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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

Something like this only happens once a life time

I haven't seen anything quite liek this, if i haden't seen Madness Consternation this would have been the best I'de ever seen in years.
Please make more:)

Oh & the dramatic scenes where done perfectly!

A madness spin off, of course...

but the only one that I've seen that is even worthy to merit a review. I like it and I'll continue to watch em. Good job :D


this was an incredible flash. this was also my introduction to the series and i love it. great animation work and character design. i didnt enjoy some of the repetitive sound effects and some of the enviroments were a little bland but minor discrepincies. great work

I like it

I read your comments and you said you were gonna make Bunnykill 4? Ok then maybe you should add more cool weapons in it like grenades, rocket launchers, miniguns, sniper rifles and lots of that other stuff. If you did I think you would get an even higher score!!!!!

You killed off Smoke! *sob*

how dare you kill off smoke, he was incredibly awesome! *sob*