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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2010-06-29 16:27:21

Response to Review Request Club 2010-06-30 11:20:33

Hello good chaps. Sorry for posting in this thread without a request. Just thought I'd inform you that the Interview with The Review Request Club has been posted.

You can read it here.

Again I'd like to thank Coop83, Haggard, Fro, Supersteph54, and Sonofkirk for taking the time to answer my questions.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-06-30 15:29:26

At 6/30/10 11:20 AM, The-Great-One wrote: Hello good chaps. Sorry for posting in this thread without a request.

Not a problem.

Just thought I'd inform you that the Interview with The Review Request Club has been posted.

You can read it here.

Nicely done, thanks for the interview!

Again I'd like to thank Coop83, Haggard, Fro, Supersteph54, and Sonofkirk for taking the time to answer my questions.

Anytime ^^.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-06-30 20:37:40

Thanks Supersteph54 or letting me join the review request club

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-01 18:24:39

I guess I'll occasionally do this. Coop83 is really the person that made me want to join, so he deserves some points there.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-01 22:19:03

Hello again, I've made a new audio.

Thanks for the reviews on my other requests and thanks in advance for the reviews on this one.

Decky :)

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-01 22:30:20

At 7/1/10 06:24 PM, Jolly wrote: I guess I'll occasionally do this. Coop83 is really the person that made me want to join, so he deserves some points there.

It's always nice to get a little help on stuff around here. Though it would be great if you elaborated on the specific points that you mention in your reviews. As they are now they are very small and uninformative.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-01 23:49:04

Hey nice people :) Just like to drop off a request to reivew my first attempt at a professional sounding piece here, so...

Review with much love plox :) Thanks alot in advance :D

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-02 04:12:18

At 6/30/10 11:20 AM, The-Great-One wrote: Just thought I'd inform you that the Interview with The Review Request Club has been posted.


You can read it here.

Great. Interesting to read and I especially like your last remark about Roger Ebert. ^^

Again I'd like to thank Coop83, Haggard, Fro, Supersteph54, and Sonofkirk for taking the time to answer my questions.

You're welcome. :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-02 14:47:17

thx so much for all ure reviews...its been helping me alot..thoo i cant finish some of my work cuz of some pc probs..i decided 2 upload a old 1..just 2 see what i can take from this track as good sides in my style

plz do review....


Listen 2 my tracks :D


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-02 18:47:07

At 6/29/10 02:09 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
At 6/29/10 12:28 PM, IndustrialIndustries wrote: helo newground review boy scouts can u review my flash plz & thnk u!!!
http://industrialindustries.newgrounds.c om/flash/
Give us a link to up to 3 submissions which you want reviewed. Don't just link us to your profile :).

oh i sorry

here i link my best

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-02 22:17:23

Hey Steph, when is the next update going to be??

I'm asking that because I'll be on vacations July, 9th, and I wanna start reviewing as soon as I can, since I need to pass Animith...


Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-02 22:25:17

Also, sorry for the double-post, but I wanna say "welcome" to everyone who entered the club in those days I were out: "Welcome to the club, guys, I'm pretty sure you'll be very helpful to the club and the authors... Also, BTW, I'm Roger, 5th member of the actual roster..."

Hmmm, as I saw before, you guys aren't taking the "We're not going to review Spam" rule, huh?? But, anyway, we gotta help those authors...

Other Also: YEAHHH!! 3000th post, congrats RRC!!! WUT!

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 00:55:56

I've totally procrastinated and haven't reviewed anything on the list in over a week and a half. Hopefully some of you guys have reviewed some stuff in the meantime to satisfy the customers. I've been kind of busy planning everything for the 4th of July, my girlfriend coming back into town, and my upcoming birthday and I hadn't realized that I was neglecting the new list. Like I said earlier i'll end up having to do them all today since this is the only day that i'll be able to do them before the update that we so love Steph for doing.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 01:23:14

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 15:36:45

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 17:34:12

I'm not going to review that flash called ''The Beast Snacks 1" OK?? It has more than 50 reviews, so, he's got enough reviews...

Am I going to lose points if I don't review the flash??

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 17:48:36

Hey guys. I'm new here; hope you don't mind me dropping in for some review requests (that's what you guys are here for, yes?)

So I'd love to get some reviews on some of my less-liked songs in comparison to one of my more-liked songs just to see what's the big difference between them

Wishes (CandleLight Fight)
Midnight Rush (Kurayami Mix)
Crash And Burn

Yeah... Just tell me what you think, be honest, and constructive, yeah? Thankee!

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 19:00:57

At 7/3/10 05:34 PM, RogerBK wrote: I'm not going to review that flash called ''The Beast Snacks 1" OK?? It has more than 50 reviews, so, he's got enough reviews...

Am I going to lose points if I don't review the flash??

Well I just reviewed an Audio that had over 50 reviews on it. Just because it has some reviews doesn't mean the ones that they have are all constructive.

On the second part. If you don't review something on the list you just won't get the points for reviewing it. You can't exactly lose any points.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 21:51:27

At 7/3/10 07:00 PM, sixflab wrote:
Well I just reviewed an Audio that had over 50 reviews on it. Just because it has some reviews doesn't mean the ones that they have are all constructive.

But it's the rule of the CLub.

You can't exactly lose any points.

This is what I meant.

Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-03 23:38:06

I'm somewhat worried about this mammoth request list; given some of the previous posts it looks like there could be a fair few requests that only get 1 (or maybe 0 :O) reviews.

I started a full-time job last week (employment, yay!). But it's Mon-Sat, 11am-10pm. So eats into my time more than somewhat, and doesn't really give me those free 6 hours or so I use for procrastinate-review-time.

And I really highly doubt I'm gonna manage the list, as I'm out for a family thing on my day off, thus away from the interweb for large parts of it. So, apologies in advance, the chances of me actually getting a decent amount of (if indeed, any) reviews done is slim-to-none, unless I get back in time enough to at least make a DENT in the audio section. Sorry guys.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 00:23:20

At 7/3/10 09:51 PM, RogerBK wrote:
At 7/3/10 07:00 PM, sixflab wrote:
Well I just reviewed an Audio that had over 50 reviews on it. Just because it has some reviews doesn't mean the ones that they have are all constructive.
But it's the rule of the CLub.

You can't exactly lose any points.
This is what I meant.

Well you have me there. It is one of the few sketchy rules that we follow sometimes but other times we don't. I guess you can take it up with Steph or Animith. I don't remember who is updating the list this time.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 00:30:31

At 7/3/10 11:38 PM, Animith wrote: I'm somewhat worried about this mammoth request list; given some of the previous posts it looks like there could be a fair few requests that only get 1 (or maybe 0 :O) reviews.

Never fear. I know I said I was busy but I did manage to get all of the art and audio done since they were looking skimpy on the reviews. Hopefully i'll be able to get those last 17 flash requests tomorrow morning and as a result reviewing the entire list in under 24 hours. I'll need the reviewing speed of Molotov for this though. I don't know how he keeps his focus.

Sorry for the double post. It's late and I forgot the control key.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 04:37:48

Supersteph54 was banned from the bbs read about it here.So he Private Messaged me to tell you guys the update will not be here today.If you do not believe me PM him.Sorry for your ban Supersteph :(

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 04:49:08

At 7/4/10 04:37 AM, domo48 wrote: ***READ***
Supersteph54 was banned from the bbs read about it here.So he Private Messaged me to tell you guys the update will not be here today.If you do not believe me PM him.Sorry for your ban Supersteph :(

Sorry guys I misunderstood steph and the update will still be made but just expect it from Animith.Sorry guys for the messed up post.Im tired

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 04:52:24


At 7/4/10 12:23 AM, sixflab wrote:
At 7/3/10 09:51 PM, RogerBK wrote:
At 7/3/10 07:00 PM, sixflab wrote:
Well I just reviewed an Audio that had over 50 reviews on it. Just because it has some reviews doesn't mean the ones that they have are all constructive.
But it's the rule of the CLub.
Well you have me there. It is one of the few sketchy rules that we follow sometimes but other times we don't. I guess you can take it up with Steph or Animith. I don't remember who is updating the list this time.

I have vaguely heard of the rule that if a flash has over a certain number of reviews it should be on the list. My bad; I made the request list last time and I don't check the review numbers on flash :S
I'll ask Steph what the rule is for updates on that one, because I've never quite been sure.

At 7/4/10 12:30 AM, sixflab wrote: Never fear. I know I said I was busy but I did manage to get all of the art and audio done since they were looking skimpy on the reviews. Hopefully i'll be able to get those last 17 flash requests tomorrow morning and as a result reviewing the entire list in under 24 hours. I'll need the reviewing speed of Molotov for this though. I don't know how he keeps his focus.

Dude. That's some hardcore speed, kudos. ;D Go Molotov, go!
Looks like you'll be on the backs of all our heels soon enough (Look out, Roger =P)

As far as I can remember, I'm posting the update, but Steph's working me through it because I'll be doing the update lists while he is away being a person with a life =P I'll also do the next request list around then, unless some eager beaver wants to do that instead!

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 16:53:13

Hey all, it's Member's Update time!

This update was an uphill struggle with a mammoth 55 requests, HOWEVER! We have two new people to the list, and there was some high review numbers from Coop, Haggard, Steph and sixflab, and them along with everyone who had a stab at this list, led to no request being reviewless, so kudos to all of you guys.

That being said, the request lists are getting huge, and it's stopping us from getting back to weekly requests. So here's an idea we're going to try out: Splitting the request list. Instead of having one 50-request list for two weeks, we're gonna halve it, making two lists of 25. More explanation to come on that in the request list.

Until then, enjoy! Steph will be back for next week to give us all update-y knowledge. ^^

Member's Update #45
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
1 ) 6301 | 984 / 1169 | 84.17% || 159 | 26 / 55 | 47.27% | Haggard
2 ) 6235 | 974 / 1168 | 83.39% || 165 | 27 / 55 | 49.09% | Coop83
3 ) 3387 | 523 / 1141 | 45.84% || 048 | 08 / 55 | 14.55% | Fro
4 ) 2576 | 401 / 1049 | 38.23% || 171 | 28 / 55 | 50.91% | Supersteph54
5 ) 1928 | 308 / 0404 | 76.24% || 003 | 00 / 55 | 00.00% | Animith
6 ) 1669 | 263 / 0549 | 47.91% || 027 | 04 / 55 | 07.27% | RogerBK
7 ) 1236 | 201 / 0222 | 90.54% || 230 | 38 / 55 | 69.09% | sixflab
08 ) 776 | 117 / 0763 | 15.33% || 011 | 02 / 55 | 03.64% | Celx-Requin
09 ) 564 | 089 / 0778 | 11.44% || 006 | 01 / 55 | 01.82% | Joshsouza
10 ) 254 | 039 / 0401 | 09.73% || 000 | 00 / 55 | 00.00% | ChampionAnwar *
11 ) 091 | 013 / 0320 | 04.06% || 000 | 00 / 55 | 00.00% | MonoFlauta **
12 ) 061 | 009 / 0134 | 06.72% || 003 | 00 / 55 | 00.00% | CheppZanoff *
13 ) 050 | 008 / 0055 | 14.55% || 050 | 08 / 55 | 14.55% | Spysociety NEW!
14 ) 009 | 001 / 0055 | 01.82% || 009 | 01 / 55 | 01.82% | domo48 NEW!

The stars indicate for how long the user has been inactive in this club. "Inactive" means, that user hasn't gained any points by reviewing OR by posting.
*: User has been inactive for the last two weeks
**: User has been inactive for the last four weeks
***: User has been inactive for the last six weeks
****: User has been inactive for the last eight weeks

If you are inactive for more than six weeks AND if your completion rate falls below 20%, OR if you are inactive for more than eight weeks you are excluded from the list. You may rejoin this club, but your points will be lost.

Requests This Week: 55
Total Requests All Time: 1169
Reviews Made This Week: 143
Total Reviews All Time: 4734
Average Per Member: 10.21
Average Per Request: 2.60
Sigs Forgotten: 3

New to the List: Spysociety and domo48
Leaving the List: SCTE3, Shellac and Kirbyfemur

All requests completed: None. :(



Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 17:13:35

thanks in advance :)

New song Below Dubstep tune click signature below

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 17:19:30

Request List

As previously mentioned in the member's update, we're trying out a new idea. Ramblesome explanation time!

This update would have been 50 requests long. That is a huge list, much like the ones we've had recently which have started to strain the reviewing resources of the RRC. So here's an idea we're testing this week: Splitting that mammoth 50-request list in half. It's not reducing the requests we're doing, it's simply putting it into more manageable chunks, to see whether that has any effect.

The first half (25) will be posted now, the second half (25) will be posted in a week. And yes, that means we are trying to revert back to WEEKLY UPDATES.

The second half will appear in today's list as "extra" requests for any eager people out there.

This is a new and as-of-yet untested idea, so if anyone has any thoughts, comments, or questions as I will have explained this badly, PLEASE say so! Without further ado, here's the list: Requests Total: 25

Audio Requests-15
In a Teardrop by Raven-Guard
[CG]-Imperfect Serenity by UncleSqueezins
Mother (Crazy) by EpicFail
A Ticking TimeBomb by Cimba
Sweet Wish by Radidsh
-[FR]- Summer Love by fizzler
What I Am (Mans0n) by Mans0n
Waltz No. 7 in Am Orchestrated by Darkmaster603
Post Rigor Mortis by PizzaBox
Foresight by Tomppaah
Pulp FIctionstep(demo) by superuberinsaneausm
Whatever... by carliotsx56686
Synstones by Monkeydelic
This Is War by GronmonSE
Jungaloo [Box-Killa] by Box-Killa

Flash Requests-7
FroNick Wars Soundboard by Spysociety
CoolJaw P.S. II-V by Celx-Requin
Frame By Frame Flash by J0hnnyR0tt3n
CoolJaw P.S. III-V by Celx-Requin
[KK] spongebob GAY SEX by Pixonimateo
Spring: Part II by ZenMicroClock
Phalanx by ZenMicroClock

Art Requests-3
Burned Tower (Ecruteak City) by Hacsev
Mushroom Kingdom StandUp 1 by Iplaygames
Midnight by Imacow


Extra Flash Requests-7
Golden's Groove by ZenMicroClock
Dont Shave Pubes On Plane by PatriotClock
FutureShock by PatriotClock
Gangsta Gangsta! by PatriotClock
our new king by IndustrialIndustries
this movie is about robot by IndustrialIndustries
Night of the Living Clock by IndustrialIndustries

Extra Audio Requests-15
On the Clouds (Remake) by SASKID
Kiernmau5 by KieranNG
E.C.A by paradimansional
Eden massacre - TTC CHG by Calamaistr
Power Girl by legionbear
Oceanic Expedition by Birdinator99
Dig this! by Dj-GST
Stargenx - Juicy Moist Pickles by Stargenx
Cave Dweller by Decky1991
Electrohunter {Dj-Abbic} by DjAbbic
World of Sound (David Rx) by DavidRx
[-=Bugg=-] Rhythm by BuggMusic
Get Ready To Dance {durn} by durn
Wishes (CandleLight Fight) by Hikigane
Kravening-SexDrive (dubstep) by kravening

Extra Art Requests-3
No that way! by tt10
Woman by MasterMerol
Mr. Monocle by up-a-notch

(Extra) Extra Audio Requests-9
All my victims by EpicFail
Within the Stronghold by Cimba
Machine Room by Cimba
among the championcast-TTC CHG by
Ayo Technologic by legionbear
Robotic Storm by legionbear
dubstep demonstration by superuberinsaneausm
Midnight Rush (Kurayami Mix) by Hikigane
Crash And Burn by Hikigane

TO ANY REQUESTERS! We are asking anyone requesting things to, if at all possible, TAKE IT EASY on requests this week. We're splitting the list to try and relieve some of the pressure off the club, so having 30 new requests this week pop up will not help that. xD
So again, if at all possible, take it easy on the requests this week. Thank you.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-04 18:21:52

At 7/4/10 04:53 PM, Animith wrote: Hey all, it's Member's Update time!

Wow, epic fail on my part. I didn't realize that you were doing the update today. I reviewed all of the flash an hour after the list was put up.