At 4/29/09 10:11 AM, Fleshlight wrote:Also, Madness Regent and Red Moon almost have medals for a week and should be removed tomorrow.what? They're going to remove those medals?
They should be removed FROM THE LIST. Dammit.
At 4/29/09 10:11 AM, Fleshlight wrote:Also, Madness Regent and Red Moon almost have medals for a week and should be removed tomorrow.what? They're going to remove those medals?
They should be removed FROM THE LIST. Dammit.
At 4/29/09 10:11 AM, Fleshlight wrote:Also, Madness Regent and Red Moon almost have medals for a week and should be removed tomorrow.what? They're going to remove those medals?
no he meant from the list of new games with medals. since they've been out for a week, they're not new anymore haha
oooh....ok. You guys are confusing me with all these lists
At 4/29/09 11:33 AM, KevnSevn wrote: 3448
Oh yes.
Lol, I already got all the medals :D
your original version freaked the heck out of me. That face of yours showed up once you died on Nightmare mode a while back. I guess that was your trial run.
Did anyone noticed that in Stamper's quest you lose half of your health when you collect first red cross on Nightmare dificulty?
Got some funny bugs with Bunny Invasion: Easter. I played it for a while until my score was 10,000,000, used a grenade for the first time and fully upgraded the assistant. I got the grenades first, used the grenades, upgraded the assistent fully and then got a score above 10,000,000 after a couple of waves.
What happened? I got the medal for the score, but not for using the grenade or fully upgrading the assistant. I know the last medal is bugged, but the other ones aren't, so my lack of getting medals is kinda odd...
Anyway, I would gladly retry to see if this occurs a second time. It's a fun game.
--- "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one", Friedrich Nietzsche ---
At 4/29/09 12:13 PM, Lizzardis wrote:At 4/29/09 11:33 AM, KevnSevn wrote: 3448Well that's an easy 200 points. Thanks! I'm just getting the last one now. Those bees are well annoying and the cigarettes and stuff are appearing BELOW the floor....
Oh yes.
The most annoying part is the fact you can't duck and cover for bees
It's not possible to jump over them when they fly in the middle of the screen, meaning you have to run into them
At 4/29/09 12:21 PM, Ehwaz003 wrote: I know the last medal is bugged,
No, the bugged medal was fixed.
However, the medal system itself is still in some kind of beta phase, so try to start a new game and buy a grenade as soon as you can afford one and then throw it first thing on the new wave and see if you get the medal.
Nightmare mode is giving me horrible alkie kong flashbacks with the music.
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
At 4/29/09 12:26 PM, Lizzardis wrote:At 4/29/09 12:21 PM, Ehwaz003 wrote: I got the medal for the score, but not for using the grenade or fully upgrading the assistant.I don't funny understand what you mean...Of course you got the medal for 10 million....You got the score...I don't understand. Please explain more.
Well, in one game session, I used a grenade for the first time, used the money I earned from waves to fully upgrade the assistant AND got the score above 10 million. So, that should give me 3 NG medals.
Sure, I did get the in-game trophies to unlock additional content, but it didn't unlock all 3 NG medals.
That's what's so odd about it.
So, I didn't get the TICK! BOOM medal, but I did use grenades
I didn't get the JIM THE CONQUEROR medal, but I did upgrade the assistant to maximum
But I did get the NICE SCORE medal for getting a score of 10,000,000
Either I shouldn't get any of them or all of them, but that isn't the case.
--- "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one", Friedrich Nietzsche ---
At 4/29/09 12:08 PM, urrad wrote: Did anyone noticed that in Stamper's quest you lose half of your health when you collect first red cross on Nightmare dificulty?
Not for me... but I noticed that sometimes the red crosses don't do anything at all. I had it once on nightmare and now again on medium... :/
I know that I collected a pack of cigarettes shortly before I touched the Red Cross. So mabye that has something to do with it.
At 4/29/09 12:28 PM, Haggard wrote: However, the medal system itself is still in some kind of beta phase, so try to start a new game and buy a grenade as soon as you can afford one and then throw it first thing on the new wave and see if you get the medal.
Ah, thx for the info. I'll try a new game for sure, since it's a good game anyway. But it'll take a while, gotta focus on papers, asssigments and exams first...
--- "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one", Friedrich Nietzsche ---
At 4/29/09 12:36 PM, Lizzardis wrote:At 4/29/09 12:32 PM, Haggard wrote: Not for me... but I noticed that sometimes the red crosses don't do anything at all. I had it once on nightmare and now again on medium... :/On nightmare the health packs only take your health up to just below half way and no more, not even if you collect a few. Thats what makes it harder than the rest!
Okay, that explains why it didn't do anything. But on medium health packs can bring my life up to full health. But I was relatively low on health, jumped and collected a pack and a cross in the same jump, but did not get any health recovered.
At 4/29/09 12:36 PM, Lizzardis wrote: On nightmare the health packs only take your health up to just below half way and no more, not even if you collect a few. Thats what makes it harder than the rest!
A tip when you play on nightmare mode is to avoid the red crosses in the beginning. just wait till you are low on health before you take a red cross. otherwise they will automatically lower your health, meaning you have to survive longer on low health
I noticed another bug: When you collect your 50th package and get the medal (doesn't apply for nightmare of course) the pack counter jumps from 49 to 51, instead of from 49 to 50 like it is supposed to.
So you get one pack free. >_>
At 4/29/09 12:49 PM, Ismael92 wrote: New game under judgment: 3448
lol I really messed up :/
I came to the last page of this thread and skimmed trough and I didn't see it posted (but I was stupid enough to ignore the previous page). And it's not even on judgment, but when I went to the portal it was purple...
Stupid me >.<
At 4/29/09 12:48 PM, Lizzardis wrote:At 4/29/09 12:44 PM, PHL-Himself wrote: otherwise they will automatically lower your health, meaning you have to survive longer on low healthNo I tried that, its the first health pack you hit that lowers your health whether its the first health pack or the last, it will lower your health down to half.
I know, that's why I said to wait till you're low on health before you take a red cross ;)
At 4/29/09 12:33 PM, Lizzardis wrote: That was a great game, also one of the easiest to get medals too. When is someone going to do a "Complete list of medals" for this page.
Can anyone do them?
Took a while to finish the nightmare mode.... However I got all medals :)
there's a lot of problems with the health pick ups. They either don't give you any health at all, or take some away.
and you call yourself a programmer
At 4/29/09 02:22 PM, Fleshlight wrote: there's a lot of problems with the health pick ups. They either don't give you any health at all, or take some away.
and you call yourself a programmer
On harder difficulties, the health bar isn't supposed to go over certain point... You might start with a full bar, but taking a health pick up will drain your energy to that certain point.
Is there a character in Portal Defenders that gets more brains than the other ones, cause I can't seem to get 5 brains, however many times I tried.
Also, how many freakin zombies do you need to kill to get that you know what?
At 4/29/09 02:33 PM, wismty wrote: On harder difficulties, the health bar isn't supposed to go over certain point... You might start with a full bar, but taking a health pick up will drain your energy to that certain point.
Yep l think this is the case..but still, the game's music is nightmare-ish (of course one can turn it off...but not while he's playing...
Not exactly "easy", but rather a test of patience...
At 4/29/09 03:58 PM, HeavyTank wrote: Yep l think this is the case..
Nope, bar that, l tried playing the game on easy and l still didn't get ANY health out of the health flash artists know what PLAYTESTING means?
Also, how many freakin zombies do you need to kill to get that you know what?
I have a walkthrough of zombie horde in my profile you know
Lol, l just got all the medals for that game..
So l was playing in Nightmare mode...and l was at 60..and then, all of a sudden, l started losing my ability to lose health...if l bumped into something l lost some health and then instantly get it back..
The only strange thing l did was keeping the left arrow button pressed at all soon as l released it l could lose health again..
Quite buggy.At least now my score is over 4000..