At 2/24/10 09:16 AM, queenofbabes wrote:
At 2/24/10 08:11 AM, DigDogy wrote:
At 2/24/10 07:05 AM, greeneggs4spam wrote:
also: 8606
Oh no, another game that has a 100 point medal where you have to rate user created levels. Seriously, rating 100 levels is not challenging, just boring. Don't make a medal for it.
Why don't you just try to enjoy playing through those 100 levels?
I guess because I'm OCD about medals. I remember how it was getting this "vote on a crapload of levels" medal on Time Fcuk... Sure, Time Fcuk is a marvellous game and I highly enjoyed playing it, but after playing the main game and 50 user generated levels it kinda lost appeal.
I know, I know, "then just don't get the medal and play something else". Ignore my rant.
In other news, is it just me or is EON really, really hard? I'm stuck on level 3. Maybe I'm not thinking with portals.