatically.
How does that tie in with ones self?


auto is a latin root that means "self."

Auto-mobile means self-moving, autograph means self-written, autobiography is your story written by yourself, and automatic means "done by itself."


also i got my name from latin class: it means "one who is fanged."

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 22:49:33

I picked up Celtic Frost's album, 'Monotheist' and I'm digging it. Anyone got it? I like the intensity they come at you with and the mood they set for the whole album. Overall I'd give it a 8/10. Very nice album.

1000th post proudly spent in the hell.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 23:05:26

At 8/15/07 10:49 PM, Kreator0943 wrote: I picked up Celtic Frost's album, 'Monotheist' and I'm digging it. Anyone got it? I like the intensity they come at you with and the mood they set for the whole album. Overall I'd give it a 8/10. Very nice album.

1000th post proudly spent in the hell.

I downloaded it! It was MOST EXCELLENT!!

Metal Hell

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-15 23:08:58


Ah, good ol' etymology.

Really does come in handy from time to time, especially en multiple choice tests.... the tricky ones that is.

Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!

Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 00:35:02

Y'all know how sometimes we have days where you're really good at an instrument, right? I had one of those days today with drums, where I feel like I have perfect control, and can do a rapid steady blastbeat for minutes on end. It feels great.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 00:48:54

At 8/15/07 11:08 PM, OVlez wrote: Ah, good ol' etymology.

Really does come in handy from time to time, especially en multiple choice tests.... the tricky ones that is.

indeed it does, i scored "above average" on my english testings, which is the highest range.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 01:41:23

Thanks for the kind words @ all :)

and Nev - another meaning of "auto" is indeed "self".

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 04:31:53

well guys you wont see me for the next few days as i shall be headbanging myself into an early grave at BLOODSTOCK!!!!! and i wish all those little people getting exams results today the best of luck :D

Minion of the Metal Hell

Last.fm/Steam ID

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 06:32:01

At 8/15/07 05:07 PM, Charon wrote:
At 8/15/07 02:28 PM, IrishGun wrote:
1.What metal star's car would you want to break down,come to your door and use your phone?
Fenris, or maybe Varg on one of his attempts to break away from his christian oppressors (LOL estate car)

2.What metal/rockstar would you want most to DIE??!!
Matt Heafy (if you can call him a metal star)

I am at the risk of getting your axe thrown at me but instead of Twatt,I would say Marlyn.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 07:14:56

At 8/15/07 10:49 PM, Kreator0943 wrote: I picked up Celtic Frost's album, 'Monotheist' and I'm digging it. Anyone got it? I like the intensity they come at you with and the mood they set for the whole album. Overall I'd give it a 8/10. Very nice album.

I had it before it was cool.

Very cool album though. Tom does some great vocals, and the riffs are so simplistic and they still manage to kick arse. Great stuff.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 07:52:46

I passed my exams well enough to get into Uni.
A, B, 4 Cs, 3 Ds and 2 Es... and a D from last year thats I had to resit.
4 C's overall for my subjects... disappointed :(.

But yeah, I did well enough... so thank you all for the kind words.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 08:17:46

Bwahaha. Nev is mediocre. Wtf is an E though? Seriously. We go by percentages, which I find my satisfying and specific, but just when I thought I figured out the letter system, an E is thrown at me :(

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 08:20:31

At 8/16/07 07:52 AM, Nev wrote: I passed my exams well enough to get into Uni.
A, B, 4 Cs, 3 Ds and 2 Es... and a D from last year thats I had to resit.
4 C's overall for my subjects... disappointed :(.

But yeah, I did well enough... so thank you all for the kind words.

Aww, terrible shame, that.

Oh, and Ryan says that he's not surprised.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 08:22:52

I just realised something shocking.

Goatchrist and my real names are extremely similar.

Marko Kofler
Marshall Cooper

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 08:39:52

At 8/16/07 08:22 AM, PenisClown wrote: Marko Kofler
Marshall Cooper

You forgot the Motörhead dots ;)

KÖFLER; - but you are right, quite similar.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 08:42:05

At 8/16/07 07:52 AM, Nev wrote: 4 C's overall for my subjects... disappointed :(.

I was more disappointed at my results. An overall D for Computing and that's it, but at least it's enough to get into A2. I had to resit one of the exams for Computing and got a U for it, so I don't know what happened, especially the exam for that was easier than the one in January. :S Oh well.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 09:08:00

At 8/16/07 08:17 AM, ShitOnAStick wrote: Bwahaha. Nev is mediocre. Wtf is an E though? Seriously. We go by percentages, which I find my satisfying and specific, but just when I thought I figured out the letter system, an E is thrown at me :(

E means your gay >:(!

Enjoy your crappy liver :P.

At 8/16/07 08:20 AM, IrishGun wrote: Aww, terrible shame, that.

How is it a shame?
I did well enough. Just not well enough for my own personal want. I beat my college's targets for me.

Oh, and Ryan says that he's not surprised.

I can guarantee I'm more intelligent than Ryan.
My penis is longer too.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 09:12:51

At 8/16/07 08:17 AM, ShitOnAStick wrote: Bwahaha. Nev is mediocre. Wtf is an E though? Seriously. We go by percentages, which I find my satisfying and specific, but just when I thought I figured out the letter system, an E is thrown at me :(

I was wondering what the hell an E was as well.

0peth alt

Response to Metal Hell 2007-08-16 09:16:28

At 8/16/07 09:12 AM, Hypocrisy wrote:
At 8/16/07 08:17 AM, ShitOnAStick wrote:
I was wondering what the hell an E was as well.

Guess who else doesn't know.

Here I am, bored with everything.

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