At 4/9/05 10:06 AM, Toocool100 wrote:
don't give up on me Gfox!
teh toocool is always around
Ha ha! Man, I haven't given up completely, but I didn't bother "wasting" a vote on you this last time, because I knew that with your current (in)activity levels around here, very few, if any... other members would be voting for you. Still... if you'd only POST MORE OFTEN AROUND HERE, more people than just myself and X would be voting for you on a regular basis!
You've got until late June to get it turned around, man!
At 4/9/05 03:22 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Ok thanks for clearing that up gfox, i assumed thats how it would work, i just curiouse : ) Is this 2 members in one go a one off thing, it's not going to become a common occurance is it?
2 members at once is actually how I LIKE it to be, but many other members like to go with one at a time, so I defer to their judgement. But take a look at this period of time in Wi/Ht? history:
Wi/Ht? #11 . 06/29/02 .. 07/19/03 .. 327836 .. Afterburner
Wi/Ht? #12 . 11/18/02 .. 07/20/03 .. 397797 .. D0GMA
Wi/Ht? #13 . 07/07/02 .. 07/29/03 .. 332379 .. Dobio
Wi/Ht? #14 . 07/27/02 .. 07/30/03 .. 343163 .. Crono-
Wi/Ht? #15 . 09/12/01 .. 08/09/03 .. 214132 .. Mystboy
As you can see:
Afterburner and D0GMA were basically elected within a day of each other.
Then Dobio and Crono- were elected at almost the same time as well.
And Mystboy was added only a week and a half later.
That was the fastest period of expansion this membership has ever ever seen.
Well, which would you rather be if you had the choice?
Would I rather be member #22 or 23? Well, 22. But not because it's earlier, because it's an even number. (see my 36 vs 37 April Fools Thread for more on that).
Now, if it was a choice between #23 and 24?!?! I'd take 24, no second thoughts. Much better number. 23 is prime. 24 is two dozen, the number of hours in a day, etc. etc. Beautiful, just like 36.
At 4/9/05 07:01 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
Exactly gfox, and in the event of a tie the only fair way to decide would be by sign-up date. Their membership numbers were decided by rules I set before starting the election. Please Tom, no Florida controversy ^_^
Sign-up date would work as a tie-breaker, yeah. So SK would have been it either way, eh? The only other way I can think of to break a tie would be for the election-runner to cast an "extra vote" in one way or the other to decide who gets the earlier number. Or to ask spancker (assuming he can be reached and even KNOWS the two people who tied O_O). Nah, you're right... sign-up date is much better. ID#, specifically (in case they signed up on the same day #;-}>).
Just for future reference, the earlier signup/ID# method will thus be used by myself as WELL as by Recon in all future elections run by us, peoples, so take note. This is, of course, assuming we ever have 2-at-once elections again. I haven't decided what to do on my b-day. Either #24 will be elected or #24 AND #25 will be. Let's not bother speculating in here, though, unless members have actual constructive opinions either direction.
At 4/9/05 11:04 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote:
O_o No. No! NO! That's not what I meant.
I could search through your posts, but I'm not going to argue either way. :)
Whatever, man. Not a huge deal.
Are you saying that you're a slacker? Hardly.
I'm saying that as an overall group, Wi/Ht? has been reluctant to push for rapid or constant elections in the past, with the exception of a few time periods (like the one I pasted to Tom up there).
At 4/9/05 09:02 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
I didn't really take the regularlist into account..
My god, worst forgetting to complete your sentence ever. I think I get your point though. Everyone who isn't on the list has an equal oppurtunity to make it onto the list. As long as you're helping and you're here then you have the same chance of making as everyone else did during elections. :)
What on earth you be talkin' bout, boy? I didn't forget to complete my sentence. I have no idea why you snipped like that:
I didn't really take the regularlist into account when trying to decide who to vote for this election."
That's not an incomplete sentence (also known as a fragment, BTW). It might not be phrased the most elequent possible way, but... it's a solid sentence, foolio. What teh shit are you trying to pull, eh? #;-}>
I think you might have snipped my sentence by accident while doing all your super-snipping in that reply. Maybe you should go back and reread my 4/9/05 9:02 AM post, eh? #;-}>
It was no problem at all really, except for well the first time. That one was quite the hassle considering I was making it from complete scratch. The others were easy since I made sure to save the data. :)
Gotcha. You could have always just e-mailed me and asked for the source file, yanno.
Well actually I had just thought you were posting it on every page for easier reference.
Well, it's useful for that, but I was just saying that it wasn't the original reason it ended up being posted a lot.
That's not what I meant...but believe what you want. >_>
I always do. You net-stalker. #;-}>
IOW don't post like you would in general. Better? :)
At 4/10/05 09:27 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
The only real promblem with an alt + regular account in the wi/ht club, is that the member could be using it to get more weight behind their votes during elections, which could be a little unfair.
Alt-accounts on NG have nothing to do with the votes, though, because the votes are done by e-mail. And unless someone has spent YEARS carefully crafting an alternate persona on NG, and managed to get elected into the Wi/Ht? TWICE with different "personalities".... how on earth would that happen? Unless a member is giving out their E-MAIL PASSWORD, how the hell could the E-MAIL VOTING be affected? See what I'm saying here?
Okay, one more post for now (to clear up all this huge page 22 "KON-TRO-VER-SHUL topic" bullcrap). I hope to catch up on other topics tonight or tomorrow, but we'll see. Here we go: