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The Sinister Sig Makers

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Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 15:52:05

At 8/19/03 03:12 PM, War_Machine wrote: This OK?

yea it is thanks dawg ill come back if i change my alias.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 15:53:22

hey guys i so respect u for this...could you mkae me a sig please ive been wantin one for to long...right wat i want is a black and red swirled togeter background with prehaps a samurai slicing his cane through the air i dont mind what the samuria looks like just a normal one with a scar on his face..then next to him i want it to say ''GIBBO13''...COULD U DO THAT ?THANKYOU MOST GRATEFUL

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 16:43:16

Can i have a sig for my alias DannyWray with some kinda cool animation in it

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 16:46:05

i still want a michelinman sig even though i changed my alias. its just for shits and giggles.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 16:51:02

lol am i gonna get my sig???

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 16:58:25

i asked first. and give him some time he'll make it all worth the wait. check in tomorrow.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 17:04:53

I was mildly bored, so I thought I'd just make a sig for the Queen of the Flame, Lawless1. Enjoy.

Oh, and if your waiting for a sig, please don't keep heckling us. It's a sure fire way to not receive one. Just request it and somebody will get back to you. Have you read what War Machine wrote at the very beginning of the topic? It's been 2 pages and already it's started. Some people are just so stupid...

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 17:44:36


Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 17:58:20

soz mate i didnt mean to heckel you

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 18:12:29

At 8/19/03 05:44 PM, dannywray wrote: yep

What a fasinating, brilliantly written, well thought out observation that was. The ultimate first post. Bravo...

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 18:13:46

who are u saying bravo too lol

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 18:29:29

A new era has been awakened. The SSM era has come! lol

Hello there people my name is Incitic and I'm the custom animation expert around here.

Want a custom animation sig go to me.

Ok now that I've introduced myself, Im ready to make some sigs!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 18:33:03

Incitic Can i have a sig for my alias DannyWray with some kinda cool animation in it

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 18:38:38

Ok what animation would be a good start.

Remember specify what you want.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 18:46:19

maybe something like wolverine or something in the superhero genre

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 19:08:34

hey man ur cool!! can i have a sig ill explain what..i would like a black and red blurry mixed background that looks cool with a samuria swishing his wooden cane. then next to the samuri i want it to say gibbo13 in cool japanise style writing please.. thankyou could u do it after done with the person your dealing with now thanks

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 19:27:48

God amI ever late! I've just got back from being out with a couple of freinds on the town. Anyways, The Sinister Sig Makers here! This is going to be a lot of fun! Possibly one of the funnest topics on NG! (If I seem overly excited it may be beacause i've had a little alcohol and am a little tipsy at the moment.)
Let the sig makeing comence!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 19:38:22

Ok Kid Culligan I've done your sig but it looked grainy so im re-doing in anime shop with the help of war_machine.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 19:47:00

Ok Kid Culligan ive done your sig with the help of war_machines expertise.

And Quam arnt you a little young to be drinking?

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 19:50:20

At 8/19/03 07:47 PM, Incitic wrote: Ok Kid Culligan ive done your sig with the help of war_machines expertise.

And Quam arnt you a little young to be drinking?

I live in Hungary, it's concidered "ok" here.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 19:55:00

Erm ok............ so you can drink when your 14 over there?

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 19:56:15

At 8/19/03 07:55 PM, Incitic wrote: Erm ok............ so you can drink when your 14 over there?

Im 15 but yes it would be alright with most people if you were drinking at 14.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:08:33

are u gonna do mine?

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:10:02

could you make me one that has maybe some kinda samurai and chinese writing

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:12:43

shut up danny wray ive already asked for that sort of one!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:16:27

I just talked to war_machine and hes doing yours dibbo13.

Right at the moment Im doing a profile so be patient. I'll be here basically all day.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:16:29

At 8/19/03 08:12 PM, gibbo13 wrote: shut up danny wray ive already asked for that sort of one!

Here's an idea: Why don't you shut up and quit being such an ass. So what if he wants something similar to yours? By the way your going you'll be lucky if you get one. Seriously, stop messing up this topic in it's early stages with your pointless jibberings and just sit tight and wait.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:16:55

-Z-, you made this sig a while ago, and i was wondering if you could change something in it. I want the words "Big Cheese" taken out. you don't have to replace them any new text, unless you think it'd be better to put something in, in which case just put in something funny.

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:21:38

At 8/19/03 03:53 PM, gibbo13 wrote: could you mkae me a sig please ive been wantin one for to long...

Something along these lines OK?

Just FYI, my trillian just crashed, and it doesn't want to come back online, so screw it. I'll get it going again when I reboot. Incitic, I was talking to you. If you need more help, say the word, and I'll get it rolling again right away...lol

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2003-08-19 20:22:05

At 8/19/03 08:12 PM, gibbo13 wrote: shut up danny wray ive already asked for that sort of one!

man calm down dude