Sweet ,the monster machine was a thing to add in.Also the darth maul bunny was sweet, i mean u gave him the fouce too
Sweet ,the monster machine was a thing to add in.Also the darth maul bunny was sweet, i mean u gave him the fouce too
YOU KILLED OFF SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man when this was on the front page I almost screamed out loud. I thought you might of just got bored with flash or somethin'.
Glad you completed it man. I agree-better late than never. It was your best yet in my opinion. Just one thing---that dust rabbit wastes smoke????!?!?!??!!!? the way he got offed too was just to casual. 'Oops i messed up and now his light sabre has run me through' THE END.....what?!?!? if your gunna kill off someone as cool as smoke then at least make it all SUPER dramatic. and give him a last laugh too- like when he gets run through he comes back out of nowhere and saves snowball THEN falls over dead. IDK still it adds a little sumpm' sumpm' the way you did it though so great work anyway. Smoke love <3 5/5 10/10
Cant wait for 4! (But I will and so will everyone else) :)
I know Smoke's death came from nowhere, but that was partially the point. In the SW episode1 Obi Wan dies in a similar way, you werent' supposed to see it coming at all.
i ve waiting for this and cool so... question wat u do in the army?
You killed off Smoke! *sob*
how dare you kill off smoke, he was incredibly awesome! *sob*
I've waited a while to see this
And it was damn worth the wait. Of all the Bunnykill anims in the series, this one surely rules them all. From Star Wars influences (of which I am a fan), to all out violence and all that bloody goodness. Without a doubt worth the 5 votes.
Dude, keep up the work... it only gets better every time