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Reviews for "Handmation"


I must say, I truly do like this one. Great job with the coins. My only regret is after watching this, I want to be able to shoot and manipulate coins from my finger tips. Oh well, some day... (Keep up the good work!)


very odd and not my style but it was very cool and interesting.


great stuff dude, i like how you manipulate the coins.. and that stacking part :)

great music btw.. who made it? :D

M4KBOT responds:

Some guy called i2abbitz made the music, you might know him xD

liked it

i am fond of how all the music you pick for these are suitable for what you are doing and doesnt clash with whats happening

(yes, i said clash...no,im not gay!)

Good handly work!!!

King of magicians triks and a hand that appears and disappears coins!!! Ha!!! that's very original(at least for me), I like how you manipulate the money!!! If I could do that I will give money to all here!!! Keep up the pretty nice work!!!
