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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

Took Long Enough. But Alas, Bunny Kill 3 is here.

_I've been waiting for Bunny Kill 3, volume 2 for quite a while now. Before I was quite keen and was looking forward to it, but it wasn't being released. Soon enough, I was forced to think you quit your BunnyKill series. But I was proven wrong.

_One unique thing I liked was the counter, where it showed how many bunnies Snowball killed. Hard to believe one little white bunny took down all those killer rabbits.

_I must say I was disappointed when the trilogy ended. I was hoping you would do more, but then I realized that would sort of ruin the whole "Bunny Kill" image.

_Very good drawings and background work.

-REViEWED gives this a 10/10.

Mottis responds:

And no, the series didn't end here.
I'm already working on Bunnykill 4


This is my first non-sonic flash review because this one was too good to pass up. I Never knew a mission with bunnies could be so awesome. Only madness could pull off something like this.

holy fucking shit!!

i'v been waiting for this installment for a while and i am more then satisfyed. <-- lol. Anyways this movie is the best in the series and one of the best on newgrounds. When the bunny at end pulled out the double lightsaber i almost pooed my pants. Great. Overall 11.

Cool as hell !!

Near perfection, I especially liked the last lightsaber bit, great job.
Keep em comin


The lightsaber fight kicked ass and the ending kinda reminded me of Big trouble in little china. super cool.