At 4/3/05 04:05 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: You don't have to be on the wi/ht regulars list to be considerd worthy of membership, eg. Denvish, isn't featured on it, however he is a very likely candidate, also im sure the current members wouldn't be against, voteing somebody in who isn't on the regulars list either.
That was a very bad choice to pick for your example Tom. Denvish was added to the Regulars a few months ago. Remember when there was the whole crisis of whether d0gma could join in or not? That was the month that Denvish was added to the ranks, I believe that was November, not sure if that's the right month, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. And yes, you DON'T have to be a regular first to make it onto the memberlist. All I think Alkador was saying was that it would be a very good stepping stone and probably a whole lot easier to make it onto.
I also have a correction about a comment I made on the previous page.
At 3/30/05 06:16 PM, B-B-B-B-4U-4U-4U-4U wrote: I really think you all should consider slapping on some more of the people who deserve it like SK, and d0gma.
I believe with that comment I had my mind set on denvish, yet for some odd reason I said d0gma instead. d0gma's already on the list. Silly me, my mistake. ;)
And something for Recon. The other day you'd be hoping for a response from the_phantom_spanker regarding if any elections would be happening anytime in the near future. How did the whole thing pan out? :)
Also I still have more to comment on:
I've seen too many people continually bumping up this thread asking to join the ranks as if this were just some club you would find in the C&C. Before just bumping the thread without paying any attention people should make sure that they at least read the very first few pages and the most recent pages. gfoxcook normally posts the list on every page and I've posted it on the most recent two due to his absence regarding this topic. So basically if you need a recent list of the members for whatever reason it'll be on the page somewhere. And lastly a little explaination for anyone wanting to be admitted into the ranks.
1) Elections are held randomly, usually there are multiple months between elections, therefore, don't bother asking to join because it's not going to happen just like that.
2) If you're new to the Wi/Ht forum then check out and go through some of the larger topics. It may be a pain but it's always good to read the very first few pages of a long topic and the last few pages of the topic before you beginning posting in it. Being fimiliar with topics prevents what just happened and stops the same question being asked when people could just pay attention and not jump the gun.
3) Just because we don't want you to be posting questions such as "How do I join?' you should still ask questions if you've looked around and you still haven't seen answered someplace else.
4) Know who the people who usually post here are. Figure out who the members and the regulars are. This way you could just e-mail them a specific question if you're not all that sure of where it should be posted.
5) Post casually. There is no need to be constantly on the watch and posting in every large topic daily, just as there is no need to be the first to respond to every new topic in this forum. Just post when you have the chance and it'll be fine.
6) The elections are spaced out quite a bit for both the regulars and the members. This means you don't need to worry about making a bunch of posts constantly to get noticed. Just post regularly and people will see you in the allotted time between elections.
7) Be helpful to others with questions and don't be afraid to ask something yourself.
Yeah, I hope that's a good explaination of it all. ;)
And yes I lied...I am ending up making another post in this thread. :'(
Wi/Ht? #28