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Reviews for "Mr. BoomBa Ep.4"


What proof do you have that its stolen? all 4 movies are the same on Newgrounds as on the Mr. Boombastick website. unless you know for a fact that the author doesn't know it has been posted here, don't cry stolen.

btw Korean_Fool, you should upload 5-7 because they are funny. i don't think that the korean in #5 really doesn't take much away from it(im not sure because i don't know korean). i loved the music in all of them.

That as embarrasing

keep em comin

Oh man!!!

At first I thought he didn't know how to turn on his cellphone... but the outcome has much funnier

wat the... hahahahhahaha

this just keeps getting better and better hahhahahaha... yeah if that is a realy story.... matrix kick possible lololololololol... ty for the def... just move back a couple of steps hahahhaahahahahahah

Great flash!

Realy loved this movie. Especialy the matrix joke. And the sound fore the clip was the best i ever seen(i mean herd). You choised some very good songs!
P.S. Sory for my english.