At 8/6/12 08:46 PM, ViceFullbuster wrote:
So who is gonna be running NG Fantasy Football this year and when.can't wait to get started again
I got an email from yahoo that what's his name, I want to say Buddhist?, renewed the newgrounds league, but there's only like 3 people in atm and it doesn't seem active at all. So dunno, what's happening there, but alternatively,
At 8/7/12 12:12 AM, reverend wrote:
I guess I'm going back to the one league that I was in last season on Yahoo.
Yay. I posted a link here earlier in the summer, but there are still 6 open spots left, so shameless re-promotion-- if anyone is interested in joining a fantasy league now that the preseason has started. Info as follows:
League ID#: 39611
League Name: Bro Football
Password: dudes
Custom League URL:
Draft Time: Sun Aug 19 9:00pm EDT
Max Teams: 16
Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/T, K, D, D, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN
If someone wants to do the picks/standing for this year they are more than welcome to.
You could actually use Yahoo for that too: weekly pro football pickem., thus eliminating the need for all the meticulous tabbing that must have been needed to post rankings in years past. Yahoo may suck inexcusably in general, but their automated fantasy systems are pretty decent.