Jesus... Christ. To start this wonderful string of posts off (as it will take SEVERAL posts, undoubtedly, to reply to all that needs to be replied to), I'd like to point out that I pasted ALL the posts that have been made in here since I last posted... into one text file, and this is the resulting size:
36.9KB (37,823 bytes)
Incredible. So this is what it takes to make a topic active, eh? (sigh)
Anyway, no sense delaying the inevitable. Diving right in to the mass of posting that's been the ONLY part of Wi/Ht? I've been reading and replying to for half a week now. What a fun fun place this has become:
At 4/11/05 12:26 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
I said the exact same thing to Eldarion last night. He may not be the most conulsive poster in some of the threads, but i have no doubt that Mazza is probably the best question answerer in the wi/ht.
You and Denvish aren't members, so you couldn't vote for Mazza. As a result, the questions become:
A) why didn't very many Wi/Ht? members agree with you and vote for Mazza?
B) why didn't you and Denvish campaign for him as strongly BEFORE the election as you are doing now AFTER the election when it's too late for Mazza to have been elected instead of Alkador?
I can't answer B, but as to A: I haven't seen very many of Mazza's posts. That's no indictment of him. I just don't know him very well! Maybe the same is true for many other members. MAYBE WE'RE ALL OUT OF FUCKING TOUCH WITH THE NON-MEMBERS. Guess what? The only way to fix that reliably is by inducting new members who ARE IN TOUCH and will stick around and will then VOTE IN LATER ELECTIONS.
But as long as there are people who don't WANT to be elected and as long as there are members who don't come to Wi/Ht? but still vote and as long as there are people who hang out around Wi/Ht? but aren't helpful enough in the eyes of others... THIS WILL REMAIN A PROBLEM.
HOWEVER: This. Isn't. That. Big. A. Deal.
Thats crazy dude, obsesive....
That would make sense, since I'm obsessive/compulsive, yes.
At 4/11/05 02:40 PM, Denvish wrote:
Although I appreciate the (implied) compliment, I'm really not interested. I spend a lot of time in Wi/Ht, as you know, and the fact that -Mazza- didn't get in (despite IMO being the most consistently helpful of ALL Regulars and Members) is yet another reason for me to think that the Member elections are seriously flawed.
Even if I was a Member, I have a feeling my votes wouldn't have made a great deal of difference anyway. No offence to Alk or SK, but even with the occasional reappearance of several of the old crew, I still don't think the majority of them are in touch with what happens on a daily basis in this forum. Yes, the bias may change with the election of more regular members; but you're only around a couple of days a week, as is Recon; and some of the others are even more infrequent.
It's not implied. If you'd allow yourself to be elected, you'd be a lock for the next member of Wi/Ht?. But you don't, so you won't. I just find it strange that you're so troubled by Mazza not getting in to the membership yet you yourself won't enter the membership so you can MAKE A DIFFERENCE. It's like someone who's complaining about politics and the candidates one can vote for... but won't consider becoming a VOTER, an ACTIVIST, or a CANDIDATE himself. What the hell is going to change if the people who see the NEED for change don't step up and help? Your posting in here, don't get me wrong, is certainly making me think about things... so I SUPPOSE you could be seen as an "activist" in that respect. But you won't even consider becoming a voter/candidate, and those two things would be even MORE effective in changing Wi/Ht? to something you apparently want it changed into: a group that contains more worthy members than it does now. Or whatever.
Every freakin' vote makes a difference. This is a group with 23 members! Christ, 1 vote in this group is a HUGE difference, in fact.
And no shit I'm only on a couple of days a week. I also don't read all of level up!, but this group isn't supposed to be based solely upon who hangs out in level up!, it's supposed to be based on the forum as a whole. I don't claim to be up to date on EVERYone's participation around here. That's not really required before one votes, either. For the most part, we're voting on people based on PAST deeds and speech, not on CURRENT levels of helpfulness. Nor are we trying to necessarily PREDICT FUTURE levels of helpfulness, though it'd be great if we could.
As a result, election into Wi/Ht? is often more of a "hall of fame" vote than a "this person is currently super-active and needs to be memberized RIGHT NOW." After all, it's not like they HAVE to be a member to continue being helpful. They will do so whether or not they are a member. Like I keep saying, membership in Wi/Ht? is NOTHING LIKE BEING MODDED. One HAS to be modded to mod. One does NOT have to be made a member to help out on Wi/Ht?.
I dunno. Being part of the group just doesn't appeal to me at all.
Being a part of almost every club on NG didn't appeal to me at all in March of 2003, but when spancker asked me to join Wi/Ht?, I was such a part of this forum and I loved so many things about it and its regulars and members that I had to say "okay, sure." However, the past few pages of this topic have made me start to regret ever joining in the first place. Maybe you've got the right idea after all. Isolationism makes EVERYthing so much easier.
As for the election votes, is there any particular reason why they're kept secret after new members have been elected?
To avoid hurt feelings. Looks like that's working really well, eh? (sigh)
At 4/11/05 03:15 PM, _redruM_ wrote:
Wise as always. Perhaps part of the problem did come from comparing Alkador to ShittyKitty.
I think a large part of the problem came from Alkador paling in comparison to ShittyKitty, yes. But then again, I doubt that the controversy over this would have been lessened if Alkador had been voted in by himself... but OTOH, I doubt he COULD have been voted in by himself. I think a lot of people saw him as a good "Second choice" to SK, and they voted for him in that capacity. For the first time ever, IMO, the "two at once" idea seems to have backfired.