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Reviews for "Mr. BoomBa Ep.4"


even tought you stole this series it still rocks!. lol i love most about it is the music!. right till the 7th its all funky and cool!. and always different. also like the simplicity but it has so much style!. he walks and you go 'wow hes cool' even though he looks ggeaky!. anyway put the 5th on it only has like one line of korean. and its the longestr so you get the story without it!. anyway cool

pretty damn funny

yeah dude submit ep 5 & more! those are really damn funny....u should make up some longer ones too...like longer episodes...(duh)...but yeah...make more! -later-


Whats that song - some people say that im a bad guy.. argh


Now that is waaaay wrong! it is funny but it's still wrong! I mean, laughing AT the girl? that is not the right thing to laugh at her. Oh well, nothing's gonna go right with that guy's stupidity. I give this a thumbs up! Keep up the good work. ^ ^

heh domosa

heh mr.boomba's a pussy its cool thogh