Regarding Fleshlight's YT vid on Invincibob and other medals, I assumed he led the enemies all the way left-screen because he was also going for the time-limit medal, correct?
For some odd reason, I am also thinking if you don't kill them, they don't respawn when that giant... bloated...Samus Aran-looking thing (boss) trounces down on you (the first time, in the Red Zone.)
Every now and then, I try alternating leading them left.. or just killing them all with bow+arrow (from a distance so they don't all chase me, plus it's fun <3 ). Then I make it to Giant Samus and then more swordsmen appear out of nowhere in the Red Zone...
Emerald Hill Zone sonic music is now playing in your head too
.... so, swordsmen + can't run left or right + Samus Boss = me instantly dead, since there's a boundary you can't run past, to the left of you.
Same thing at the end when Epic Fail Samus comes down for the second and last time. If I make it out of the Red Zone alive (only have about six times when going for the last 2 medals), those damned swordsmen respawn AGAIN. Gah.
Rawr, grrr, argruh-argruh, et cetera.
They are literally the death of me.