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Where is/How to? Memberlist

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-03 16:45:56

At 4/3/05 04:05 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: You don't have to be on the wi/ht regulars list to be considerd worthy of membership, eg. Denvish, isn't featured on it, however he is a very likely candidate, also im sure the current members wouldn't be against, voteing somebody in who isn't on the regulars list either.

That was a very bad choice to pick for your example Tom. Denvish was added to the Regulars a few months ago. Remember when there was the whole crisis of whether d0gma could join in or not? That was the month that Denvish was added to the ranks, I believe that was November, not sure if that's the right month, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. And yes, you DON'T have to be a regular first to make it onto the memberlist. All I think Alkador was saying was that it would be a very good stepping stone and probably a whole lot easier to make it onto.

I also have a correction about a comment I made on the previous page.

At 3/30/05 06:16 PM, B-B-B-B-4U-4U-4U-4U wrote: I really think you all should consider slapping on some more of the people who deserve it like SK, and d0gma.

I believe with that comment I had my mind set on denvish, yet for some odd reason I said d0gma instead. d0gma's already on the list. Silly me, my mistake. ;)

And something for Recon. The other day you'd be hoping for a response from the_phantom_spanker regarding if any elections would be happening anytime in the near future. How did the whole thing pan out? :)

Also I still have more to comment on:

I've seen too many people continually bumping up this thread asking to join the ranks as if this were just some club you would find in the C&C. Before just bumping the thread without paying any attention people should make sure that they at least read the very first few pages and the most recent pages. gfoxcook normally posts the list on every page and I've posted it on the most recent two due to his absence regarding this topic. So basically if you need a recent list of the members for whatever reason it'll be on the page somewhere. And lastly a little explaination for anyone wanting to be admitted into the ranks.

1) Elections are held randomly, usually there are multiple months between elections, therefore, don't bother asking to join because it's not going to happen just like that.
2) If you're new to the Wi/Ht forum then check out and go through some of the larger topics. It may be a pain but it's always good to read the very first few pages of a long topic and the last few pages of the topic before you beginning posting in it. Being fimiliar with topics prevents what just happened and stops the same question being asked when people could just pay attention and not jump the gun.
3) Just because we don't want you to be posting questions such as "How do I join?' you should still ask questions if you've looked around and you still haven't seen answered someplace else.
4) Know who the people who usually post here are. Figure out who the members and the regulars are. This way you could just e-mail them a specific question if you're not all that sure of where it should be posted.
5) Post casually. There is no need to be constantly on the watch and posting in every large topic daily, just as there is no need to be the first to respond to every new topic in this forum. Just post when you have the chance and it'll be fine.
6) The elections are spaced out quite a bit for both the regulars and the members. This means you don't need to worry about making a bunch of posts constantly to get noticed. Just post regularly and people will see you in the allotted time between elections.
7) Be helpful to others with questions and don't be afraid to ask something yourself.

Yeah, I hope that's a good explaination of it all. ;)

And yes I lied...I am ending up making another post in this thread. :'(

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-04 02:49:09

** Wi/Ht? election update **

All voting reminders have been sent so if you didn't receive one send me an e-mail and I'll zap you another copy. I won't be counting the votes until Friday anyway so you'll have plenty of time. That's it, I'm heading into my weekend with a stocked fridge and a ton od DVD's to watch. Comatose city is just around the corner (how disgraceful, haha).

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Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-04 03:49:58

At 3/31/05 02:14 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: I think we should have a member voted in every 2 months...

I think at one point thats how it was done, but we should have some sorta orginised date we hold them or something...


Wow so everyone has to battle it out for that one spot. I think 2 months is a pretty long time but 6 that was pretty extreme.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-04 04:03:06

At 4/4/05 03:49 AM, AnzRage wrote: Wow so everyone has to battle it out for that one spot. I think 2 months is a pretty long time but 6 that was pretty extreme.

6 months is just the estimated time. It's really not set at all if you look at the join dates for the members. It's actually more like 3~4 months now. Scroll up and look at the members list I posted near the top of this thread and look at the "Wi/Ht Join Date" section to see when people were elected into the club. And as said before by gfox and others having the update every 2 months would really let the club lose it's exclusiveness. Once you're on you won't be getting off really, thus there needs to be a lot of time taken to vote people onto the list, to make sure everyone has time to see who deserves such an honour. Also, there is no set potentials list like there is with the Regulars list, so the voting is somewhat wider. I think Recon said something on the previous page about maybe letting 2 people into the ranks this go around, I'm not sure if he kept the idea, we'll just see how it all pans out Friday. :)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 02:55:49

** Wi/Ht? Election Results! **

The moment you've been waiting for! This election came as something of a surprise to me but you all know who you voted for, so without further delay...

The 22nd Wi/Ht? member is... ShittyKitty!! Congrats SK, it's about bloody time 'eh?

... what's that you say? We voted in two members this time? Why yes we did.

The 23rd Wi/Ht? member is... Alkador!! Congrats buddy, you're on two lists now (lol).

That's all for now. I hope everyone is happy with the results because it's in the history books now. Gotta finish my report and start packing up so goodnight!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 03:04:06

Congrats to SK and Alkador. ^_^

Wi/Ht? ID ... NG date .. Wi/Ht? date .. user ID .. NG username

Wi/Ht? #1 ... 12/22/01 .. 02/11/03 .. 251796 .. the_phantom_spancker
Wi/Ht? #2 ... 10/05/02 .. 02/11/03 .. 376145 .. Drimarki
Wi/Ht? #3 ... 06/23/02 .. 02/14/03 .. 324621 .. Recon_Rebel
Wi/Ht? #4 ... 01/24/02 .. 02/15/03 .. 263431 ..leeboy105
Wi/Ht? #5 ... 06/10/01 .. 02/22/03 .. 174015 .. Jessica_
Wi/Ht? #6 ... 09/16/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 368382 .. XkwiziTOnE
Wi/Ht? #7 ... 04/12/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 294191 .. _lightning_
Wi/Ht? #8 ... 02/20/03 .. 03/28/03 .. 457815 .. FIGMENTUM
Wi/Ht? #9 ... 02/18/00 .. 04/18/03 .. __7941 .. gfoxcook
Wi/Ht? #10 . 01/29/03 .. 04/27/03 .. 442572 .. _redruM_
Wi/Ht? #11 . 06/29/02 .. 07/19/03 .. 327836 .. Afterburner
Wi/Ht? #12 . 11/18/02 .. 07/20/03 .. 397797 .. D0GMA
Wi/Ht? #13 . 07/07/02 .. 07/29/03 .. 332379 .. Dobio
Wi/Ht? #14 . 07/27/02 .. 07/30/03 .. 343163 .. Crono-
Wi/Ht? #15 . 09/12/01 .. 08/09/03 .. 214132 .. -Myst-
Wi/Ht? #16 . 03/29/01 .. 11/15/03 .. 145633 .. macdeth
Wi/Ht? #17 . 05/18/00 .. 12/31/03 .. _37436 .. jonthomson
Wi/Ht? #18 . 01/17/01 .. 03/10/04 .. 119768 .. XwaynecoltX
Wi/Ht? #19 . 04/15/01 .. 06/14/04 .. 150818 .. MPA
Wi/Ht? #20 . 11/27/03 .. 08/20/04 .. 681791 .. Qwoxyl
Wi/Ht? #21 . 10/06/03 .. 11/01/04 .. 635433 .. RedCircle
Wi/Ht? #22 . 02/06/02 .. 04/09/05 .. 267310 .. ShittyKitty
Wi/Ht? #23 . 08/06/03 .. 04/09/05 .. 590813 .. Alkador

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 03:09:44

At 4/9/05 02:55 AM, ReconRebel wrote: The 22nd Wi/Ht? member is... ShittyKitty!! Congrats SK, it's about bloody time 'eh?


*wets self with joy*

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 03:42:09

Congrats ShittyKitty, and OMG Alkador !!! theres a suprise, congrats also buddy : )

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 06:00:58

At 4/9/05 02:55 AM, ReconRebel wrote: The 22nd Wi/Ht? member is... ShittyKitty!! Congrats SK, it's about bloody time 'eh?

Well, congratulations to ShittyKitty. Everyone I've talked to said you'd get in and well...you did! Congratulatulations!

... what's that you say? We voted in two members this time? Why yes we did.

What? Two members? Well, RedCircle told me of this last night, but I wonder who?

The 23rd Wi/Ht? member is... Alkador!! Congrats buddy, you're on two lists now (lol).

I say who and what? Well, this has been a huge blow across the chest for me. I never expected anything of the sort since I came to Wi/Ht? Thank you everyone for voting for me and I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful community. It has only been 9 days since I was a regular, so things have been very fast. Thank you all again.

Thank you ReconRebel: for organising this. Ah, two members at once! All is good.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 06:02:52

Congrats to the new peeps!

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 06:04:30

Wi/Ht? #22 . 02/06/02 .. 04/09/05 .. 267310 .. ShittyKitty
Wi/Ht? #23 . 08/06/03 .. 04/09/05 .. 590813 .. Alkador

Congrats to the newest Wi/ht members, so in another 3 months we do this again hehe...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 06:57:24

Whee! Twice the fun... congratulations to Alkador & ShittyKitty, well done chaps.

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 07:01:22

Just a thought, how was it dicided who would be #22 and who would be #23 ? or was it simply random?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 07:08:33

At 4/9/05 07:01 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Just a thought, how was it dicided who would be #22 and who would be #23 ? or was it simply random?

Well, it's a very similar process to that of the Regulars.

The current Wi/Ht? Members can vote anyone they wish, only using one vote and then they pick who they wish to become Member. There is no randomization and you can either thank or blame the Members for whoever they vote in.

Well, that's how I recall it.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 07:48:40

At 4/9/05 07:08 AM, Alkador wrote: Well, it's a very similar process to that of the Regulars.
The current Wi/Ht? Members can vote anyone they wish, only using one vote and then they pick who they wish to become Member. There is no randomization and you can either thank or blame the Members for whoever they vote in.

Nooo!!! i mean between you and ShittyKitty, who would be #22 and who would be #23 ? i know how the election proccess work.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 08:04:47

At 4/9/05 07:48 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Nooo!!! i mean between you and ShittyKitty, who would be #22 and who would be #23 ? i know how the election proccess work.

Whoops, my bad Tom. I guess there was something like vote for you think should be the first member and most people voted SK and when the second vote came, people...I don't know. Recon would know that one.

Thanks to ReconRebel, Inuzuka-Kiba, Tom_s00, Jonthomson, XwaynecoltX and the lovely Denvish.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 08:32:07

Congrats to ShittyKitty and Alkador on being elected into the ever-growing (har) Wi/Ht? membership!

Wi/Ht? ID ... NG date .. Wi/Ht? date .. user ID .. NG username

Wi/Ht? #1 ... 12/22/01 .. 02/11/03 .. 251796 .. the_phantom_spancker
Wi/Ht? #2 ... 10/05/02 .. 02/11/03 .. 376145 .. Drimarki
Wi/Ht? #3 ... 06/23/02 .. 02/14/03 .. 324621 .. Recon_Rebel
Wi/Ht? #4 ... 01/24/02 .. 02/15/03 .. 263431 .. leeboy105
Wi/Ht? #5 ... 06/10/01 .. 02/22/03 .. 174015 .. Transformers
Wi/Ht? #6 ... 09/16/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 368382 .. XkwiziTOnE
Wi/Ht? #7 ... 04/12/02 .. 02/24/03 .. 294191 .. _lightning_
Wi/Ht? #8 ... 02/20/03 .. 03/28/03 .. 457815 .. Mr_James
Wi/Ht? #9 ... 02/18/00 .. 04/18/03 .. __7941 .. gfoxcook
Wi/Ht? #10 . 01/29/03 .. 04/27/03 .. 442572 .. _redruM_
Wi/Ht? #11 . 06/29/02 .. 07/19/03 .. 327836 .. Afterburner
Wi/Ht? #12 . 11/18/02 .. 07/20/03 .. 397797 .. D0GMA
Wi/Ht? #13 . 07/07/02 .. 07/29/03 .. 332379 .. Dobio
Wi/Ht? #14 . 07/27/02 .. 07/30/03 .. 343163 .. Crono-
Wi/Ht? #15 . 09/12/01 .. 08/09/03 .. 214132 .. Mystboy
Wi/Ht? #16 . 03/29/01 .. 11/15/03 .. 145633 .. MacBeth-
Wi/Ht? #17 . 05/18/00 .. 12/31/03 .. _37436 .. jonthomson
Wi/Ht? #18 . 01/17/01 .. 03/10/04 .. 119768 .. XwaynecoltX
Wi/Ht? #19 . 04/15/01 .. 06/14/04 .. 150818 .. MPA
Wi/Ht? #20 . 11/27/03 .. 08/20/04 .. 681791 .. Qwoxyl
Wi/Ht? #21 . 10/06/03 .. 11/01/04 .. 635433 .. RedCircle
Wi/Ht? #22 . 02/06/02 .. 04/09/05 .. 267310 .. ShittyKitty
Wi/Ht? #23 . 08/10/03 .. 04/09/05 .. 590813 .. Alkador

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 08:37:28

At 4/9/05 08:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Congrats to ShittyKitty and Alkador on being elected into the ever-growing (har) Wi/Ht? membership!

Wow, that was EXACTLY what I predicted. Congrats to them indeed.

Hey, doesn't that mean that they are removed from the whereis/howto? regulars list? I think that our rules for that list say yes unless RC decides to make an exception.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 08:41:57

At 4/9/05 08:37 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Hey, doesn't that mean that they are removed from the whereis/howto? regulars list? I think that our rules for that list say yes unless RC decides to make an exception.

Yes they both leave it for good, it's going to be looking quite small next update..

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 08:50:44

At 4/3/05 03:58 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Actually, Alkador doesn't have any say in the admission process. The only way you can become a member is if the 21 current members (look near the top of this thread for the list) elect you in. Elections are only held once every two or three months, and there's quite a bit of stiff competition, so you'll have to make a good name for yourself before you'll get elected in.

Ha ha ha. I think it's quite funny, in retrospect, that you made a post about Alkador not having any say in elections... and now both you and he are in the group. Funneh indeed. #;-}>

At 4/4/05 04:03 AM, The_Redangleprincess wrote: And as said before by gfox and others having the update every 2 months would really let the club lose it's exclusiveness.

I'm not sure I ever said that once every 2 months would ruin the club due to a loss of exclusivity. It's more that we're just a lazy bunch much of the time, and since there's hardly ever much pressure FROM WITHIN the group to expand... we don't tend to feel much pressure from without to do so.

I think a lot of people, perhaps because of the RCVL, or perhaps not... kinda see the Wi/Ht? membership as the "helpful quasi-mods of Wi/Ht?".... but the thing is, the modlist is constantly growing as Wade sees fit because he wants people on 24/7 to help mod the forums. There is no such need with this membership. We don't need to ensure we have enough active members at one time... the threads that pop up in this forum are going to get replies whether or not the person replying is in the Wi/Ht? membership or not (i.e. he or she is a helpful regular of this forum). It really doesn't matter either way, after all. Helpfulness is helpfulness.

And thus, there's never been much rush to elect people constantly. However, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have REGULAR elections, and Recon posed the question of just how often they should be in his voting e-mail to all of us. I'll get to that in a bit.

At 4/9/05 03:09 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: OMG.

*wets self with joy*

Wheee. What a reaction. Congrats again. #;-}>

At 4/9/05 06:00 AM, Alkador wrote: What? Two members? Well, RedCircle told me of this last night, but I wonder who?

LOL! Come on, now. Like you really hadn't already read the line below that line, and discovered who-oh-who it was. #;-}>

I say who and what? Well, this has been a huge blow across the chest for me. I never expected anything of the sort since I came to Wi/Ht? Thank you everyone for voting for me and I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful community. It has only been 9 days since I was a regular, so things have been very fast. Thank you all again.

Congrats to you. Regular-status on the RCVL has little to do with our little informal organisation, BTW, but yes... quite a flurry of activity for you on this forum lately, eh? Heh. #;-}>

At 4/9/05 06:04 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Congrats to the newest Wi/ht members, so in another 3 months we do this again hehe...

Recon mentioned every 3 months or every 4 months as possibilities. I'm of the mind that every 3 months would be the EASIEST to stick to... why? Well, we just had an election, more or less, at the end of March/start of April, aka the end of winter/start of spring in the N. hemisphere.

Therefore, I suggest we try and aim for elections at the end of March, the end of June, the end of September, and the end of December from now on (that'd be the start of spring, start of summer, start of autumn/fall, and start of winter). Each time a season rolls around (usually on the 21st or 22nd of those months), that'd be the signal to Wi/Ht? leadership to get the ball rolling.

Since Recon has asked me to run the next election (he's been running most of them as late, I believe the last one I ran was like January 2004, in fact.... O_O), I'm hereby predicting that once summer officially hits in late June, I will try to run the next Wi/Ht? election by my birthday (June 30th). That should be damned easy to remember, and it fits with my "4 elections per year to coincide with 4 seasons" plan. We'll see how it goes from there.

At 4/9/05 08:04 AM, Alkador wrote: Whoops, my bad Tom. I guess there was something like vote for you think should be the first member and most people voted SK and when the second vote came, people...I don't know. Recon would know that one.

Not exactly. Recon didn't say in his post, obviously, but in his e-mail he asked us ALL to vote for two people (max). We simply voted for two people, we didn't say who we wanted to be first or second, and the votes were done at the SAME time, not separately.

So anyway, as an example: if SK got 50 overall votes and you got 49 overall votes (yes, those are not meant to be serious numbers... ANYWHO), SK would be appointed member #22 and you would be member #23. There's not THAT much difference between the two numbers, after all, but the person most requested to be added to the group would be added first, it's just logical. That's what I assume Recon did, but again, as you said, only Recon would know for sure. It doesn't really matter that much, anyway, does it Tom? O_O

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 09:02:18

At 4/3/05 04:45 PM, The_Redangleprincess wrote: And yes, you DON'T have to be a regular first to make it onto the memberlist. All I think Alkador was saying was that it would be a very good stepping stone and probably a whole lot easier to make it onto.

I didn't really take the regularlist into account when trying to decide who to vote for this election. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the chances of me voting for someone on the regulars list or on the "retired regulars" list or who had NEVER been on the regulars list (someone like, say, TooCool, who I've wanted to get into Wi/Ht? for quite some time but never succeeded in doing, and no... I didn't try this time).

Maybe other members do use it to help them decide, but the only thing I think you can read into someone being on the regularlist and then getting voted into the memberlist... is simply that they were a helpful and regular visitor to this forum, and that happens to be the main qualification for both lists, I believe. O_o

Also I still have more to comment on:


I've seen too many people continually bumping up this thread asking to join the ranks as if this were just some club you would find in the C&C. Before just bumping the thread without paying any attention people should make sure that they at least read the very first few pages and the most recent pages. gfoxcook normally posts the list on every page and I've posted it on the most recent two due to his absence regarding this topic. So basically if you need a recent list of the members for whatever reason it'll be on the page somewhere. And lastly a little explaination for anyone wanting to be admitted into the ranks.

Speaking of which, thanks for posting the memberlist on pages 19 and 20, which I believe are the ones you posted it on (maybe 18, as well? haven't read through that page recently, so... yeah, not sure). My whole habit of posting the list on each page, BTW, isn't some sort of essential function of this topic... in the olden days, we'd elect people often enough into the Wi/Ht? that such a practice wasn't really a conscious act, it was more of a "update and post the list whenever someone's added," and that tended to be enough. But with the huge gap since our last election, the list tends to get buried deep within the topic, that's all. #;-}>

Anyway, continue with that if you want to and I don't post a list within the first few posts on page 22 or 23 or etc. etc..., but just make sure you're posting the profile links correctly. I didn't bother to check by mouseovering all of 'em in your postings, I'm assuming you got them right (the numbers themselves in the links seem to be right, for one thing #;-}>).

1) Elections are held randomly, usually there are multiple months between elections, therefore, don't bother asking to join because it's not going to happen just like that.

Hopefully #1 on your list will no longer hold true. See my every-3-month comments in the above post.

2) If you're new to the Wi/Ht forum then check out and go through some of the larger topics. It may be a pain but it's always good to read the very first few pages of a long topic and the last few pages of the topic before you beginning posting in it. Being fimiliar with topics prevents what just happened and stops the same question being asked when people could just pay attention and not jump the gun.

Good suggestion, yes.

3) Just because we don't want you to be posting questions such as "How do I join?' you should still ask questions if you've looked around and you still haven't seen answered someplace else.

When in doubt, ask a frout! O_O

4) Know who the people who usually post here are. Figure out who the members and the regulars are. This way you could just e-mail them a specific question if you're not all that sure of where it should be posted.

IOW, STALK US?!?! What kind of guideline is that? o_O

5) Post casually. There is no need to be constantly on the watch and posting in every large topic daily, just as there is no need to be the first to respond to every new topic in this forum. Just post when you have the chance and it'll be fine.

I'm not sure casually is the best word for that. I think you mean "Relax. Don't feel the need to constantly catch up on EVERY topic every single day." Post.... moderately. #;-}>

6) The elections are spaced out quite a bit for both the regulars and the members. This means you don't need to worry about making a bunch of posts constantly to get noticed. Just post regularly and people will see you in the allotted time between elections.

"making a bunch of posts constantly" isn't even that great of an idea if the posts themselves are crap. The most important thing is to post CONSIDERATELY and HELPFULLY and CALMLY and INFORMATIVELY. That's what Wi/Ht? is all about, yo. Goofing off is fine, of course, but if you really do want to be recognised as a helpful or informative poster on this forum, whether to be voted into RC's regularlist or the main memberlist.... or just to be a good user around here.... either way, starting off on the right note is advisable.

7) Be helpful to others with questions and don't be afraid to ask something yourself.

But don't ask it in a new topic if there are 3 topics with the SAME DAMNED QUESTION already on page 1 of the forum. You left that part out. #;-}>

Yeah, I hope that's a good explaination of it all. ;)

And yes I lied...I am ending up making another post in this thread. :'(

Fairly good explanation (explaination? #;-}>), yes.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 10:06:35

At 4/9/05 09:02 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
or who had NEVER been on the regulars list (someone like, say, TooCool, who I've wanted to get into Wi/Ht? for quite some time but never succeeded in doing, and no... I didn't try this time).

don't give up on me Gfox!

teh toocool is always around

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 15:22:49

At 4/9/05 08:50 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So anyway, as an example: if SK got 50 overall votes and you got 49 overall votes (yes, those are not meant to be serious numbers... ANYWHO), SK would be appointed member #22 and you would be member #23. There's not THAT much difference between the two numbers, after all, but the person most requested to be added to the group would be added first, it's just logical. That's what I assume Recon did, but again, as you said, only Recon would know for sure.

Ok thanks for clearing that up gfox, i assumed thats how it would work, i just curiouse : ) Is this 2 members in one go a one off thing, it's not going to become a common occurance is it?

It doesn't really matter that much, anyway, does it Tom? O_O

Well, which would you rather be if you had the choice?

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 16:25:08

At 4/9/05 10:06 AM, Toocool100 wrote: don't give up on me Gfox!

teh toocool is always around

Roffl i didnt give up on you, ok well maybe this time, but last time i didnt hehe...



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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 19:01:24

At 4/9/05 08:50 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So anyway, as an example: if SK got 50 overall votes and you got 49 overall votes (yes, those are not meant to be serious numbers... ANYWHO), SK would be appointed member #22 and you would be member #23.

Exactly gfox, and in the event of a tie the only fair way to decide would be by sign-up date. Their membership numbers were decided by rules I set before starting the election. Please Tom, no Florida controversy ^_^

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-09 23:04:42

At 4/9/05 08:50 AM, gfoxcook wrote: loss of exclusivity

O_o No. No! NO! That's not what I meant. I never said it would ruin the club or that you thought that way, I just remember you (or maybe someone else, but I'm fairly sure it was you..or maybe d0gma...) said that it wouldn't be as exclusive of a list if we had elections too frequently. :) I could search through your posts, but I'm not going to argue either way. :)

Next paragraph

Are you saying that you're a slacker? Hardly. d0gma's being a slacker right now though. ):< But I do see what you mean by no pressure from within to expand. There can't be too much wanting to expand if many of the users are either semi-active or inactive now. All the pressure I see for expansion does come from outside people so I see your point. :)

"helpful quasi-mods of Wi/Ht?"....

When it comes to me I definatly know I don't think that way. I never try to act like a mod when posting or something, I just try to point out things. >_> I hope people don't think they can act like mods due to the Memberlist or Regulars list. That would defeat the purpose altogether. You're supposed to be helping, not moderating. (well unless you are a mod) :p

Wade's modding

Haha, I'm still confused about Wade's modding spree as of late. I remember for a months we had no new mods coming in and were content with what we had. Then a few new mods came around and it was exciting. Then some more, then more. I don't think very many people even cared about FIG's modding since it was becoming common. I'm just wondering how many more mods Wade is planning on before he believe we have a good amount. >_>

Snip. It really doesn't matter either way, after all. Helpfulness is helpfulness.

Exactly. People should just answer the questions and help out and move on. If you have something to help the person out and contribute to the topic then go ahead and post. But if you just want everyone to see that you can post in the forum a lot then don't post. I guess people get rather impatient is all and what to get onto the list easily as if it were merely a club in the C&C section where you could post and you're in. >_>

it wouldn't be a bad idea to have REGULAR elections

Oh that'll be interesting. I don't know, I think surprises can be better than regularity. I have the feeling some people may be thinking "Oh election time again, must post more!" Catching everyone offguard is probably much more fun anyway. :)

At 4/9/05 09:02 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I didn't really take the regularlist into account..

My god, worst forgetting to complete your sentence ever. I think I get your point though. Everyone who isn't on the list has an equal oppurtunity to make it onto the list. As long as you're helping and you're here then you have the same chance of making as everyone else did during elections. :)

...the main qualification for both lists, I believe. O_o

Exactly, my point was that for people who are wanting to get into the speedy way don't bother trying to get on this. If you want to zip through the process like it's cake or something then try to shoot for the regulars list since it'll be a lot easier than this one. Plus if you really are qualified then you'll probably make the regulars list before the members list anyway due to the amount of elections differing in both cases. :)


I was hoping that at least AnzRage would have read that. But I can always count on you to reply even if everyone else doesn't care about me. :)


It was no problem at all really, except for well the first time. That one was quite the hassle considering I was making it from complete scratch. The others were easy since I made sure to save the data. :)

My whole habit of posting the list on each page...#;-}>

Well actually I had just thought you were posting it on every page for easier reference. I was assuming that you thought like me in the fact that you should always check out the first few pages of a thread and last few pages before posting in it if it's really long and then get around to the middle later. Thus I was thinking you were having the list on every page in hopes people would be checking the most current version when posting. :)

Anyway, continue with that if you want to and I don't post a list within the first few posts on page 22 or 23 or etc. etc..., but just make sure you're posting the profile links correctly. I didn't bother to check by mouseovering all of 'em in your postings, I'm assuming you got them right (the numbers themselves in the links seem to be right, for one thing #;-}>).

I was just noticing your neglect to the thread and thought I'd step in and try to help out. And yes the links are correct to my knowledge. I didn't spend all that time HTMLing only for it all to turn out wrong. :p

Hopefully #1 on your list will no longer hold true. See my every-3-month comments in the above post.

Yes, yes. I read that and saw it. But it still will hold true even with that. 3 months in between isn't exactly fast in the eyes of most BBS posters. Fast to us, but maybe not to the person who just saw this thread and wants to join RIGHT NOW. :o

Good suggestion, yes.

Haha, so you are on the same mindset as me when it comes to this point. >:D

When in doubt, ask a frout! O_O

*insert minimal amount of bickering here* :)

IOW, STALK US?!?! What kind of guideline is that? o_O

That's not what I meant...but believe what you want. >_>

I'm not sure casually is the best word for that. I think you mean "Relax. Don't feel the need to constantly catch up on EVERY topic every single day." Post.... moderately. #;-}>

Fine casually for me probably isn't the same when compared to casually for generalites. But then of course neither is moderately. So IOW don't post like you would in general. Better? :)

Rule #6 response

I agree with you on that note wholeheartedly. ;)

But don't ask it in a new topic if there are 3 topics with the SAME DAMNED QUESTION already on page 1 of the forum. You left that part out. #;-}>

Oh fine, you win that one. ):<

Fairly good explanation (explaination? #;-}>), yes.

At least someone noticed it. Even though it was the only person who really didn't need to notice it. :p

Sorry for all of the snipping, but you can scroll up and figure out what I was responding too. I wanted to keep this limited to 1 post for convienience purposes. :) <3

Wi/Ht? #28

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-10 00:43:29

I had a sneeking suspicion that SK would be one of the next ones, with his Total listing, and general knowledge of programming and what not. Kind of a surprise about Alkador, he just became a Wi/Ht? Regular, very cool though. So congratulations to both of you, it makes you guys cool now. lol ;D And the date/time of elections that gfox mentiond sounds like a good idea for them to happen really, 4 members each year[this one an acception to two], seems like the good choice, no?

But yeah, big congratulations to SK and Alkador, a toast in you guys' honor. :: raises Gatorade jug :: ;D

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

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Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-10 00:52:28

Congratulations ShittyKitty! You earned it.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-10 02:29:15

Big congrats to the new Wi/Ht? members ShittyKitty and Alkador! Both excellent additions to the tribe!

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2005-04-10 03:28:36

At 4/10/05 02:29 AM, Afterburner wrote: Big congrats to the new Wi/Ht? members ShittyKitty and Alkador! Both excellent additions to the tribe!

Seriously, how would you know? 30 posts in 9 months?