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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

i love.

i must say, krinkels must be proud. this is the best madness tribute ever. i like this and i was waiting for this ever since i saw 1. hope you get finish number 4!


I love the whole bunnykill series. Whats better than cute little bunnies killing each other? Cute little robotic bunnies killing each other.

Loved it man, please make more!!

You rock!

I love the whole series!!! The fight sare awesome, but i feel sort of bad for smoke. But as Snowball said "The gig is done" Huzzah!


Call me omega.....


i love bunnykill, my favorite is the black rabbit, please say he´s still alive, i mean, he survived last time.
but there is some things i dont understand, how can the brown rabbit be alive when snowball killed him in bunnykill 2 and is the black rabbit one of smoke and dust?
please tell me the next episode will get out soon, i cant wait much longer for violence.

Mottis responds:

The stories of Bunnykill 1, 2 and 3 have NOTHING to do with eachother. Call them different dimensions if you want to. Some of the characters are the same, but their role is completely new in each installment. This is why you see Smoke and Dust alive again, and trust me, you will see all of them again some day.